Why does Sup Forums claim that black people are subhuman despite the fact that they dominate every sport on the planet?
Why does Sup Forums claim that black people are subhuman despite the fact that they dominate every sport on the planet?
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Nice b8, Sayyed
more proof they are subhuman, like superchimps!
you really shouldn't trust Sup Forums on most things
>dominate every sport on the planet
Well that's not true, but anyways, animals excel at a lot of human physical activities. You're going to need a lot better "gotcha" I'm afraid.
Reliance on welfare.
Sports do not build civilization.
Is an horse a athlete?
Your lead example of a black person not being subhuman is Mike Tyson.. are you fucking serious? He’s dumber than a chimp
Are these digits an athlete?
What about hockey faggot and soccer and don't forget cricket
an horse is definitely a athlete
prove me wrong, feggits
>why do people claim that chimps and gorillas are subhuman despite the fact that they can literally tear you limb from limb?
You're browsing Sup Forums. what right do we have to call other people dumb?
the day they invent a sport ill be impressed. if i put a fucking chimp in a boxing ring it would tear tear a human appart too.
It's just a nigger
>literally own a team of black people who beat each other into eventual brain death
The life
They're only good at niggerball sports and running, because they get a lot of practice running from da popo and haven't evolved to use vehicles over in Africa.
Strongest men in the world are all overwhelming white.
Sport is a plebean entertainment. I'm yet to see a nigger good in rifle shooting - the only sport that matters. It's an old joke, blacks lead in running, whites in shooting.
They don't.
He is a fucking mutant, doesn't count.
its all about brains not bron guns>fist
Because they tend to stereotype themselves, making them truly stupid.
Its not a claim. Niggers being inferior is settled science.
look at that black thang!
What does sport have to do with society and it's function? They're athletic, merely show animals for others to gawk at.
>they dominate every sport on the planet
They don't
shit checked
> strongman is all white
> most iconic bodybuilder of all time is white
> Most UFC champions are white or spics
whites have guns though.
We whites like seeing alll sorts of animals fight : bulls, dogs, roosters, blacks.
They are literally doing this for our entertainment.
Gorillas are also physically stronger than humans.
Are they better than us then?
Sports like Skijumping, Icehockey or Biathlon? Or do you mean Sandniggersports like Football?
I could put a nigger up against a gorilla and the gorilla would surely fuck him up.
Does that mean the gorilla is the equal of the nigger?
running is barely a sport
Niggers are faster in terms of short bursts of speed. That's it.
America isn't the only country in the world either. The NFL is just one sport.
Purity perhaps, quite hench.
>what are animals
niggers are physically inferior to gorillas, however niggers are one of my favorite animals
i also like tigers
>posts retarded gorilla
>implies not subhuman
I wonder if all those porno models managing 4-anal penetration tests can really fit in genuine horse cock
>they dominate every sport on the planet
my sides
two words
star craft.
I bet a fucking Hippo could beat humans at many sports as well lmao
>every sport
What about yachting?
I hate to say it but you have to admit that Jon cokeball Jones is unmatched so far in the UFC.
>lists a few sports where whites dominate
>ignores the other ones where niggers dominate
im racist but not delusional
enjoy your next muslim peace attack faggot
Niggers are also the best at all water sports.
Mike tyson is extremely intelligent, he just suffers from a lot of problems.
He is a trump supporter.
Niggers don't do well in watersports.
Dindus suck at motorsports and they don't play rugby/hockey/soccer. Too much physics/geometry/math involved.
They all suck a driving period.
Give a dindu a stick and tell him to hit a ball, or throw a ball through a hole and it's game on.
this desu
niggers are just domesticated apes
they dont dominate anything on ice, fencing, anything in the water, gymnastics,they have never won a single biathalon or triathalon, they also dont do well with bowling or ping pong
>Only 3 out of 10 best-payed players are niggers
Don't forget fox hunting. Best at sports, best at sports.
Its more to do with social exclusion, happens to disadvantaged whites.
Thats 33,333333333333...%.
Classic Niggasport.
What is this wizardry, checked
So are chimps.
If there is one thing I know it's that Black people are fucking fast. Every sports team I've been on had a black kid that could run like the dickens
Phelps has more gold medals than Mexico or India
and I think more medals overall
Think about that: One american has more medals than countries
>Dominating sports where they run for 50-200 yards.
Those are the worst sports. And half of them are whoever doesn't get caught doping. Just look at Jamaica past probably decade the men who were typically shit in short sprints suddenly started winning everything. Before then they were only good in relay and Womens sprints.
Not cycling. Only white boys.
>Why does Sup Forums claim that black people are subhuman
it's called self hatred. there are few if any whites on Sup Forums. mostly it's pajeets and brown rapebabies. everyone figured this out after hwndu season 1. prove me wrong and post your hands, faggots.
They lack that muscle between the ears...
Are monkeys subhuman OP
They're just modern day mandingos entertaining their white overlords. Kek your privelige
hwndu took place in NYC dumb dumb, of course there were lots of poccis
>they dominate every sport on the planet
Oh, and we've advanced so much through negro sports, haven't we? Think of modern medicine, think of the discovery of electricity, the invention of the transistor, the motorcar, airplanes, our travel to the moon. Where would we be without black sportsmen?
That's right, exactly at where we are now. Because they contributed nothing to the advancement of humankind.
post your hand, nigger. i know you are one.
Inferiority Complex, you don’t see chads complaining about black people.
Sup Forums itself is a cluster fuck of neets who pretend they checked-out of society on will rather than ostricized.
tell it, achmed. preach that shit. oh and by the way, post your hand, roach.
Fucking hell, tell us something we don't know.
plus they are self hating poc LARPing as huwites.
Considering that whites are just 10% of world population?
There are gifted blacks, they are extremely rare, but i would count mike tyson to them.
This guy is very smart.
Mike Tyson is a fucking beast, i love watching his shadow boxing vid.
Literally influenced me into working out.
Because who cares about sportsball? Gb2.
Also they suck at hockey.
Dude, go be fat somewhere else
>dominate every sport
>what's bobsledding
>what's baseball
>what's etc.
This "Sport" is a subjective sport where white people grade white people who try to look black physique.
Why do whites get the vast majority of gold medals in the Olympics if blacks dominate all sports???
He also has a very fascinating life story, if you are interested in him i can totally reccoment his book.
Very inspiring man, who has been to naive for the people around him.
>strongman and bodybuilding require years of expensive nutrition and gym memberships which niggers can't afford
>UFC requires expensive training and gym memberships which niggers can't afford
Any sport blacks can play they totally dominate.
you are probably the only white poster here, but you are russian.
Retarded post
Need you to sauce me up on the book senpai
>ping pong
>dominated by blacks
Jones is a freak of nature. No man in that weight class should be that tall. He's black but that's not relevant.
Here, sorry i won´t provide you a warez link, i got it at my library.
one species evolves in the brain and one species evolves in athletics...quite simple
Intelligence, life expectancy, crime rates, behavior and culture. Just to name a few.
Animals are stronger than humans, this is true. Your point is what exactly?
White are provably the strongest race
We dominate power lifting, strongman competitions and olympic weight lifting