Holy shit lads,
/leftypol/ is completely BTFO and doesn't know it's head from it's ass right now. Get the fuck in here for maximum lels.
Holy shit lads,
/leftypol/ is completely BTFO and doesn't know it's head from it's ass right now. Get the fuck in here for maximum lels.
post screencaps, i'm not going to that shithole
The only people who hyped this up was right wing media outlets and some Maoist group. Maoists are the fucking worst by the way
Who put the full page ad in the times? That's an awfully pricey investment for nothing.
They have no leadership whatsoever and they're fractionalizing and blaming each other. It's mass confusion.
just got here
what happened?
what is /leftypol/ ? what is the actual extension?
An American was caught trying to enter Canada w/ a leaf blower.
soros maybe. a full page nyt ad is $100,000
can't im banned
infinite chan
Some pundit who wanted to fan the flames probably payed to hype up this none-event but hey, at least capitalism locates that 100 grand efficiently. Could it go towards feeding and housing people? No fuck that pay for an advertisement in the news. Capitalism truly is the best system for the working class
kek, a bunch of commie faggots take out the ad. Still blames capitalism for their own actions.
I found this comrades
Not your money to spend you literal communist. And apparently you don't know what efficiency means.
Protip: The working class is not only not on your side, they despise you, with every fiber of their being. There's not a single working class communist left, they're all upper class, over educated (in useless fields), college students. And you don't have any guns. Grow up.
They're balkanizing themselves. It's fucking glorious to watch. They're so fucked right now.
it's true. everything other than full blown communism is just different shades of right-wing fascism
is this the american?
Commies always kill the libruls first. Everyone knows they are cowards who stand for nothing but their own comfort. Thats not balkanization, its all part of the plan. Once the revolution begins, those not “part of the plan” are disposed of. They are brutal sick fucks who will kill eachother in a heartbeat. The communist is still animal, one that acts like prey but rules like predator.
The “true communist” is the last one standing.
>Yfw this makes dumbasses look up what classical liberalism actually is
>Liberals go libertarian overnight
Post screencaps
The media is inherenlty right wing and pro-capitalist. There is no way they'd hype a left wing demonstration. They'd do it to generate buzz and to fool gullible retards like yourself who thinks that Democrats/liberal=left. Protip they're centrists more than anything
If by efficiency you mean allocating the money as fast as possible, the sure but efficiency is also about having the best results from that fast allocation which this clearly does not. The working is also not on the alt-rights side. The average normie despises you guys after y'all embarrassed yourselves after C-ville. I'm a business student getting my degree in Business Administration. I started out as a capitalist but became more left when I started reading books
Why is infinite so fucking slow? Can't get to page because of site lag.
>An American was caught trying to enter Canada w/ a leaf blower.
Male or female?
>He's not wrong.
kek, you are beyond delusional. Anyone can buy an ad and the media is 90% leftist scum.
>I started reading books
Sounds pretty bourgeoisie
Really though, congratulations on reading a few books, I'm sure that you read a highly diverse spectrum of different opinions and totally don't just ramble about reading The Communist Manifesto and half of Das Kapital once.
Except all communists shall be purged
I imagine a world without communism
God it will be beautiful
The amount of ideology of your post just shows how out-of-touch right wingers are with reality. You really think that mainstream media who makes millions of dollars in revenues would be pro-leftist which is a ideology that promotes democratic control over the means of production and the redistribution of wealth? Get a grip dude, actually think about what you are saying. I went through a right-wing libertarian phase too kiddo. You'll hopefully grow out of it when you get into the real world and see people getting fucked over by wage-slavery or when you actually try to read a book written by some else other than Rothbard.
Marx is meh writer desu. I prefer Nietzsche, Bookchin, Kropotkin, Proudhon, and DeLeon. There is way more to leftism than Marx and he is pretty dated at best
>Some leftist cuck wastes his money like the idiot he is
>Oy Vey, capitalism truly is evil
J-J-jokes on you Blumpfkin, we were only pretending to be retarded.
>You really think journous can be hypocrites?
Ye, people can be leftis and still get their revenue for writing
Can we get a basic gestalt
That is capitalism working the way it is intended to, distribute capital in the hands of the few at the expense of the many. It solely rests on the premise of the exploitation of human beings. Also notice how I didn't say that capitalism was evil, I said it was inefficient. Morality is a bourgeois argument.
They're more libs than anything but there have been leftists in the past that have betrayed the cause for profits. Selling out is a good term for making it by in the capitalist system (financially speaking). I don't blame them, it's better than being a wagecuck
So retards throwing their money at rich people is the fault of the opressive system.
t. Shlomo Marx
American nu-communist faggots and nu-nazi -1% white trash are an embarrassment to the whole planet.
