What snacks, drinks, food etc.. do you have for today?
Hopeful Happenings >Nov 4 Antifa Riots - 1pm EST (commies like to sleep in) >Solar Flare Drill - Nov 4 - 6 >Potential Martial Law Shenanigans see "Calm Before the Storm" Larp Threads
It's now past 1pm and commies still haven't delivered!!! Surely they wont pussy out right?
The shills are now saying its a psyop and not a fuckup by them and saying we've been le tricked!!
U.S. states they are protesting in and full page Ad they put in the NYT to come.
Rumours and news >Nov 4th is the 100 year anniversary of the Bolsheviks Revolution. >President trump is out of the country this weekend. >Berkeley sky banner during protests saying "it's ok to be white" happening at 1:00-1:20pm >Rumoured 2600 black block German antifa have made their way over to the USA for the protests. >Rumoured antifa in germany in consultation with ISIS refugees have now trained with ISIS in the middle-east. >Rumoured antifa are gunning for a South Korea style impeachment of trump.
fucking americans need to get a hold of themselves this is one delusion too many; real danger of this shitfetish to turn into mass scale skitzophrenia!!!!! GROW A BRAIN, THINK RATIONALLY!
Josiah James
Rolling for a real happening today
Kevin Cooper
Charles Green
Holy shit I swear if nothing happens...then I have to put my gun away and I really don't want to move away from my bed
Blake Reed
I got you senpai
Thomas Fisher
Wonder if we can trace who payed for it and from what accounts. Might be something there?
Jonathan Morgan
THE ONLY GOOD NAZI IS A DEAD NAZI we're coming for you
Luis Carter
Thanks man
Ayden King
>no habbening >no excuse to not write this essay
Liam Hughes
Running out of comfy memes lads gunna need your help.
William Flores
Can anyone confirm?
Ian Gray
Henry Gray
Texas checking in
>80 Degrees and slightly muggy on my patio with my lazy dogs >drinking coors banquet beer >smoking Marlboro 27s >chicken pot pie cooling in the kitchen >just explained antifa to a libertarian
I want a god damn happening.
Asher Morales
Reminder You told the world this was a big happening and it wasn't. You thought this was going to be a civil war and it wasn't. You stocked up your guns and got ready to go fight. You look like paranoid schizophrenics to everyone. When we actually do strike now no one will believe you. Your the boy crying, and we're the big bad wolf just biding our time Checkmate Nazibois
Lucas Sanders
I didn't really expect much today, but if we do get habbening, it will be either in NYC or LA.
Jonathan Murphy
confirm nothing kek says nothing antifa is finished confirmed
Jonathan Perry
that's right, you go to bed, sleep real tight
Josiah King
>american communists >even comparing yourselves to the soviets
If you were a gay tranny non-binary genderfluid nigger, you'd be put in a gulag and shot for insanity.
Brandon Flores
That's cute
Grayson Flores
SF Bay Area here - getting ready for a potential happening, even though I highly doubt my North Bay town will be involved.
Berkeley probably gonna burn tho. Gunowner so hoping some commies come knocking with their poor trigger discipline
Tyler Price
Antifa is a no show, I guess their morale is destroyed
it comes from refuse fascism which gets funding from soros
Wyatt Collins
I'm in Seattle. >It's cold as fuck >There will be no riot.
Grayson Diaz
Christopher Martin
Benjamin Thompson
Where is my habbening
Jaxson Price
It's mid afternoon on the east coast already. WHERE IS MY ENTERTAINMENT?
Landon Collins
You really shouldn't kill any commies today. It'll just make the normies feel sympathetic to commies. Just sit back and watch the cops try to shoot their nuts with tear gas grenades. The more one-sided the violence is by Antifa, the bigger the crackdown will be by the cops and government. We're really hoping today's the day Antifa is labeled a terrorist organization and the feds gitmo the lot of them.
Gavin Bennett
So what's actually happened so far aside from a ton of shitposting on Sup Forums and an Antifa member curling into the fetal position after failing to tip over a bolted-down trash can?
William Hernandez
As of right now, the leader of "refuse fascism . org" is the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) of America, Bob Avakian.
I bet those pepper balls sting pretty bad at that temperature.
Julian Thompson
He's really good at doing fuckall, just like a true American communist.
Brody Nguyen
Communists are committing political suicide if they don't at least riot today
Hunter Miller
Ian Carter
Joshua Johnson
I've got my happening kit ready to pop off. Just need to get north if they go all WTO again.
Ian Garcia
It's overcast/raining here in the Bay Area. Gonna be interesting to see what they do.
Mason Smith
Who are the fascists today? Cops? Garbage cans? Store windows?
Joseph Gutierrez
Wanna meet up at Berkley? 510 here. Ready to take bart to find a protest
Elijah Hall
Looks like Sup Forums was wrong. Pack it up folks, no commie shooting galleries tonight.
Evan Long
>tfw the trashcan fires will keep them warm enough
Elijah Kelly
How do you figure? Normalfags probably don't even know these November 4th riots were even a nothing.
