By a good friend of mine who is a Freemasonic Physicist from NASA

New Pizzagate Sub That Has Just Popped Up (pizzagate)
submitted 2 months ago by [deleted]
Hi, so I was sent this link

By a good friend of mine who is a Freemasonic Physicist from NASA and they said I should try and share it with the community to give them a better understanding of what exactly on God's Green Earth is going on and also to reassure them all that this has been a very big test of character for everyone involved and all are due respite.

The future looks beautiful, the wheels are in motion and you are going to make it happen.

Best wishes to everyone.

If you look half way to the East, that's the degree light travels from the sun. lol. Jokes.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off Rothschild














Can anyone give me a rundown? Pizzagate has just exploded into unmanagable proportions.
It's not that there's a difficulty finding evidence but that there's a sea of evidence. I can't see the forest for the trees at this point.

outline? rundown? TL;DR? One help please?



Where I'm at right now...

The international human trafficking cartel is actually a slave farm for aliens. There's a group of individuals on this planet who have engaged in an interplanetary market with aliens of many sort... Our main export is adrenocrome and gold on this market?
Like I think we can stop climbing up the ladder and just Lock Her Up already.



Sumerian depiction of Enki.


Don't even try it.


Pizzagate and The Dismantling of The Arms Economy with Cicada3301

I actually believe that the Jews are trying to Jew aliens on an alien market. They've sold them on the meme that they are the chosen people. But these are not even real jews... they are of the synagogue of Satan but who tf is Satan?

We've identified many of the key players in this global conspiracy.
Is their opposition to Trump a show or are they actually fighting a war with him?

Behold A Pale Horse

I have The Nuclear Codes


You see - Yarrow - Is Tarot - Is Torah. Yarrow is To Hit The Mark - which we witness Apollo doing, when he kills the Apep, as Ra did, In The Form Of A Cat. Apep guards The Mystery of The Tabernacle which is covered by a skin, which is crossed between a Dolphin (Apollo is the form of the Dolphin and we see this in Delphi (dolphin) - Dauphine (dolphin) heraldry) and a unicorn! Now the dolphin it water resisant and the unicorn fire, retardant lol. A retardant mutant, basically. Annunaki if you will. So we know NASA is to deceive and has the tongue of Apep... Which Apollo hits and destroys.



There's too many riddles.
God speaks through empiricism. Let's simplify it for the Goyim.


What did I say?

I'm putting it all down, then will be glad to discuss.





I've had the theory for a long time that masons were the enemies of the Illuminati. They're numbers-obsessed autists and symbolism junkies.

Riddle The Ineffable

Good question. The snake from the Garden of Eden is Enki, God's son. Also the same God who told Noah to prepare the Ark. The creator of the Urrian people, and Poseidon of the Greek pantheon, and God King of Atlantis.

Junkies, yes.

>Urrian people

Secret societies are the means to truth?

It was I


The nomadic peoples surrounding the Sumerian cities - called the Lordly people. The Messengers and confidants of the Nephilim god Kings.

The Jewish god personally intervened to destroy them as they were preventing the Jewish migration to the levant. They split after retreating to the caucuses, moving separately into India and europe.

Ur. Urrians. Aryans.

Are the habbening promised by the To The Stars going to be bluebeam you think?

I don't trust a Mason - I'll tell you that much.

Hide your blue blood faggot. These "red pilled" people have access to the same sources and there is a reason they don't put it together.

Beer for Queers

I also don't worship any 'kek' or randomly generated numbers.

Kek worships me

Or in this case, sequential numbers. Give up now. Save yourself if you are a Mason.


You will fool no one except yourself. A full house isn't the highest hand.

WTF is going on in here?

The alien meme is a set-up for BlueBeam, Freemasons are one of the secret societies ruining the world, and you're a sub 50 IQ retard if you buy their retarded plot to try to save their asses by saying all the child molestation and human trafficking was for aliens.

Maybe it's LARP. But if not, I surely hope this one comes around to the truth.

Just going to get a beer from the local shop.

back in a moment

Yes ETI drink beer, we are queer.

It's a disinfo LARP made as a (desperate) attempt to make Pizzagaters seem insane and try to lead them down some of their pre-approved rabbit holes. Come back down to reality for a bit, use your senses, and you'll realize how transparent all their obfuscation tactics are.

i want to say you just made a shit thread, but honestly that's way too fucking congratulatory. I'd rather eat nigger cum out of my wifes asshole than have this thread exist

Entirely plausible. But the 'contingency' is old. The technology may be real to make the illusion actually happen. Either way, they will fail. Illusions have no chance against truth.

I too trust it wouldnt' work in the current environment. The truth will prevail, but it does not involve aliens.

Precisely. Any 'craft' we see would most certainly be man made and human in origin. That goes for any other nonsense that may happen.

The UFOs alien meme was a CIA invention to muddy the waters about their Black Budget aircraft. I mean, look at the SR-71. That shit is right out of a sci-fi novel and it was made in the 60s. God can only imagine what they have now.

Majestic 12 and/or operation MAJORITY. Do aliens actually exist? Who knows - but I doubt any MASON would deliver us any truth on the matter. I have faith in truth and truth alone. So be it.

I don't throw the concept that we may be aware of some form of ET life entirely, and it'd be foolish to say aliens aren't out there somewhere in the universe.

On a bigger note, do you think humans will ever colonize planets outside of earth? I'm having trouble imagining it given the limits of what we can physically do.

The Fireworks have begun

So you are diametrically opposed to Alexander The Great and his philosophy?
Cool bro. Good luck with that.

Faster-than-light travel seems to be the issue. Or travel over those distances in general. I understand what you are saying about aliens though. Any time anyone claims to have any kind of proof it always ends up being a lie.

I'm the ETI

Part of Majestic 12

Sure thing.

It's called A Singular Electron with absolute entanglement

Ah got it. Well, NOW I believe in aliens for sure.

Yes I am.

I told everyone I come from Antarctica years ago.
The people of Nickelodeon thought it was a Larp. They were mistaken.

Antarctican Senate run by The Devil.

You can't even use proper grammar.


It's just too much of a risk given the current existence of the Deep State imo. I'm thinking Mars is possible within the next 100 years though.

Well yes, if you're talking about our own solar system. Mars is only a few months away, right? That's equivalent to sailing across the ocean a few hundred years ago.


As someone said above. Don't even try bluebeam

I'm a rocket scientist, not an English teacher.

Thanks for the demoralisation though. Currently heart broken.

Welp, no one likes you. Better leave planet and go back to where you came from.


Guess what, I like me.




break it down now... give me like 1 contiguous greentext that explains everything and ties it all together.



Let me give you the news
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Published on Jun 16, 2010
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.