There have been a lot of EAMs as of now. Something is definitely happening!!!! Don't let this thread die!!!!
Angel Hughes
EAM's? Sorry, new to this type of thread
John Bailey
tune me in kangz
Owen Bailey
oh fuck I'm hearing shit
Ian Thomas
Emergency Alert Messages
Justin Ward
Emergency Action Messages desu
Gavin Roberts
I just heard some chink or pajeet talking in broken english. Isn't this supposed to be used by USAF? do they allow people with such poor language skills? Man he can mispronounce something and cause all kinds of shit.
Thomas Harris
Never heard a foreign person say the EAM's before
Jaxson Carter
Who is this fucking poo in loo trying to read this shit can't understand a thing
Jacob Martin
whisky zulu
Wyatt Wood
Thx user :-)
Carson Scott
>Message follow
Why do they not say the "s" at the end of things? >message follows Is that so hard?
Christian Cox
sounds like some punjab
Noah Flores
Haven't seen one of these threads in awhile. /comfy/
Carson Hill
did I just hear something about battlestations...singapore a couple minutes ago from this Microsoft Scammer dude?
Kayden Phillips
that's an african you twat unless you're not tuned into 11175
Tyler Taylor
fucking checked Punjabi confirmed the way he just said LOG ROLL sounded like someone gargling salt water
Ethan Peterson
yeah, logroll standing by for traffic
Jordan Cox
"All stations, all stations" ("stay off the air while I transmit unless you have Priority or Emergency traffic").
Carter Mitchell
Who the fuck is LOG ROLL????
Have the Pajeets taken over the military?
Kayden Fisher
i wonder if it the un?
Joshua Ramirez
>translate from finnish
Aiden Miller
well Achmed, I am sorry I cannot figure out the nationality of a person judging by his engrish accent. and yes, we're talking 11175 here.
Also, I've heard many africans speaking english, and I would never put my money on that dude being an african.
But since you're a native british muzzie who's mastered the language, I'll take your word for it.
Chase Cook
Sexy voice Talon Rawr
Oliver Brown
oooo an american voice
Easton White
thanks, my nigs
Gabriel James
Remember this antenna is in the Netherlands and in the daylight hours in the Netherlands (not your location) the higher frequencies are better (11175 is optimal) and once the sun has set, lower frequencies are better as they are not absorbed by the F2 Layer as much as higher frequencies.
Michael Gutierrez
33 Char message. Different Callsign? Sounds like its possibly coming from an airborne E6
Hunter Sullivan
Callsign was something November
Justin Cook
Coors 16 is the only Doomsday bird up with ADS transponding.
Nicholas Johnson
the most autistic thing on earth
is listen to skykang
but is comfy
Joseph Brown
what frequency are you on?
Brayden Walker
Help this newish-fag this increased traffic due to Potus being active in travels, Qanon drop related, WWIII related, or something else not on my normie radar? I am sleep deprived from following the whole Q thing for days and nights on end now, so I'm sorry if I sound extra faggish here. This sounds too interesting NOT to inquire about and follow. What the fuck is happening?
Brandon Long
Rolling for nork false flag. Trips China gets involved
Jayden Watson
Is this related to Q shit? The increase in traffic.
Oliver Perez
11175 on my home receiver since I'm in daylight still and so are many of the stations transmitting. Once the Grey Line (2-2.5 hours) hits my location, I'll drop to 6739.
Robert Sullivan
Saudi Arabia just shot a ballistic missile down about 40 minutes ago...
Something about someones resignation or something? It mad them mad whatever it was
Not sure. In Saudi Arabia?
Lincoln Stewart
Message to follow 'to' become 'ta' become 't' becomes left out.
Jayden Rivera
so is this type of radio traffic normal?
Nolan Hill
Fuck Sky King Sky King, we need Tree King back. Now that was a habbening!
Noah Nguyen
The amount of traffic is well above average, especially for a weekend. There's also so big radio drill starting tonight (big mixup yesterday about when it would start thanks to using UTC time and saying it would start on Saturday) with civilians and the military working together.
