Why is NPR so Jewish?

Why is NPR so Jewish?

75% of their guests are Jewish and they are seemingly random and strict with having people call in to their shows when they are live.

Why do they decry the loss of local news organizations when they're at the head of dismantling them?

Why aren't we investigating these people? Anyone can see that they are corrupt

What's your problem? Start a christian news channel, faggot

>answering your own questions
read the first question you wrote as a statment and you will understand

Who cares? NPR is to 00s liberals as Rush was to 90s conservatives. Now it's dead, no one cares but hopeless bugmen. TRS probably has a bigger audience than NPR.

They specialize in jewey news... weird faces, odd voices, nose talking, etc..

I don't want it to be Christian. I want an "unbiased" news organization that's main financial backer isn't The American Jewish World service, and isn't Rush Limbaugh

Is that so much to ask?

They keep fucking sending me requests for funding, I have no idea how I ended up on their lists. I think I'm going to get a bunch of Monopoly money and stuff their envelope with it and a note that says "fake money for fake news"

NPR is what is brainwashing the soccer moms. I've seen it happen to friends. They play that soothing folk music, and then soothingly brainwash the unthinking into soft marxism.

I am less worried about MSNBC than NPR. They are true propagandists. The biggest suburban housewife corrupter out there.

We should meme them into the ground at some point.

True bolsheviks.

I listen to their non-politics stuff, sometimes they have decent content. I particularly like the "From Scratch" series where they interview notable entrepreneurs, and they often have interesting science and tech stories as well. I imagine a lot of their current listener base is like me.

Milk Street is the only decent thing they put out nowadays. Seriously missing Car Talk's reruns.

NPR jumped the shark years ago when they became reliant on government money - just like a democrat. now they are shit.

I want the discussion about them to start so I pointed out what anyone can see.

They're literally shills for Israel. I just don't get how they've maintained this stance for so long when they literally side with the DNC and white guilt 24/7 365

you're not even trying anymore

>tfw no more cartalk
It's like they just hate making interesting radio outside of their science department

They're literally the Marxists that McCarthy warned us about, and the same that JFK warned us about. I'm sure there are decent people that work at NPR, but just like the honest store clerk they have no influence on the actual operations.

If we can't destroy them, let's get into their organization and change them from the inside. Sup Forums is where the best news sleuths are. We should be a part of it to make them cover local news

read pic related

it;s a long one but basically it explains how judaism is a revolutionary ideology
a "jew" is not even necesarily a practicing religious or racial jew, it is someone who constantly feels the need to upset the order (logos) of mainstream society

NPR has no overall mission or thought process other than "define the 'other' and appeal to them"

in the end its just profiteering like most liberal media outlets, but it depends on constantly convincing the audience the are prosecuted or at risk of being hurt by someone more powerful

Are you?

Go back to /Brit/ and suck each other over your mutual love of Theresa May like you lads do.

>One post by this id

Guy Ryzdahl is alright when he doesn't lay in hard on story's with his own personal politics

So by that definition we'd all be Jewish

I figured it was something of the sort.

Hickok45andson puts on a better "radio show" than most of the radio shock jocks and he just sits around in his comfy chair and smokes a pipe while talking about random shit.

not necesarily

inherent in the concept of "logos" is the human capacity and necesity of honest communication.
humans (ought to) solve problems through communication. if you look at SJWs who view speech as on the sme level as physical violence, they display a contempt of human reasoning and a desire to subvert this process in the name of achieving thir goals that they can't prove are the right goals to have

this is "jewishness" 101


wanting to disestablish a corrupt societal order is not subversion of logos
logos is the DIVINE UNIVERSAL order that guides all of existence and creation
going against THAT order is a jewish trick

They are funded by grants from the Rockefeller foundation and the US government, and generous donations from most the major banks, the American Psychological Association, the Mcarthur foundation, mainstream media companies including Warner productions, Paramount, Fox, CNN, Netflix, Universal, Disney and many others

NPR doesn't do any "non-political" stuff. every show has an underlying bias and fits the leftist narrative.

My wife and I play a game whenever we turn on NPR (usually when we shower): how many words will be said before someone says Trump?

Frequently it's within the first five words

So they can't prove what they're doing is inherently beneficial and that the SJWs are subverting logos still, so that make them Jewish?

I don't understand your reasoning. I understand their profiteering though, because ultimately the rich don't see the media moving in their direction so they defund them much like the gothamists. Though the Gothamists and it's sub papers may have been brought down to hide of all of the articles that weren't blatantly bought by the DNC to be written in their favor

Yeah, they have really been bought out through and through to the point they can't even report anymore without running into corporate censorship

We play a similar game for how long before they mention black or gay. Usually it is on a black or gay story as soon as we turn it on.

