Who knows about Antifa in Seattle?

I saw a thread that listed some cities and times for the November 4th Antifaggot protests. Does anyone have the time and place for Seattle? In return I will drive up there and take videos/pictures/livestream if it is anything noteworthy.

Other urls found in this thread:


Someone has to have seen it.

Seattlefag here
Seen shills and lefties everywhere but so far no antifa

Just checked cameras around City Hall:
No groups of antifags yet

I read earlier in the week that it was scheduled for 1:00pm. The day is still early

I am heading over to City Hall around 1:30pm with some nationalist bros to see what's going on.

>Seattlefag here
>Seen shills and lefties everywhere

That's no different from any other day there, then.

Im just going to go document things.

And that's the story of how Sup Forums got back on the FBI watch list


I have a legal concealed carry permit. I carry it everywhere. I'm not going to shoot up the place. Just bringing stuff to record and upload videos.

Some states have constitutional carry, so depending on the state, you don't need a permit to CC.

Missouri is nice state.

In Washington state you need a permit to cc, but it's a shall issue state so quite easy to get.

Don't they usually loot a Starbucks to kick things off?

Nigger we have constitutional carry for open carry, you need a license for conceal carry though.

Hi Jacob.

ok im repeating what you said, guess im the nigger, but we also do infact have constitutional mandated right to open carry


Seattlefag here
>Seen shills and lefties (shitting on the street) everywhere

That's no different from any other day there, then

Only after making sure their man buns and nail polish look good.

and only a genuine Nigger would open carry.

I live in Seattle and know the chapter here. They think that Nov. 4th is a trap.

Pic is from a college dorms

My name Jeff.

Your name is Jacob and you will fucking like it.

my....my na....name je....jeff.

Take it off. Now.

please....not again.

It's too late... I can't hold it in anymore! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

There should be some groups meeting at Volunteer Park and other normal locations.
We'll see what happens.

Today is the day i kill myself.

Here use this, and be quick about it faggot.

For those who care about the aftermath.