old thread boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/147918214
how would you uncuck Germany /pol?
in German news >in 2016, government payouts of benefits for asylum seekers rose by 73% compared to 2015 >the federation, counties, and communities paid a net sum of 9.234 billion euros in 2016 >in 2015, the number was approx. 5.2 billion. >on average, 12,680 Euros were spent on each refugee in 2016 – slightly more than 1000 Euros per month >there is administrative confusion whether failed/rejected refugees can get Asylum Seekers Benefits (presumably many do because its the gutmensch thing to do) archive.is/u3haz
>Bild also reported 30,000 failed refugees have disappeared, with authorities having no idea of their whereabouts
next day in German news >number seeking refugee status in Germany has more than doubled in the last two years to 1.6 million, most being sent from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq >this represents a 113% increase from the end of 2014, now equivalent to 16% of the current foreign population in Germany >64% of refugees are men, compared to the German population of which 49% are male. average refugee age is 29.4 yr old archive.is/Ytd83
so the figures indicate: -they won't stop coming, they will increase, year on year, plus family reunification which the courts will have to permit -German authorities have similar problems tracking failed refugees, performing deportations, regularizing the administrative burden as the rest of EU has experienced- they have learned nothing from UK/French experience. -the cost of financing refugee policy (excluding all the administrative cost) is astronomical with no end payoff. very likely taxes or borrowing will have to be increased to pay for this.
if i lived near i would douse it in gasoline and set it on fire desu
Ethan Gomez
Germany has been doomed since its creation. Yet it somehow prevailed. We've gone through worse things than playgrounds.
Liam Reed
Is Germany doomed?
Eli Garcia
How would you exterminate germs? Nukes for a fast and total solution or the slower and more agonising gassing?
Cameron Cruz
No need to worry, they elected Merkel again, everything will be fine.
Lucas Taylor
can you help me?
Asher Ward
>Is Germany doomed? You're viewing distraction propaganda by Soros-funded NGOs concerned with Germany. By posting a playground, they 1. Bait right wingers into sperging out alienating normies. 2. Successfully distract from the real issues. It essentially works the same as "It's okay to be white", but for them.
So, be alert, If you see a thread about Germany, it's always (((shilling))), ignore it and hide it.
Connor Harris
Alexander Cruz
No, you're in Germany
Michael Lopez
I am a Greek my brother and I need your help
Alexander Cruz
>everything will be fine
>Is Germany doomed? ignore iumnMtEj, antifa shill most likely. check the articles i linked, Germany is in a very serious situation. sure, Germany has weathered plenty of conventional attacks incl. embargo in the past but this biological attack through migration is new and anyone like iumnMtEj telling you everything is fine and its all a big distraction is a guranteed shill.
Jack Gonzalez
What kind of help?
Xavier Scott
Cooper Ortiz
I need some Greek news in English so we can make our own general.
And I want to translate my file names to Greek.
Thomas Edwards
Carter Carter
Cameron Fisher
Kevin Ross
>ignore iumnMtEj, antifa shill most likely You're the false-flagging shill here. It's pretty obvious.
Ian Roberts
Europe deserves to be taken over for being so damn weak
Jaxon Roberts
i thought my region is really bad...
Landon Perry
You realize that the shill posted a playground to bait racists, right?
Thomas Bailey
Write a paper with 'Prophet Muhammad' and stick onto the head of those figurines
Elijah Morris
normies don't need to see poltards sperging to be alienated the absolute state of germany is enough
do you think one article is enough for the general?
Ryder Bell
Oldfag for almost a decade now and seeing this still bothers me.
Leo Hughes
It sounds weird, but this playground is probably the least offensive thing i've seen when it comes to diversity. Looks fun and friendly, too bad the rest of the religion isn't like that.
Joshua Williams
you are a turk in deutschturkeyland you turkish subhuman
Jayden Reed
You don't understand how these kind of psyops work: They show this playground to "fringe extremists" collect evidence about people sperging out about it, then report in normie newspapers about it: >Racists hate playgrounds. Then normies get ignorant of the real message (the big replacement). That's the whole point of it. Und you are all feeding into this.