Yeah they literally can't get enough of the guy. I don't know why. Most of his life is very boring and they pick up on his mistakes and over play stories about him that just block out anything else that's going on that they could report on

don't think about it in terms of "jewishness"
jewishness helps as an identifier because judaism is literally "rejection of logos manifest" as it is a religion formed solely around the rejection of jesus (the talmud was written way after jesus came and went and is basically a bunch of different reason not to follow him)

I'm not trying to attribute any sort of motivation to NPR of directly subverting logos. "the subversion of logos" is the overall phenomenon that drives those on the left and others, NPR has joined the "conglomerate" meaning that whether or not they understand that "logos subversion" is the ultimate goal of their clientel they are still willing to offer them "logos subversion" on their programming because it pays

tl;dr I don't think SJW's and NPR are forming a conspiracy to destroy logos, but they inadvertently aide each other in what is ultimately a subversion of lgoos, in the name of some temporal rewrd (money, fame, etc.)


sorry for being wordy but I think I can put a bow on this...

"logos" is interpreted by leftists to be "patriarchal oppressive order" and therefore must be destroyed

NPR just wants to cater to the youngsters who believe in things, unaware that what they truly believe in is the dismantling of divine order

NPR is complicit therefore in "logos subversion" and make themselves, at-least, crypto-jews

Ah. Thanks for the clarifications. That makes much more sense.

Wasn't Judaism the first Abrahamic religion right next to the Zoroaster's though?

How are the Rothschild's and the old wealth not logos now though? Most of what they fund is what you're describing

yes, but here's what happened:

>be jews
>be enslaved in egypt, and oppressed by rome
>in your book though, it keeps saying that a messiah will come to save you
>keep hoping for warlord messiah like simon bar-kokhba
>get jesus
>jesus ends up being a total sissy who won't fight, says we should give our money to caesar and that the jews are not the chosen people
>convince rom to put this guy to death
>they do
>before he is put to death he says that god will destroy their temple for what they did
>temple gets destroyed a few years later
>when they try to rebuild the temple with the hepl or julian the apostate, god literally smites them and stops it from being built
>temple is still not standing to this day (muslims put a mosque on it, lol)
>in a siege on jerusalem in around 300, one jew makes a deal with the general to let him escape to create a school for his religion
>eventually he and a bunch of other rabbis create the talmud, which is judaism as we understand it today

so basically, the torah is older than christianity, but the torah is not the only document that makes judaism judaism, the talmud is the second one, and its basically all jesus hatred

logos is a very in depth and old concept that I'd suggest you do some reading on your own about. very relevant stuff but a little too hard to get into completely on Sup Forums

there are many different ways to subvert logos, and sometimes these means come into conflict with each other. take the "neocon" wing of jews who want to tke israel from the palestinians. they obviously come into conflict with "communists" abother wing of jewish logos subversion

"judaism" as logos subversion, is not one monolithic creed, it essentially arms you with a bare bones belief system to then impose YOUROWN beliefs on the world

different folks do this in different ways and end up defeating each other, and logos in the end triumphs. kind of poetic really

It's public radio though pajeet. Wouldn't be a problem if it was a private company.

But I like Rush desu. He's like Sup Forums's Dad. Member berries him getting canned from ESPN for saying Donnovan McNabb only got his job because he was black? He's been trying to warn the conservacucks that Trumps voters aren't going to just fall in line.

If you add Jew and Muslim you get 100% of their human interest stories and that's not an exaggeration.

Perhaps that should be a thing.

It's funny because you can just predict their headlines passed on them being so "Jewish" and liberal. Like we can watch events unfold before our eyes and know the truth and see NPR just take the immediate leftist Internet blog narrative and trying to pass it off as educated and researched.

Watch them come out with some article/piece against the "It's Okay To Be White" posters. Calling it now.

Car Talk was real shit

You are a child. You fell for Bernays's trap. Only a Scientologist believes in "Source." A grown-up analyzes many sources against an informed background. The news starts in the history section of the library, you gaynigger from outer space.

>It's an "user doesn't understand your post and goes off an unrelated rant where it feels like he's attacking some weird opponent he's projecting on you" episode.

but he's right

the search for "unbiased news" is a goose chase. no such thing exists.

to truly be as unbiased as possible you need to go back into history and understand WHY the biases exist

Rush has a calming afternoon voice, and I love the song they play. It's been the same since the 90s and reminds me of s hot summer afternoon with the windows down. However, he seems to talk about the same topic for 3 hours each day. It drives me a little crazy

Yeah, right, because biases are are good way to see the world.

No my friend. We work to fix thing's. Being aware of bias is important I agree, but I do not let it walk with me. If you do so you're tainting your self from seeing what is truth.

Truth is real, but gets lost in fiction and idealism on the part of the interpreter. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

News can hold truth, and yellow journalism shall not prevail.

Why are you so anti-semitic?

Why do you not like diverse news coverage by people of an area for the people of the area?

It's like you're comfortable just letting a single ethnicity run everything

I mean it's not like Israel is so worried about their PR that they have shills on the internet or anything


Yeah Rush does have a calm soothing voice for a water filter salesman

Car Talk was so fantastic. I used to work Saturdays because I enjoyed having weekdays off instead, and this was the best shit to listen to while getting shit done.

Science Friday really isn't all that bad although I know I'll get shit for saying it. They bring in a lot of guests doing research in a large variety of fields, and I enjoy having brief summaries of new shit.

1) The car talk guy is dead
2) NPR is like peak neoliberal, just because they're to the left of AM radio doesn't mean they're communists.
3) Jill Stein lol

>They're not that bad because they other goy is worse