Ethan Parker
Here's a list of SKYKING 'Go' Words Mostly movies and band names Sabath Rush Rolling The Cars The Birds Tricks Pink Floyd Foo Fighters Gladiator Springsteen Led Zeppelin Tool The Doors Radiohead Rogue Clearwater Kill Bill Tupac Van Halen Deep Purple Alien Pearl Jam Pink Top Gun Aliens Hunter Quarterback Tightend Lent Beacon Glen Vegan Fasting King Styx Cleanse Heartbreaker
Isaiah Nguyen
New call
Michael Cruz
if there were aliens would they also use this long distance radio?
Jason Carter
Considering you can get half way around the world with the power of a 100 Watt lightbulb, it's efficient.
Michael Powell
This is what I got... "_" are ones I couldn't hear or understand 4zonhpcqodqwk2_n_ctv_5utyalsucw__7u7
Eli Gomez
Logroll, 36 Character message: 4 Z O N H P C Q O D Q W K 2 X N V C T V M 5 U T Y A L S U C W X 2 7 U 7
Camden Allen
What's that searing noise in the background and how can I get rid of it lads?
US. Probably Andrews because you'll occasionally hear an Andrews test count by whomever is also using the Day Word codename.
James Myers
Calling it now pajeets are chimping about kashmir with the dune coons
Anthony Hall
I have squelch on guys I read the how-to pic
Carson Russell
thanks senpai
James Gonzalez
Turning up the filter to 13.53 khz fixed it; there's still an annoying buzzing but I can hear what they're saying
Kayden James
Are you talking about the high pitch whine when he's talking? It's either background noise inside an aircraft or the Mic gain is incredibly high, not sure which one.
Cameron Nelson
ayy lmaos communicating.
Aiden Scott
Yes the whining. It's there no matter what I do
I'm willing to put up with it but I also wanna hear what they're saying
Samuel Parker
I'd drop to 6739 or 4724 USB (nighttime frequencies) and set the bandwidth filter to 3.4 kHz on the WebSDR.
Tyler Smith
Thanks, that got rid of the whining sound. Will they still transmit the same messages on this frequency? I dropped to 4724
Leo King
They simulcast all the important messages on the 5 frequencies. You may miss a phone patch on 11175, but they're not important.
Kevin Rodriguez
New message coming in
Brayden Bailey
Back to back messages.
Ayden Cooper
First LOGROLL message:
Gavin Russell
is it habbening yet?
Dominic Flores
Can't tell.
Noah Brown
more calls going out. Really busy.
Brody Powell
LOGROLL and CONTENDER with a few radio checks and 30+ char EAMs
Isaiah Rodriguez
weird.. never seen them calling for "standing by for traffic"
Carson Allen
They've been doing it a lot since the last Nork nuke test.
Gabriel Turner
what are you guys expecting that you started a skykang general?
Austin Hernandez
I wonder what hood Longroll bangs for
Nathan Scott
And they're probably expecting another one or a missile test while Trump is in the region.
Jason Evans
Is he saying log roll?
Ryan Martinez
I hope they do so one of those carrier groups and destroy the elite while they're vacationing there
Colton James
Evan Sullivan
so if its ww3 we would listen to it here? what could you here in afghanistan/iraq campaigns? is there any history of cool events?
Landon Watson
Who do you think this "Zulu force" he is broadcasting to is?
Jace Watson
It was "Yankee Force" yesterday.
Joseph Ramirez
Another 32 character message going out. Busy, busy.
Grayson Nelson
Benjamin Bailey
NIGHTWATCH is airborne
William Kelly
Looks like she's heading home to Offutt.
Jaxson Thompson
ANother call.
Matthew Cook
nothing because all military msgs are encrypted
Blake Watson
What is the Interesting Yes/No designation for aircraft on ADS?
Caleb Jones
Nightwatch is not selecting or pathing for me on ADS. All civ planes are and 1 mil plane is. other mil planes are not. Why? It was working 3 minutes ago.
Jaxson Foster
some data (noise sounds) coming over 11175, EAMs still going out too
Bentley Allen
what happens if you fly close to one of these doomsay planes?
Kayden Bailey
Probably get zapped by a fighter-interceptor before even getting close
Christian Green
Probably get tangled in their long ass trailing antenna.