Andrew Roberts
For news just look up english version of newspapers like posted, thing is 99% of the press are shills here, for either side
for filenames yes just post them names you want translated and i'll translate them
Jose Gray
i have everything to prove that Greeks are better than other humans
its not very important i can do that over time
what is the best translation for "working times"?
Luke Martin
I'd be the first one to go shlepping about in the middle of the night with one of these allahu-snackbar's wive's or daughters and fuck her right in the mosque thing. Blowing a huge load up her arse while i yell allahu bar-bar
Levi Myers
For a proper translation we need the full context/phrase
Caleb Green
>It sounds weird, but this playground is probably the least offensive thing i've seen when it comes to diversity. That's the whole point of this psyop. It's a reverse >It's okay to be white. They deliberate show you non-offensive things to sperg out about to harm the alt-right in Germany. OP is a typical government false-flagger which all right wing movements in Germany are corrupted with.
do you think those both are enough for this week? did something else important happened in Greece?
Daniel Howard
link to news story of this?
Ryder Martin
pic related
Luke Gray
I welcome the Tsar Bomb
Heil Tsar Bomb, bring salvation, bring peace and a long sleep
Benjamin Moore
some suicidical retard killed his neighbours kid oh shit i dont want to die ran away
i think he went to the police himself at the end
Tyler Ward
this is nothing, happens all the time something very big that happened i think today is that the US is investing $20 mil in some shipment stuff couldn't find an english version for that tho
it's εργάσιμες ώρες
Levi Foster
tsar bomba, aka the answer to the Aussie Question
Benjamin Brown
greece looks worse than mexico
Kevin Russell
This proves that Greeks are retarded shitskins and don't know how to work efficiently.
Dylan Morris
It's a filthy park, that's it. >Germany
Blake Foster
because you cherry picked a pic that looks like mexico you flag hiding shitskin
Daniel Adams
it proves that you are a manipulative flag hiding shitskin that is jealous of Greeks
Jaxon Garcia
but why did he kill the kid? to test how hanging himself would be? did he rape her? did he just stab her for the lulz? so many questions
Gabriel Murphy
I am a retarded shitskin and lazy, just like Greeks. you proved my point with that picture, Greeks don't really work, they just probably talk to much and hang around instead of doing actual work, they also are retarded and have to spend more time and still can't reach the productivity level of the Kraut.
Mason Bennett
ok i will use those 2 then for now
dont know nothing interesting about it it was just an unimportant retard
By that I mean greeks. There is none in /pol, and in /int we're just in balk
Justin Martinez
Isaiah Powell
>Make a playground look like a mosque >No separate entrances for girls and boys >No goats to fuck
Jonathan Sanders
i was many months on int its a useless shithole nobody is interested in languages or cultures
Adam Moore
yeah i've noticed
Andrew Thomas
Why do you care about my flag faggot? I consider myself subhuman too, you can't deflect to me, I'm already self-hating.
Michael Collins
albanian roach
Ethan King
>it's the schizophrenic albanian bye
Liam Ross
should i add this?
Πριν δημοσιεύσετε kάποιο μήνυμα παραkαλούμε να διαβάσετε τα παραkάτω:
Η μη τήρηση των παραkάτω οδηγεί σε μόνιμο αποkλεισμό απο το thread.
>1. Δεν επιτρέπονται τα Greeklish, αλλά μόνο τα Ελληνιkά/Αγγλιkά.
>2. Δεν επιτρέπετε το Spam
>3. Δεν επιτρέπετε η διαφήμιση άλλων ιστοσελίδων/forums.
>4. Δεν επιτρέπονται οι βρισιές kαι γενιkά η χρήση χυδαίας γλώσσας.
>5. Δεν επιτρέπετε η χρήση πολλών ειkόνων η smiles στα θέματα.
>6. Μην χρησιμοποιείτε kεφαλαία γράμματα η σύμβολα.
>7. Απαγορεύονται αυστηρώς ρατσιστιkά σχόλια για Έλληνες.
