I'm thinking papa johns for dinner tonight!
Hope there's a coupon for a white pizza soon
Thin crust ofc
Red Baron is the best.
Isn't pizza inherently racist? Aren't blacks overwhelmingly lactose intolerant?
Papa johns employee here, can confirm pizza is trash.
>implying /ourpizza/ isn't costco
Lol I see Papa John like weekly we live in the same neighborhood
His wife drives a McLaren F1
Based on the rule that any swastika drawn or otherwise assembled badly isn't actually neo nazi, this is (even more) obviously bullshit.
>north and south arms have 2 pepperonis per arm below the elbow
>east and west have 3 pepperonis
Don't worry, I found the perfect way to defeat and consume alt-right pizza.
Well you can't expect papa johns employees to assemble things correctly.
I have more questions about the red and green peppers, and onion at the top. It's like a swastika with a hat.
He's either eating pizza or fisting his boyfriend.
Could be both.
that was painful to watch
I'm very upset right now.
haha these fucking journalist sit on here all day looking for their next "scoop"
what the actual fuck?
>tfw look like every average beaner
>lactose isn't a problem
so i'm honorary aryan or something?
you got them milker genes boi
Don't be closed-minded!
Try eating your boyfren den fisting a pizza. You can enjoy licking it off each other afterwards.
If you buy chain pizza garbage you deserve cancer
I feel bad for those that don't have a good italian immigrant local pizza place that has been there for decades
I hope you are lashed out on a cross and left to die you fucking animal
ring on his middle finger...fags i swear.
Dear white, brown, and black people,
Stop appropriating our cuisine.
Bronze Mediterranean Master Race
What is he doing?
How can you be so extremely homosexual that you cannot even take a bite out of a pizza like a normal human being?
he's probably a taste tester or some other meme-ob faggot
Fuck off olive nigger.
>Betraying Comet Ping Pong Pizza
this is one of the weirdest marketing campaigns I've ever seen
Whoever eats pizza like that is no human
He even cuts like a fag.
>tfw when someone actually called your grandfather that in the 1950s
>tfw you got to roast a college class that laughed at the idea of Italians being discriminated against because we are "white"
>tfw your super liberal professor apologized and gave you an A because you made them feel guilty for not distinguishing between different ethnic groups
What's stupid about these articles is someleftist could just make a swastika on a pizza, take a picture and claim nazis and alt-rights like papa johns
Who declared anything? Papa John is soyboy tier food. I'm glad the NFL is still burning but that doesn't mean I want breast buds
Best free advertising ever.
I'll bet they sell more pizza as a result of this.
Not even triggered; I had a good laff.
Lactose isn't a problem if it's baked, you fucking idiot
Why is your pizza so thin and dry? Can't you just put more cheese and stuff?
Lactose intolerance just gives you the squirts.
It's a meme condition.
I thought I was the only one eating pizza with a plastic fork and a knife
Isn't this straight up libel? It's an invented story where white supremacists and their leader, whoever that is, endorse a pizza chain.
Papa Johns original crust is actually pretty thick and chewy. I don't care for it.
Lol what the fuck? are you retarded or retarded and serious?
Cheese has less lactose, but baking it on a pizza doesn't magically make it a non issue for the lactose intolerant.
Holy shit, we've reached new levels of insanity. The left needs to be fucking destroyed.
It's a shame Pizza Hut's PR team is full of kikes & dumb leftys.
They have the best Chain Restraunt Pizza.
Must be the secret Croat sign for "Hi I'm a faggot!"
>plastic fork and a knife
>2 salami slices high on each side but 3 wide
If they knew anything about the alt right they would know that 99% of them are autistic and would flip their shit because of that.
>They have the best Chain Restaurant Pizza.
No such thing, chain Pizza is garbage made for middle America.
Is this what estrogen fueled autism looks like?
I had papa johns, not enough stuff. I had no trouble eating big one and small one just by myself and was left not totally satisfied.
Haha I work at a papa johns
I work at papa John's motherfucker. Tell him to stop by #345 sometime. We support him till the end. The whole town would cheer for him.
