What possible threat could a tank led conventional army defend against?
Poland is making a big mistake
Another tank led conventional army.
Poland borders two nuclear armies.
Germany has no nukes.
Only the french brits russians and americans have nukes in europe.
Germany wish they had in order to threaten Poland.
They're preparing for DAK, so they can support the German nationalists.
Also check your own digits for the answer.
We have around 80 nukes from the Burgers.
No idea. Gulf War I proved that open areas+big tank army don't mix when you have a country with superior air support. US still spends $$$$$$ on tank development but we've focused more on mobility and mechanized units because $10 million tank in an urban environment can be taken about by 2 $300 rockets.
buying dem M4 Shermans?
>inb4 USA will put their nose where it doesn't belong
The reason they have tanks is so if Germany ever ran out of rooms for migrants and Mohammad, Hamid, Abdul or Shaheem ever tried to storm the Polish border, they'd be ready
>when you have a country with superior air support
Gulf War II proved when you have a superior tank army you don't need air support.
There should be a way to automate and delete pastas to make mods work easier.
How can we kill these shillbot pastas?
You don't have nukes, it's like a cuckolds dream.
>Oh do you like these Nukes in your country?
>I bet you like being teased like that don't you, now fuck off you small-dicked Kraut, these nukes are all mine
The EU army.
GW II showed how vital air support was to victory you dumb nigger. For example tube artillery can destroy any MBT, but the USAF killed the tube arty first. Do your homework or shut your hole.
>What possible threat could a tank led conventional army defend against?
Who's talking about defense?
>from the Burgers
Yeah, they will never allow Merkel or any other disgusting kraut to even touch the gates of those facilities.
>Thinking that you could ever use them without our permission.
Your still an occupied country.
Russian shill detected who never studied how nuclear tripwires and defense of NATO worked.
Remember while vatnik shills exist and we like them for their help electing Trump, they are never friends of the West and hate NATO for containing Russia until economic incompetence collapsed it. They blame everyone but Russians for everything, like nigger blaming Whites.
Too bad since Russia has potential, but they require a strong government to bring the beasty masses to heel so secular democracy can never work in the NeoSoviet Union.
Defense and offense use similar systems you stupid nigger troll. War is a battle of systems of systems you stupid nigger troll.
Of course you won't study doctrine you stupid nigger troll. Now go prep your vatnik. At least there's some chance a Russian might know armor doctrine assumig the Krokodil and despair haven't reduced him/her/xir to an anime worshipping droolbag.
Shermans are solid tanks.
wittenberg IS a holy city for subchristians
those christians won't be able to go there on pilgrimage in about 5-8 years
earth may be flat(lel), but history is a pretty fucking circular
millions of brown people without plans or tanks of their own
>solid tanks.
That term has no meaning. Express yourself like a white man and use correct terminology.
Interestingly, Soviet tankers liked the "Emcha" per their biographies. They liked its reliability and XC mobility. It fit where heavy tanks could not go. It doesn't matter if your heavy is a fortress if it's stuck in the mud. See "Tigers in the Mud" by Otto Carius (who was highly skilled and experienced) for some of their limitations.
WE have 80 nukes in your country.
If you try to get your grubby hands on them, the same way the turks might, 1 of two things will happen:
1.) Nukes are completely disabled and a lot of you faggots die trying to get to them
2.) if somehow you actually get to them and there's a threat of us losing those nukes to a foreign actor we can detonate them.
Ironically we don't need to keep nukes in Turkey anymore, turkey came to germany.
So, what's your point?
The nukes in Germany are targeted at you.
by that logic we also had an aircraft carrier in the 70's
>those christians won't be able to go there on pilgrimage in about 5-8 years
What's happening in 5-8 years?
no for the 972th time, the author this article is retarded and just googled "tank" for the graphic for his article
hordes of rapefugees
The only way those nukes get deployed is by strapping them to German fighter bombers and handing the nuclear launch codes to General Hans von Schliefenstiefenstein.
how many times are you going to post this thread?
Did one sink in Lisbon? Did they relinquish the ownership to Portushitgal?
You still need launch codes for those nukes thought.
Looks like a fine kebab removal device to me.
*extra USD 55 billion on "the fence"
stupid writards can't get headlines straight
Maybe they plan to invade Germany. Maybe we'll let them.
The Jewish EU
>just googled "tank" for the graphic for his article
Well, should they have used pic related? Your super dupa new army vehicles?
So which black's got the keys to your own cock cage, Hans?
>Maybe they plan to invade Germany.
Last time they tried 80 years ago didn't work well for them
Yeah. Like yours are any better right?
>german military is so shit they don't even have these
Holy fuck
This one. British chavs are awesome.
We also got forrest tanks.
what's wrong with our army and border guard using quads and motorbikes? It's a good way to transport supplies and get somewhere fast in mountainous or swamp areas and we have both of these in Poland.
Ripped off the M1/MBT-70 program. Your only real contribution was the barrel.
may we presume Kekistan supports the nation of Poland? What about a goyfundme for tanks or at least some new related memes
The Leo 2 is the best battle tank out there.