>being this openly delusional
neck yourself faggot.
It's not the "fault" of the oppressive system it is literally how capitalism functions.
Fuck off with your nu-communist ideals. You American trash should be exterminated.
You have to figure out entrance to that place otherwise it's in Poland
Join the comfy thread
>That is capitalism working the way it is intended to, distribute capital in the hands of the few at the expense of the many. It solely rests on the premise of the exploitation of human beings. Also notice how I didn't say that capitalism was evil, I said it was inefficient. Morality is a bourgeois argument
Wew lad, you retarded.
Well here's the first thing I saw over in that cesspol it's quite hilarious actually I can't post the link to leftypol fortunately
>Talk shit behind a meme flag for weeks
>Keep talking shit when nothing happens and libtards invested in the nothing
Helicopter rides can't come soon enough.
Heres more from that one thread once again I can't post it as it detects it as "spam"
what the fuck is that? surely not 8 chan
If you ever decide you want to tune into reality, the entirety of the West has been walking towards more socialism for the past twenty years and in that time wealth disparity has grown exponentially. There is a reason that every group that supports laypeople is co-opted by rich corporatists. Do you think it's a coincidence that a great proportion of the wealthy virtue signal about UBI and socialism?
Wow, who would have guessed.
>not addressing the problem of publicity
>egoism incompatible with communism
>unable to reconcile his religious past
>ethics requires false dilemma to pitch
>truth serves life
If something is true only because of the utility of preservation, and belief in objective morality creates a stronger mandate to preserve life than a subjective one, then you must necessarily follow it.
You fucked up dude, and wasted a lot of time. I was where you are. Start back at the Greeks and work your way up.
Capitalism doesn't distribute anything, that's the point. The capitalist ethic is that you are the prime beneficiary of what you produce. Reward is commensurate with investment.
top kek
Socialist Dixie States when comrade? Join Redneck Revolt.
>muh 100 gorillan Lithuanians killed by Stalin
>Wew lad, you retarded.
What a great, well-thought-out argument. Any elaboration as to why I'm retarded?
>>Talk shit behind a meme flag for weeks
>Helicopter rides can't come soon enough.
>Talk shit behind a meme
You literally just did the same thing minus the flag lmao retard. I don't post on Sup Forums as much as I used to. The reddit flood after the election really killed this boards quality. I don't even know or care if there is another poster who uses the Nazbol flag. Either way Sup Forums isn't one person but it has definitely become a hivemind
Get outta here
Just say what you're really thinking m8
I'm just screencapping the thread as I go down only of noteworthy posts though, so y'all can go and tip the FBI
>being this new
I hope a load of them turn up when it gets dark. I’d love to watch them pull that Clanton shit with the NYPD.
>what is /leftypol/ ?
It's a dirty land full of pseudo intellectual pedo commie scum.
It's on 88gag
>18 year old going to get a generic, mostly useless degree in BA.
>Read a few books and thinks he has it all figured out.
>Smartest guy in the room
all communista and the derivatives ( you) are cancer and will be culled
ok what the fuck is lefty pol link please?
Maybe when you retards stop ignoring how dumb Marxism and Bolshevism are. National Socialism is the only legitimate for Dixie would ever even consider.
I prefer wiping my ass with toilet paper rather than Komsomolskaya Pravda. And by the way Nazbol is the most retarded of all political ideologies right next to Ancaps. You are a rape baby between communists and national socialists. You are either one or the other, both of them are completely incompatible.
looks like a normal day on leftypol to me
bros this it's okay to be white campaign is ushering in a NEW PARADIGM
If someone can direct me to the thread where Leftypol is actually fighting amongst themselves entirely I would love to take alot of screencaps of such, cause I can't find specific ones of note right now
heres the nov 4 thread
>comrade soros
Oh nvm thanks
If you ever decide you want to tune into reality, the entirety of the West has been walking towards more socialism for the past twenty years and in that time wealth disparity has grown exponentially. There is a reason that every group that supports laypeople is co-opted by rich corporatists. Do you think it's a coincidence that a great proportion of the wealthy virtue signal about UBI and socialism?
Wow, who would have guessed.
>not addressing the problem of publicity
>egoism incompatible with communism
>unable to reconcile his religious past
>ethics requires false dilemma to pitch
>truth serves life
If something is true only because of the utility of preservation, and belief in objective morality creates a stronger mandate to preserve life than a subjective one, then you must necessarily follow it.
