What went wrong?
For you
None of those other countries have to deal with the looming threat of emus and dropbears.
I'm slightly ashamed of how happy it makes me when I see another user post the same stupid meme I was thinking of.
90% of it is inhospitable Abo Mad Max land anyways.
What do you except from a prison experiment?
I literally cannot stop, I need help.
GOD does it feel good to get this off my chest! It feels GOOD, to signal to all of you just how GOOD. It feels to KNOW that we all KNOW this fucking meme.
Limited natural resources. No useful natural large animals. Really messed up seasons....years of wet, years of dry, make it almost impossible to farm. When western europe found Australia in the 1600s(? i forget the exact date) the aborigines were living like cave men. Tasmania was even worse.
>limitied natural resources
What the fuck? They have tons of mines and shit.
Australia will become a super power by 2030.
They will terraform their deserts into habitable lands.
Screencap this.
That's what the Chinese are doing planting trillions of trees.
Too fucking flat. The only mountains are along the eastern coast.
Exiled criminals.
you can't get everything, mr biggest rock
They took the trash of the UK which is already pretty trashy and put them on an island in the middle of nowhere in some kind of sick experiment where cars and pickup trucks became one.
Their sleeping dreaming of the next day full of shitposting n shit.
>superpower 2030
No way mate; superpower in fag rights long before then, sure.
mineral resources are pretty much useless if you don't have the technology to extract and process them. same reason indians in new mexico didn't have nuclear reactors despite living on rich uranium deposits
>most of the country is an inhospitable desert
>aboriginals, despite our best efforts
>one of the highest standards of living and incomes in the world (for non-meme countries)
>"god-tier banter" on Sup Forums is everyday conversation
>"what went wrong"
You're just upset you shit your pants while shopping.
Why did they cut down the World Trees?
Most of Australia is a wasteland. It's like saying Antarctica is bigger.
can’t let the convicts runs the prison
Remember going on a school trip from SA to Uluru. On the trip the guide talked about the ancient Petermann Ranges. Back when India collided with aus it created a mountain range the height of the Himalayas. This also created Uluru and Kata Tjuta.
Pic related is all that is really left if them.
why do you guys always forget about alaska?
>are you being daft?
Forget Mars.. Terraform Australia.
Do you want to tell you the secret? Do you want to know why Australia is mostly desert and rarely populated? It's not Emus, something worse. They come from sky and they burn everything.
>picture related
Not even joking m8. And you though Australian snakes and spiders are the dangerous ones.
>What you could have
You are an embarrassment to Sup Forums.
Don't post here ever again.
Black/brown even in nature are no good.
That actually looks like an artificial construct.
no land is inhospitable for white people. look at Las Vegas,nevada for example. why cant the australians settle the desert?
how so?
Opposite problem as Canada - most of the land is desert.
So big yet so full.
Why would you do that when there's plenty of non desert to settle?
It looks exactly what id imagine terraforming to be like
Australia is 6% arable.
The Chinese will inherit the world.
Well its an interesting place either way. Only problem was all the people that were there.
our tundras look pretty comfy. shame theyre not
It wont happen until the slopes take over or something, we had ideas/plans to irrigate central Australia earlier last century but today we cant even get a highway built without it taking a life time, so it'll never happen with the boobs we have running the joint now.
the absolute state of australia
Because the desert has MOSLEM COCK that I love so much
this is actually a good idea... It could be a first trial of sorts...
It went Wong
Abo president when
Have an upboat on me
If I were a paratrooper, I'd be paraguay
Never stop user. Your doing God's work.
many such cases.
needed the fire wood m8
looks prehistoric
isn't there one of these for africa, where they stuff every continent including africa into it?
Water. Rate limiting most places. Las Vegas has the Colorado River.
Fuck off with those dreams of immigration cunts, we're fucking full already.
b-but im white!
Don't worry, when the purge comes we can take on a few more peopl-
>56% land
Sorry, my mistake.
so they could use the wood to burn everything else on the continent
Just look at all that lichen you could suck on.
>what went wrong
Australians are, predictably, the wealthiest people on the planet if you don't count the Swiss.
90% of it is inhospitable wasteland filled with poisonous/venomous flora, fauna, and abos.
jesus i had no idea canada was that big...
Have you been prescribed with autism?
This is what I tell Aussies who use the inhospitable excuse. Just set up solar-powered desalination along the desert coast and create an irrigation network. Truck in organic material like compost and plant a fuck ton of seeds for various things. Start with the hearty desert plants. If North Africans can do this, white people can do it better and faster and slowly create fertile land. It probably wouldn’t even take more than a decade. The weather would change too. They could ship in some man-eating crocs and various breeds of giant spiders and also abos so that it feels more like home
thetruesize.com lets you compare the sizes of different countries by overlapping them
canada isn't that big. it is about the size of the US
What if it goes terribly wrong and completely destroys Australia?
It has the population density of Canada
>wilderness interior that's uninhabitable for large populations
>90% live around 2 or 3 metro areas
The emus dont let us colonise the desert as part of a treaty we signed after the war.
Resurrect Captain Cook and Steve Erwin!
Take a look at Israel.
Place was barren just 75 years ago.
Now it's mostly green.
Needs a shit ton of water in the summer.
There's litterally no water 7 months a year.
but there are desalination stations all across the sea front Pumping water everywhere.
If it can be done here it can be done anywhere.
>the only continent everyone thinks if as a country and not a continent
>smallest continent on top of that
Stop trying to imply youre not smol
The US is actually larger than Canada if you only consider land area and not include water
there's zero financial and practical incentive to do this. If the US got nuked tomorrow however then you can have the desert and do this.
BBC: Big Bad Canada
>prescribed with autism
Australia is already fucked after the europeans took all the retarded animals and some kind of frog and then they breed and well the rest is history
>missing out on an opportunity to put canada inside of canada
It's almost like people don't want to live where there is no water. Like, it's a giant pain in the ass and expensive to live in a desert.
Can't be that, it must be the Emus.