Rohingya girls under 10 raped while fleeing Myanmar, charity says
Médecins Sans Frontières says more than half the girls it has treated after sexual assaults are under 18
>Rohingya children, some of them under 10 years old, are receiving treatment for rape in camps on the Bangladesh border, according to medics who say that young refugees account for half of those sexually assaulted while fleeing violence in Myanmar.
>Médecins Sans Frontières says dozens of Rohingya girls have been given medical and psychological support at its Kutupalong health facility’s sexual and reproductive health unit – a specialist clinic for survivors of sexual assault based in the largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar.
>Of those fleeing Rakhine state who come to the clinic for treatment relating to rape, “about 50% are aged 18 or under, including one girl who was nine years old and several others under the age of 10”, an MSF spokesperson said.
>“Women and girls often don’t seek medical care for sexual violence due to the stigma, shame and fear of being blamed for what’s happened to them,” said Aerlyn Pfeil, an MSF midwife focusing on support for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in Cox’s Bazar.
>In the last week a nine-year-old girl was among the new arrivals who received medical treatment after being raped, as military violence against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine continues.
>Rohingya refugees have repeatedly described incidents of gang rape and sexual assaults by the Myanmar army during military operations the UN has said amount to ethnic cleansing, but this is the first timeevidence of a large number of children being targeted has emerged.
>According to another SGBV medical specialist working in the camps, who asked not to be named because of patient privacy, most cases she has dealt with involve the army gathering all the women and girls in a village in one place and picking “the most beautiful” to be taken away and raped, either by individual soldiers or groups.
>“A lot of them are just 12 or 13 years old,” she said.
>One recent case she dealt with involved a child under 10 with severe bleeding who had been raped by three soldiers, she said.
>Her account backs the stories of numerous refugees who describe similar incidents of mass rape, with many saying some victims were subsequently killed.
William Young
muslim women are being raped wtf pol we should save and rescue them and make them our own sex slaves
Andrew Cruz
they were possibly almost certainly definitely raped by other muslim refugees, who were disappointed that they had to turn back and couldn't rape any of the native ten year old girls. It was a sexual emergency!
Lucas Rodriguez
Still don't care, they are Terroristenablers.
Jace Richardson
maybe they shouldn't have been Muslim?
Benjamin Sullivan
Fuck muslims
Cooper Gutierrez
>British girls raped >guardian calls for tolerance >muslim girls raped >guardian calls for war Liberals deserve Islam
Jaxon Morris
deserved it for being muslim
Ryan Stewart
>British girls raped >guardian calls for tolerance sauce?
Noah Kelly
come on, they were fucking their kids like they all do, that's why the Buddhists want them out. they are sub human violent thieving pedophile mud people that badly need sterilized.
Andrew Bailey
Muslims aren't women so it's not rape it's just bestiality.
Xavier Moore
How did you completely miss the rotterham shit?
There's systemic rape and grooming of young girls in british towns and the police are so scared of being labeled racist that they literally do nothing
Probably helped in no small part by police and politicians running the pedophile gangs at the top
James Bell
Rotherham literally had Muslim policemen collaborating with rape gangs. One of the local politicans is now State Secretary of Family and Education for her accomplishments - Justine Greening. And all the while this is state policy: Isn't it nice to know your place under the holy Chosen? In the light of this civilisation will we finally be cleansed of our Amalekite blood-sin of not killing the Jews when Moses wanted us to.
Andrew Jones
Who cares about subhuman Wh*tes?
Kayden Campbell
How do you know they're Muslim? They're only 10 years old.
Brody Campbell
John Phillips
It doesn't matter to me. I couldn't care less what happens to brown people
Jaxson Martinez
Rapes happen during wars, also the Rohingya are the invaders and warmongers, daily reminder muslims genocided hindus in BangladesH.
Carson Fisher
Why? These are innocent children. I bet you're paradoxically anti-abortion as well.
lel the notoriously rapist buddhists surely did this
Matthew Ross
Lol anyone who falls for this narrative again is a fucking sucker. Last time we got a bunch of military aged men
Julian Reyes
Holy shit KEK Unlike us cucked whites, the buddhists know how to properly fight back against Islam/muslims and stopping it from spreading >FUCK YEAH BUDDHISTS ARE BASED AS FUCK,UNLIKE US THEY'RE GOING ALL IN ON PROTECTING THEIR OWN CULTURE, LAND AND FAMILIES
Anthony Roberts
>Surely the peaceful buddhists raped those girls as its their culture Why does anyone still believe muslim lies
Julian Gray
Why? Because it doesn't concern me. And wrong about being anti abortion. I couldn't care less about that either.
Jayden Smith
I'll start caring when they stop being terrorists.
Joshua Harris
Hmmm, who is more likely to rape a 10 year old? Buddhist or the followers of the notorious child molester Mohammed? Really makes me think