Mila Kunis

Isn't it funny, that the right called her a Jew and people called the right crazy and racist (which sometimes they are, I'll admit) and she actually turned out to be a Jew.... Praise Kek

Only Jew I found hot, Sup Forums.... I mean all hot, not only khazar milkers.

Other urls found in this thread:


I thought her jewish heritage was easily readable on wikipedia for years now.

> didn't read
don't know
> didn't read
don't know
>didn't read
don't know

She denied it before the DNA test.

what. ive known she's a kike for about 15 years now.

she can mila kunis if you know what I mean

>not particularly attractive looks
>not particularly attractive voice
>average acting talent

why is she famous

I don't know many attractive actresses anyway.

>she actually turned out to be a Jew
when was this a secret?

Refer to OP's post for clues

> she used to deny it

then how come I knew it?

Her voice is super fucking annoying in those whiskey commercials. Trying hard to sound sultry but comes across as microsoft sam levels of robot

I didn't know Drake was a Jew and I'd suck his diddly

Beats me... you took samples from her pussy sweat? Good for you!

Pretty sure she's been going on about being a Jew born "raised" in the ussr. She was 4 or something when they went to America

she's a jew

Didn't she call the right racist for assuming she was a Jew? I think she thought she was 10 percenter and it turned out she was a 97 percenter

Every fucking time.

She mails a monthly donation to Planned
Parenthood, in Mike Pence's name.

Crypto Jew

Gal Gadot is hot as well. I find quite many Jews pretty, actually. The white looking. They look just like any other foreign white women. Not quite as pretty as some Finns I know, but definitely far prettier than any Indians, Africans or Chinese.

russia jews are as bad as isreal jews

All women incessantly ranting about racism and white supremacy while being relatively normal looking, are jews.

>people just found out mila kunis is a jew
The fuck is wrong with you retards? Did the skin tone and 'ukrainian' not give it away?

So hot.

Do Jews have some sort of Jewdar? Like gays? She looks perfectly normal south-east European to me.

>Only Jew I found hot
lol Did you JUST get internet today or something?

Can I pass as white?

>Not Hot

Dude, no.

You look a little bit like my uncle

No, she looks like some southern Europeans. There's one in a ten that look darker.

I believe those are called gypsies

Sure, why not. It's actually quite hard to say where you'd be from. You look like a mix between a Pole and a Spaniard.

She got W E I N S T E I N E D

Good to know, my fellow white man

No, they are not.

They have some arab - turkish in them. A hot girl I know is brownish and looks like Mila but differently doesn't have the kike features like eyes and some other stuff. Looks arab and her sister looks exactly like her but she is really white. It's the genes. It's arab - southern Italian - Spanish genes from Turkish times and some of them appear from time to time in some families.

This might be the first time anyone has called me white on Sup Forums.

I'm having a hard time believe that people of european origin be brown. If you're european and brown you either got caliphate'd or are a gypsy or mongol or one of (((them))) who came from samaria

she acts pretty good in that 70s show. Pretty sure she lied about her age to be in it. Absolutely no way someone didnt commit statutory rape on her

מה העדה שלך

What? She's proud of her Jewishiness, like Natalie Portman or Scarlet Johansson or Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler or Steven Spielberg

Had her first kiss on screen with Kutcher at age 14. He was 22.

Is Scarlett Johansson a jew? She's insanely pretty.

> retarded

No. It's complicated. From Roman times, there are some southern Italian genes that appear from time to time. Then there are Syrian genes. (they are not Turkish most of the time, because people who are brownish don't have many other features that Turkish people have. )

They're gypsies man and they're lying to you. They probably already took your wallet

That's what I said you shitskin.

ignore and hide slide threads

If you're going to have a discussion, have it. In Bulgaria Gypsies and Bulgarians rarely actually intermarry. I haven't heard of such a case even. We are really segregated from each other.

Some Jewish girls can be hot when they are young. But they all look the same when they turn 40.

What are rapes? Face it man, they have gypsy genes they're hiding

>That's what I said you shitskin.
> Jew


> rapes
Nobody rapes here, Polish faggot. We don't sit around.

חצי אשכנזי, חצי גוי, אבל אני מחשיב את עצמי ליהודי
(בטח מאז שהגעתי ל/פול/)

she fucked a hollywood kike endgegner like Weinstein

Most women hit the wall about that time you dunce. Some hit it earlier, some hit it later.


A country with that many gypsies and no rapes? I find that very hard to believe

Well believe it, faggot.

אני גם אותו דבר
רק שאף אחד מהחברים שלי לא יודע שאני חצי גוי כי אחרי זה מזיינים תמוח

They're fine when they're alone, but, when put together, they start immediately to conspire against us.

you fingol i literally just asked him what was his ethnicity.

Where did she deny it? like toothepaste said even I knew it for like a decade. wtf

Calm down, this is Sup Forums. We take the piss out of each other.

She called the Right racist for assuming she was a Jew at one point.

QR code in pic related links to this vid:

War is unavoidable. Read:

If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.

If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.


Good post, user!

I would still lick this bitches asshole

That's breddy hot. Would breed.

do you have a video or something? I thought she's been vocal about this shit since she sucked enough hollywood cock to make it into the business

A jew hiding his flag as a fascist. Top kek.
No you aren't white my friend.

Honorary Aryan pajeet.

There's a Young Turk video

You know he looks like pic related right? Stop giving away "aryan" like it's candy.

why is seth rogen so famous after filming in a couple crappy pineapple expresses? The nose knows.

lel. this is just TYT talking about her. She didn't deny being a jew in the video.

Go away shitskin LARPer, no one cares about your opinion.

Dunno, I remember her denying it somewhere,... Dunno

Came to post this.

Anyone ia great looking with a load of professionally applief cosmetics on their face.

Same reason so many other lackluster females are famous.

They sucked Jewish cock to get there.

Looks pretty white (look-wise). Post your pic

Same. why is thiss even news

Jew. It is simple. Nepotistic cockroaches.

She is a hot kike may have to miss the oven and keep her for house work.

> looks great
> voice sexy (might disagree, but I find it sexy)
> acting 10/10
Think you just deny her because she is a Jew, user.

cosmetics have foreskin ingredient

she fucked rabbi weinstein

It was NEVER a secret she is a Jew, she has a Jewish name, she's not even a native born American. So this thread is total BS

>posting your own pictures on Sup Forums
>thinking a jew is white
I wonder who is behind this post.

מאפיה ישראלית בפול?

I think it was no secret she was a Jew, BUT, she perpetuated that she is like 30 range percentage Jew, and it turned out she is 97 percent Jew, which is hilarious,

I get user, you sly fox.

Post preggo Milas

I don't know goy. What do you think?

Her heritage is Danish/Swedish on her fathers side. Mother is an ash kike though so she's a kike.

>Gal Gadot is hot

it's nice to know there are other 900+ IQ level anons out there