>k*auts hate Christianity so much they down christmas trees to put on their tanks
God is with Poland, Czechem
Challenger 2 is the best tank out there. Followed by the M1 series. Leopard 2 is, at best, T-90 level. Maybe.
You also had an impressive military in late 1945
Air defence is a thing.
They are going to bully you probably
Challenger 2 isn't smoothbore but rifled, which while improves accuracy slightly makes use of certain types of munitions impossible, so the british wants to move away from rifled cannons as the use of these munitions are more important than the slight accuracy gain.
And since a tank is all about the gun Challenger 2 can't be the best tank.
Very funny, Anglo. The Leo has outperformed the Challenger since forever, probably ever since the A5 version got into productiom.
A Challenger 2 would rape a T-90 in a dogfight
The T-90 crew would get hit before even realising what is going on
>mfw Poland takes revenge on the 4th Merkel Reich
Do it poland, germany has gone too far, its time to settle it once and for all take those swords and shove it right up their ass
pfft, just use the tanks to take potshots at the nuke, set it off high enough to EMP europe
They might be handy if muslims try to make a civil war in europe hanz. If that be the case you'd be fucking extactic to see polish tanks rolling in.
Teaboos really believe this pathetic, t-90 would fire an ATGM far outside the range of the Challie and btfo out of it before it even knows what's up.
>Poland borders two nuclear armies.
that's a burger-only problem
pretty plausible. Germs use their economic stranglehold to blackmail everybody, poles have to come up with a counter.
>Poland borders two nuclear armies.
>two nuclear armies.
The sneaky bastard Germans
Only joking germans you aren't sneaky
This man is right.
Don't forget they have UK behind them, so count our Navy in and Germany will get turned to dust.
>secular democracy
rich coming from the people who elected an incompetent daddy's boy and assorted theocrats into office.
The people have spoken, deal with it.
Those are ours: we maintain them, they're on our bases, and you don't get to touch them. Those nukes will only be deployed on F35s.
Seemed like they were pretty intent on burning up Germany during the g20
That's what i said too
At least they didn't go bankrupt.
By convincing the mods to implement an /r9k/ style muting system.
OK then, as long as we're on the same page.
Wait for it.
>What possible threat could a tank led conventional army defend against?
Your migrants.
I would have voted for him too tbqh. Just to see this whole circus called the west come crashing down faster.
if you want to conquer and take resources, nuke warfare is not viable.
They've had access since these nukes were placed there.
>le occupation meme
We're there at Germany's convenience. Could have left decades ago, but the local economy around the bases wanted them to stay and keep funneling in dollars.
The Turk situation is totally different. Germany was always implied to own those nukes if we ever had to leave. Turk nukes were ready to evac at a moments notice.
We will gift you a carrier if you want Alejandro.
They have them.
They're US maintained, but the evac procedure leaves them under Germany control. This was revealed in the 90s.
Krautbro is right, they have nukes.
>Poland is making a big mistake
>says germanicuckistan
shut up
and pay up $1 trillion in ww2 reparations
>your migrants
ok, so against Poles, Russians, Turks, Volksdeutsche from Kazahstan, Italians and Romanians?
they are just doing it for cultural reasons so they can do some parades and have some soldiers march in goose step and stuff like that. its that prussian militarism poland inherited after WWII.
Jesus Christ faggot, don't post like this.
You can't nuke Poland because the fallout will come and destroy your country. Not right away, but you can wither slowly with radiation poison, cancer, and mutated children. It would be worse than Chernobyl.
Evac procedures aren't carved in stone and anyone of sufficient rank can order them changed. The 1990s are ancient history.
As long as nukes are maintained by US personnel they can disable them or stealthily remove the cores. Germany can't just say gibsmenukes and be able to operate them.
>What possible threat could a tank led conventional army defend against?
1. Their immediate neighbors.
2. The Godless hordes of heathen rapefugees your evil queen let. Imagine the tanks running over the hordes of savage Muslim men just walking into Europe. Wouldn't be hard to do, and they could blow them to bits if they try to cut and run.
3. Maybe they are preparing to invade/liberate your country?
You are pretty stupid even for an American. Now go count CONUS atmospheric nuke shots and learn otherwise. You can visit the test sites on holiday if you like, but there's nothing to see.
Fallout is overrated and airbursts don't make much of it. Poland could be rapidly collapsed by small tac nukes then easily reconstituted as rightful Russian clay afterwards.
If someone wanted to destroy Pooland and the rest of Europe they'd invade it with niggers and arabs who metastasize virally and replace weaker localcucks.
Good thing THAT will never happen, thanks to DDR Merkel's brave, courageous Führership!
Yes Poland, go and take over Germany. Don't be afraid, God will be with you, and the Germans have attacked you plenty of times before so you definitely owe them one. They are still a regional threat because of the power they have in the EU.
--Also, the German people clearly have no will to rule themselves, since they are constantly ceding control of their homeland over to arabo-muzzies, turks, and Africans. It would be an act of mercy for them to be subjugated by other white men. You could reduce them to the status of second class citizens until such time as they assimilate and cease to identify as Germans/