>Hollywood is self-destructing >Donna Brazile & Pocahontas say Hillary Rigged the DNC >DNC is self-destructing >Russia investigation is turning on Dems >Manafort charged for shit he was doing for Podesta group >Tony Podesta fired from Podesta Group >John Podesta desperately lashing out as last defence >Sessions did NOT recuse himself from Uranium 1 >Trump is actually draining the swamp
I just can't wipe the smile off my face. Everything iv'e been telling my leftist friends for the past year is slowly starting to happen. a few months ago all this shit was "conspiracy" The day of the rope is near, and I couldn't be happier.
marty is the son? or have timelines converged and there are like 6 trumps of varying age right now?
Dylan Wilson
>Paul Manafort: Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort surrendered today to special counsel Robert Mueller. >Rick Gates: The former Trump campaign official also turned himself in this morning. >George Papadopoulos: Former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign pleaded guilty for making false statements to the FBI.
Connor Williams
Jeremiah Perez
I've had a permanent smug Trump face for the last week. We are living in a glorious time.
Oliver Parker
It feels so good that I'm gonna order DVD box sets of Dallas and Dynasty Maybe a cowboy hat and boots, too Waylon Jennings FTW
Eli Martin
I'm ecstatic about everything crumbling but l am relatively unhappy as a person. I have no friends and I don't know how to make any so I just spend any free time I have alone on the internet.
Charles Garcia
Great stuff.
Jacob Butler
Jaxson Lopez
None of the mainstream media is on our side, liberals still won the fucking election by 3 million votes, wtf are you going to do when 80k cuckservatives change their mind and vote for libshits?
We'll get fucked.
Hell, 80k mexishits growning up and voting is enough to fuck us over, you are delusion my man.
Christian Butler
20 million mexican invaders still within our borders
Thomas Flores
BOG here Dan Schneider on suicide watch Things are picking up steam Not a lot of anons are helping Not a lot of support on the taking down pedowood
Christian Price
If we burn pedowood we get more support If we go after organized pedophile networks we get more support
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 6h6 hours ago More Would very much appreciate Saudi Arabia doing their IPO of Aramco with the New York Stock Exchange. Important to the United States!
Samuel Ortiz
Huma is Aramco and she is in Saudi Arabia.Trump wants to make an exchange??
Asher Parker
sureously, I thought it couldn't get any better than last year. this is already twice as good. are we really making america great again guys? I thought it was just a slogan
Carson Lopez
>Donna Brazile & Pocahontas say Hillary Rigged the DNC they are cutting bait with the Hillary campaign. Pedosta is going down. Hillary might even go down. Bernie is taking over. There will be 20+ democrat candidates in the 2020 primary, just like the repubs in 2016, this is going to allow the one with the most name recognition and solid base, ie Bernie, to win easily. It will be Trump vs Bernie in 2020. get ready for four more years