Papa John's owner is a scumbag shekel grubber that shits all over his employees like a Jew.
>turns out their taste in pizza is terrible
wtf kind of argument is this?
That isn't a human
I do prefer Italian Family Restraunts, unfortunately over here they're only really in Dublin & Belfast.
Small town Italian diners in the US had the nicest Fast Food I've ever had.
>Small Restraunt Cheesesteaks
When will Pizza Hut disavow Donald Trump and the alt-right?
i got to dab the grease off too because it makes me throw up, but c'mon, the knife and fork is a bit much. You do that for children so they don't burn their mouthes.
you're even cutting too big of pieces so you're making more of a mess than you would if you just ate it like a human and not like a space alien trying to pass for human.
>a coupon
Just show them your white privilege card and get 5 free pizzas and 2 free 2-litres. Duh.
>suddenly every lefty pretends like they've always hated Papa John's and totally don't order 5 pizzas every time they get stoned
He's retarded and very serious about it. Look at his flag.
Good pizza and diners are two of the few reasons it feels good to live in NJ.
Most diners are run by Greeks btw.
>Get 25 Papa John's Rewards Points when you apply promo code BONUSPIZZA and spend $15 or more
25 points is enough for a large 3-topping pizza (details)
>Free future large 1-topping pizza when you checkout w/ Visa Checkout, offer details may be found here.
>Buy 1 Regular Price Pizza, Get 1 Free when you apply promo code SERIES17
>Code may not work at all locations, you may try promo code GET2NOW for the same offer
Fuck you I'm not buying shitty pizza because of some dumb meme.
I didn't know zucc had his first generation progeny yet.
You guys just destroyed Papa John's. I give them a year before bankruptcy.
Well Greeks know how to make good food anyway
Also you can buy a Kebab(Gyro) from a Greek & not feel guilty.
Try Chicago deep dish pizza
>being this dumb
Trump supporters spend more than anyone else. they'll be just fine
what's the difference between kebab and Gryo!?
I've only had Gryo
Papa Johns is trash pizza. Local chains are always better.
It's an urban legend that non-whites are overwhelmingly lactose intolerant. I was in Japan and I saw plenty of milk in the grocery stores. And people in Asia drink goat's milk all the time. Also, I rarely ever see black people who don't eat cheeseburgers and pizza.
That's pretty much what my mother make as saturday breakfast.
I've got two cooking right now. On my way to pick them up.
Yeah, but it's red-pilled pizza. We need to support the white master race.
difficult to pass up 2 pizzas for one (2 pizzas for $12) delivered to your door when your drunk. shit drunk pizza isn't bad pizza. still prefer dominoes tho
Gyro is hit or miss.
Most use that molded (not moldy) cylinder of meat they get shipped in. It's still good; but there are a few that make it from scratch. There is one diner about 30 minutes away from me where you can watch the dude stacking the meat on the pole to make the gyro, that is the best I've had.
Everytime I see this video I fill with rage.
>Being Trump supporter means you're alt-right
Ok. Middle class moms in Montana aren't sucking Hitler's dick 24/7.
I give them 3 months before announcing new locations being opened due to increases in net revenue.
I think the difference is in the herbs and spices used to season the meat.
gyros is with tzatziki and special sort of bread
I get the thin crust with extra sauce, peperoni, jalapenos, onions and bacon.
>this brand is bad because "nazis like it"
holy shit, do lefties not see how easily they can be manipulated by corporate interests? Espionage is very real thing in the business world. Corporitist media calling competing brands nazi's and running smear campaigns through fake news doesn't even earn a single morsel of suspicion anymore lol.
They totally would if given the opportunity.
I had Papa Johns yesterday. Was fucking good.
Wait you can get them there?
Garlic knots ftw
yeah dude, i had one open in my town last year, they're all over Wales at least.
Confirmed for Jasta 11
It looks like it was regular combo pizza that had the toppings removed and the pepperoni rearranged
Pizza is the most bluepilled shit you can stuff in your mouth. Basically 95% unhealthy, white bread and 5% low quality toppings.
Yeah it tastes good but so does cocaine.
>white bread
Just more proof that it's based pizza.