Jace Wilson
>how would you uncuck Germany /pol? Break it up. German states should have never united in the first place
Noah Ward
its a cultureless country there are not many differences between most germans anymore
Aaron Sullivan
too obnoxious and unecessary imo. I wouldn't find a thread like that interesting, this doesn't even happen in /his, of all places that has similar rules
also, in 2-3-5 it's επιτρέπεται. Επιτρέπετε refers to you (plural), as in, "you don't allow" instead of "not allowed"
Jordan Torres
RT loves showing stuff like this. How come they never show anything from the Muslims living in Russia?
Dominic Perry
>krauts >having an identity
Robert Smith
Is Merkel a secret Nazi pushing whites to Nazism by importing shitskins by the boatload? It's just crazy enough to work!
Joshua Johnson
No, she's your run of the mill neoliberal market nazi + extremely pro Germany
Aiden Turner
Doesn't seem to work, only thing the right wing (let alone the nazis) could accomplish amidst all that is give AfD a pitiful 12.6%
William Reed
pretty obvious you don't like that details in OP got posted, i'm glad both your panties are extra tight about it.
oh but wait!!!! according to you guys both government reports are part of a Soros psyop distracting from the 'real issues'. compared to volkstod and permanent displacement in your own country what issue compares?
Chase Baker
Damn Germans
Mason Lopez
should i use εργάσιμες ώρες or ΕΡΓΑΣΙΜΕΣ ΩΡΕΣ ?
a lot of Greek blogs and other sites in the internet use big letters does it have a special meaning?
Gavin Myers
fuck it feels comfy having no land borders. Fucking KEK at krautcucks.
Jordan Richardson
early ancient greeks wrote in capital letters. Now writing in capital letters only is used to emphasise a word or sentence, paragraph etc.
Brayden King
Now that is sad.
Isaiah Rodriguez
This is a very nice playground actually. Finally something different than the same shit you see everywhere. Fuck you nazi piece of shit inbred niggers for hating it.
Caleb Sullivan
When I was a kid, the arabic theme was deemed cool, exotic, and suitable for kids.
If you look at the playground from that perspective, I don't see a problem.
Jayden Walker
I'm muslim and I appreciate that you want to stand up against racism
Juan Campbell
Keep accepting refugees and immigrants, but put everybody in a system of filtration camps prior giving them any legal status letting them live and work in Germany.
Filtration camps should be partially self sustainable, with majority of the work done by the asylum seekers (AS) themselves. Camp would also provide OBLIGATORY language, cultural, legal and professional education (on a basic level). Progress on the training would be reviewed every 3 months. Failing to participate in the training or make minimum (clearly defined) progress in the education would mean warning. 2 consecutive warnings (6 months of no progress) would result in denial of asylum status and immediate deportation.
People would get OBLIGATORY jobs - from cleaning, nursing, to teaching, peace keeping and management of the camp. The only money AS would receive would be the salary for his/her job (no pocket money). The job AS would get depends on their a) language skills, b) pre-existing skills (that he/she had prior to coming to Germany), c) skills newly acquired @ filtration camp. Work performance would be assessed on a quarterly basis. Failure to accept assigned job or to pass 2 consecutive performance reviews on at least MEETS REQUIREMENTS level would result in denial of asylum status and immediate deportation.
Passing exam covering German language, German and European culture, basic rules of German law and professional skill test (depending on selected education path) would mean approval to leave camp for the probation period of 1 year. In probation period person would be expected to a) find any job (paid or not), b) do not break the law. Failure to meet this criteria would mean the person would return to filtration camp.
Employers would get the access to database of successfully "graduating" asylum seekers and opportunity to conduct web based interviews.
After 1 year probation period with no law breaking incidents and having a job asylum status would be granted.
Owen Lee
Cooper Lopez
>Jihadwatch is still up
I can tell ol' Robert spencer is getting antsy nowadays. The anti-Islamic gravy-train is slowly passing him with the advent of youtube and the alt-right.
Spencer can barely hit 2k in his vids.
Charles Cruz
>your turn Sweden t.Germany
Samuel Martinez
haha i wanted to write if it was because of ancient times but didnt
Ryan Phillips
it's one in an entire series of fairytale themed playgrounds in Berlin
here is one with a Viking ship
it's part of a secret plot to turn German Kids into Vikings