You fucked up dude, and wasted a lot of time. I was where you are. Start back at the Greeks and work your way up.
Capitalism doesn't distribute anything, that's the point. The capitalist ethic is that you are the prime beneficiary of what you produce. Reward is commensurate with investment.
Commies never seem to get that they're just following the ideology of a thief.
>No private ownership
>I'm entitled to what someone else produces
>couldn't even sage right
>If you ever decide you want to tune into reality, the entirety of the West has been walking towards more socialism for the past twenty years and in that time wealth disparity has grown exponentially.
What the people want and what the state implements is two completely different things. Welfare and health services are getting cut in the US and people are suffering. This isn't socialism, it is robber baron capitalism that uses the state to do its bidding at the expense of the working class
You betcha bucko.I'm 22, about to graduate and need an internship but the job market is saturated. Plz send help or monies
>MS paint recoloring of a political cartoon to make it right-wing
0/10 not even trying
It's a fun meme flag to shitpost under. I'm more an anarcho-syndicalist than anything
leftypol is gay
Why not using the Ancom flag instead?
Well spoken Britbong, hopefully our two countries may return to glory once again.
>mainstream media who makes millions of dollars in revenues
these media outlets like NYT are barely surviving with their outdated, pre-internet business models, and the reason they're able to hang on is not their profitability, but because they're valuable propaganda assets for their backers.
>Start back at the Greeks
lol. He's just going to read fucking plato again. Shit's worthless.
You gotta read REAL HISTORY and learn about REAL MEN before you ditch the mind virus. Reading fags talk about words isn't relevant until Montaigne where it applies to monarchy.
The Republic is taddle.
>The Republic is taddle.
Hobbes is better.
> The capitalist ethic is that you are the prime beneficiary of what you produce. Reward is commensurate with investment.
The profit motive is at the sole core of capitalism which plays as a determent to the exploited class because they are nothing but inputs where their labor most be sold to make a living. It also fucks the environment over because land is a commodity that is owned and used for resource extraction. Capitalism is theft because it takes the surplus value from the workers and put's it into the pocket of the shareholder and owner
Well since I was a former Sup Forumstard I like the Nazi AESTHETIC
You think their shareholder's want to distribute the wealth? Lol
>The media is inherenlty right wing
I stopped reading right there. Either LARPing or just retarded.
Nov. 4th theme.
@50 second mark.
Comfy as fuck.
it's a leaf.
>muh labor theory of value
even someone in Business Administration which is the easiest of all business degrees should know how stupid this is.
>when god emperor trump is closer to hillary then the latte to Sanders
He's not wrong if you take "liberal" to mean classic liberal like locke etc.
>Hobbes is better
Yeah, for rationally illiterate people. Go ahead and engage with the CI and tell me how it isn't bulletproof.
Again, I was where you are now. I had the same well of knowledge to draw from and thought I was hot shit, you're not smart enough to know that you aren't very smart.
>The profit motive is at the sole core of capitalism
Only if you're simple minded. Also, again, capitalism doesn't concern itself with redistribution.
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read: archive.4plebs.org
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Read: archive.is
Watch: youtube.com
ron paul is far more libertarian than just slightly
secret board on Sup Forums. you gotta delete systems 32 to find it.
>where did the "Alinsky is a leftist provacatuer" meme come from
I love how whenever I see people talking about lefty/pol/ they act like its an intellectual bastion that has "real discussions" unlike Sup Forums
but look at that shit, how can you lack self awareness or understanding at that level
my favorite thing about alinsky and the rules for radicals though, is that even though right wingers hate his guts, they're the ones that are using his rules successfully
something something something understand the enemy
Have you a (you) for John Locke.
It was exposure to Enlightenment era Classical Liberalism that began to cure me of my lefty disease.
I literally drowned my copy of Mutual Aid. What a hack
>Those pics
Nobody's this retarded. Bait.
Even in 2012 none of those countries were that far right (except maybe the ex-Commie ones in the East). What meme is this?
I've meet right-wingers and real life and have gone to alt-right events and I can say that they are absolutely retarded.Liberals are shit too and needlessly attack any sort of traditional value as a symbol of liberation against oppression. They too have rituals and traditions, and they too advance their morality as any other tribe. The refusal to confront human behavior a la tribalism and instead choose to lambaste the low hanging fruit of dogma I've started as a pro-capitalist but gradually moved away from that position because I found it hard to deny the exploitation and environmental destruction caused by capitalism. But hey I guess everyone has their individual ideological journey
Kids pretending to be communists are this fucking crazy. I love it.
you need a gold pass to access it. ironic, isn't it