Let's meme Karlie Kloss into white supremacy
KKK is now Karlie Kloss Koding
Let's meme Karlie Kloss into white supremacy
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She cant even change directory? Is that really the picture she posted? Really?
yes, really.
Women are natural leftists.
I'm surprised there isn't more mention of her. She's the most beautiful women ever to have lived. And I should know, because I've seen them all.
She has been BLACKED though.
alias cd..='cd ..'
There, fixed half of her troubles.
Also: fish > zsh
We know, they're the niggers of gender but w/e
isn't she the model that posted with a MAGA hat and then got slammed by the (((media)))?
"Wow, oh boy! Look at how smart Karlie Kloss is!!! Look at her coding!"
Nah, just an Amazon woman
Don't like big girls, user
Meaning? I did a GCSE in computer science but was shit at it. I don't get what OP's picture is supposed to be highlighting.
Its linux
She bassicly openend "file browser" and closed several times and it looks like she does something important or something
Worse still, she actually typed the wrong command for "cd .." multiple times.
>expect "Hello" + " " + "World" to be equal "Hello world"
quality kode
You never used a *nix commandline in all of that? WTF?
Anyways: someone installed zsh on her mac for her so that she has a better shell then the ancient bash that comes with os x and she is unable to change the current directory.
cd .. -> go up one dir
cd code -> change into the dir called 'code'
cd.. -> not a valid command.
pwd -> print working directory (current directory)
ls -> list files in current directory (doesn't list hidden files)
from the output of the ls command, we can see that there's no directory called 'code' in her current directory and thus the command fails
She has no idea what she's doing.
We only ever used Python and SQL.
Some girl pretending to code by running 'cd' and 'cd..' command, or basically going in and out of a folder.
You should get your money back from those classes if they didnt teach you how to use a linux terminal.
>concatenate_strings("hello", "world")
some NSA-tier shit right thur
Wait a minute...
>nitrous.io ide
>_/git_practice is the name of Console
Lol, seriously, anyone want to figure out exactly what the fucking hell is going on? Clearly she is not even running Console/Terminal...
ah okay.
>sbt console
>"hello" + "world"
Oh shit, you're right. Considering how easily homebrew is installed and that installing zsh is a one liner from there on, I expected it to be running locally.
The space above the IDE should have alerted me. F11 that shit.
0/10 forgot the space