Andrew Perry
just woke up from my nap just tell me what i can do to help and be a good boy pic related
Levi Long
Keep tabs on Berkeley for that /IOTBW/ stuff.
Jace Nguyen
surprise surprise
Jackson Campbell
>if we don't start rioting for no reason we lose and you make fun of Justin.
Justin Myers
Fuck I wish a nigger would. My mags are loaded, my popcorn is ready, and I live in a castle law state.
Hunter Collins
"Refuse Fascism" advertised it as an uprising. Read their plan. They were uber-serious and wanted to oust Trump from power. If nothing happens today, that's on them.
Nobody on Sup Forums was planning to do anything today, it's just been a fuckton of posts about being comfy and staying home.
Boring desu
Samuel Russell
TRUTH. Only defend your home if it is under attack, or even your business.
Ayden Evans
>Say your going to riot and shit. >Pussy out. >It was Sup Forumss fault.
Jacob Gonzalez
Checking. I hope you get to use your kit, user. May God bless us with communists attacking trash cans on this day.
Xavier Bell
cry harder little nazi bitches, me and my jewish gf will light white houses on fire while you all sleep
Carter Scott
>all theses repeating digit and palis unchecked Kek and Thoth walk among us.
Charles Campbell
most americans dont even know this is happening. nor do they care
Owen Williams
disgusting, do you WANT to see innocent trashcans destroyed?
Jose Brooks
Elijah Bell
>Arizona fag here LET'S FUCKING GO
Nolan Johnson
I hate going down there - it's a literal shithole. In high school I had to go to a debate event at the Cal campus, and i had to walk around the city at 10pm. Smelt like weed and degeneracy.
Liam Gonzalez
Liam Long
Sooo they're protesting where they already have public opinion at least not entirely against them? Isn't that kind of like having a pride parade inside a gay bar?
Brayden Flores
Communists will. They were pretty high energy when black blocs regularly assembled, but after getting shut down every time lately, they've been losing their followers. If they don't light Los Angeles on fire today, then that'll be the final nail in the coffin.
Jason Diaz
HORUS, RA HOOR KUIT. will find you ready or not
Dylan Cox
wtf why Minot?
Jaxon Perry
>my jewish gf
I seriously hope you're not LARPing dude. I really hope you're not.
Brandon Peterson
>1970s >Just sit back and watch the niggers rape white women. The more one-sided racial violence by blacks, the bigger the crackdown will be by the cops and government!
Charles Rivera
Did they know Trump was going to be out of the country?
Not crying, just stating a fact. The Soviet Union wasn't about equal rights, it was about the right to work etc. There was never any LGBT rallies or pro LGBT government members in the Soviet Union. It was as anti-gay as America was at the time.
Josiah Bennett
Yes, and so this is how they can take over
Landon Ross
user reporting from philadelphia, just gonna walk over to center city to see possible happening.
You subhuman leftard scum are not even able to get out of bed and it is afternoon already. Christ. DO SOMETHING
Eli Kelly
Nah, this is smarter than doing it elsewhere. If they did it in some conservative city they'd just make a lot more enemies.
Secure your home turf first
Michael Rodriguez
5 beers down, 19 to go. waiting happenings to start. comfy af
Chase Martin
C'mon let's get fucking going! I want to see some molotovs and or national guard!
Wyatt King
Aye. Left is proper fucked if this slides through their fingers entirely. You faggots gambled and lost, when you never could have even won.
Isaiah Gray
Your people have been low energy since Charlottesville. You need to show them that you're still around, otherwise you'll be physically removed from the spotlight.
Parker Foster
That looks like a Home Depot rental.
Asher Mitchell
I know, it's unimaginable for virgin nazi's that actual empathetic humans with basic decency unlike themselves have healthy sex lives.
Matthew Brooks
I want to see them storm white house, and see a machine gun let into them
Grayson Sanchez
trashcans aren't what I'm worried about. >TFW these guys could have bombs. (COULD, don't fucking blow my door down FBI) >TFW the FBI and DHS are probably here with their noses to the ground >TFW if anything happens, it'll take a major fuckup by the authorities to actually do damage >TFW a lot of us can't even trust whether the authorities will actually stop these communist scum >TFW if I have to use my kit it's to ball out and settle innawoods
Charles Roberts
You shouldn't go out with your jewish gf and leave little Tyrone home alone. How irresponsible
Blake Russell
Ahohohoho ohh yes. Another example of why commie movements always fail. Because being this hilariously suicidal is what the entire movement is based off of.
Ryder Peterson
They took out a full page ad in the fucking New York Times.
Oliver Barnes
hahahah not even Berkeley? Closest one to me is fucking Monterey.
Im down for Phoenix tho. They're gonna get shot.
Levi Parker
can't they go fuckup Tucson or something closer to the border? Oh well, I'm comfy enough 60 miles away from central Phoenix, hope they riot in Glendale
David Anderson
nothing in DC?
Jason Sullivan
>Secure your home turf first What home turf? Vegan anarchist/communist cafes?