Danish minister crashed and fled a refugee woman by car

Denmark, NO!

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Hope the woman who went in front of the car died tbqh

Who is the minister?

yes what happened exactly?

The minister went to a center for rejected asylum seekers to talk to some family who was there. People started chimping out because they thought she would give the family citizenship or smth (she wasn't). The based driver took the opportunity to mow down one of the animals.

only one?

Yes violent people where arrested after trying to attack the ministers car, nothing to see here move along.

Whoever wrote that shit needs a lesson.
>Minister goes to asylum center
>She talks to one family
>The rest of the apes get mad and try to attack her
>Her driver runs over one of them

did she died?

Lige præcis.


Maybe the woman shouldnt have run in front of a moving car, that was obviously gonna move out of there.
What a fucking dumbass, was her own fault.

What are you based Danish ppl voting for in the next election? Ny Borgerlige eller DF ?

Nye Borgerlige.
100 bajere.

>did she died?

Nice English, subhuman. Leave EU or learn to English.

Do you know with 100% accuracy it was the driver? Taking account D*nmark is 3rd word muslim country i can't believe your ministers has an actual drivers.

Good, give them the chad plow.

Nye borgerlige

They are the only ones advocating for a total shutdown of the borders to immigration

Besides, they have people from Trykkefriheds-selskabet (the freedom of writing company) on board, and that old professor guy who routinely participates in the debates on DR is incredibly based

Today was a good day.

>being this new
no u

I have never seen a more obvious choice.

>Find out my surname is Danish and my Great-Grandfather came here via Norway but was born in Denmark
>tfw mothers side is all Swede
>tfw find out through testing and family history I am Danish, Norwegian, Swede

Is this why I am depressed all the time and collect legos?

The woman literally jumped in front of the car. Driver didn't do nuffin

>tfw your ministers are slaves to rapefugee cock but Denmark's runs them over

Denmark is the most based Nordic country

Liberal Alliance til kommunalvalget(NB's kandidater i Århus er en joke), Nye Borgerlige til folketingsvalget.


Its a meme sven. Were all senpai here.

kek. Not even going to argue with you when you post them digits.

Kom hjem forhelvede.

i'll tell you what, niggas that howl at the moon, you dont wanna fuck wit

NB are too memey, DF is getting shit done. They could be even harsher on immigration, and I'm sure many in the party want to do more than they let on, but we can't go from 0 to 1488 in 1 step.

Fucking feral apes. Thank God our integration minister hates muslims so much.

DF. I could write a ton of shit about NB and NB voters could shittalk me throughout the entire thread. I don't care. I like NB, because in the end it's about signalling muslims that we don't want them here and as long as NB and DF both make it past the mandate line, then we'll get the proper immigration policy which we need.

The car charged and refugee dindu dodge

She tried to get run over by purpose, because if she did, then we would be forced to keep her here.

Rejected muslims tries this shit all the time.

Shut up and appreciate my pun.

It's probably not his fault. Refugees don't obey any rules at all, and traffic rules are no exception to that. Seriously, those who are here see the cars coming, they jump on the road anyway and expect the cars to brake for them.

That's rich coming from Sweden, how many grenade attacks have you had last two weeks again?

Damn, it was 100% the asylum seeker's fault. Hopefully the Danish media is based enough to report this fairly and show the footage. May Deus have mercy on her and all of our souls

A sandnigger can call another sandnigger a sandnigger you know, Mohammedtje

Denmark NO! Now the fuckers will come to Sweden even more!

This is why people invade Poland.

There's probably a car on the way from the Swedish embassy.
"Come, fuck our women and subvert our society pls"

>idiot shitskin wants to protest and jump in front of the car
>gets clonked and acts like a victim

how can they when borders have been closed for like a year

Hopefully more will get themselves rid off from their own stupidity

The "refugees" don't want to stay in denmark, and we're happy to continue that trend.
Here they explain why, we have reduced gibs and less tolerance vs these asshats. And it's working!

The eternal Dane is very racist. Feels good man.

>The eternal Dane is very racist. Feels good man.
You're welcome sven.
Since you decided not to be "racist" enough, we have to be racist for both of us swedebro. It will be ok in the end ven. If these past few years have taught is anything is that we're not even racist ENOUGH, because being racist means that you like your own people and don't want your country overrun by people who don't even like you and your culture. So we need to be MORE racist, but we're heading in the right direction. If they don't respect you they walk all over you.

I think you're confusing Denmark with Sweden

>Denmark is a 3rd world muslim country
t.butthurt achmed?

I will never forget what your people did on the island of St. Thomas. It has scared my family for centuries.


Danish slave trade occurred separately in two different periods. During the Viking Age, thralls (Norse slaves) were an important part of the economy and one of the main reasons for the raids on England where slaves were captured. This practice was abolished once Denmark became Christian. Trading black slaves was part of the transatlantic slave trade by Denmark-Norway around 1671, when the Danish West India Company was chartered, to 1802, when the Dano-Norwegian regent Prince Frederick carried out a ban on the country's participation in the trade.[1] As of 1778, it was estimated that the Dano-Norwegians shipped about 3,000 Africans to the Danish West Indies annually to be sold as slaves.[2] The country's ships transported approximately 100,000 enslaved Africans, about 2% of the total number in the early 19th century.

>I'm french american my grandfather came from Quebec

>tfw last name Lemay


Liberal Alliance for the regional elections in Copenhagen, as Nye Borgerlige don't want to build on Amager Fælled.

Definitely Nye Borgerlige for the parliament though.

Nye Borgerlige, they´re tougher on immigration than DF

It´s just a temporary solution until the overtone window allows for a more extreme party


Soon min vän

As late as 2007 the black on black slavery in africa had operating as much as 600.000 slaves aswell as cannibalized and enslaved the pygmies not to mention what went on before that. Black on black slavery was massive and far more severe than anything any white nation involved in buying and selling african slavery has done. And the muslim arab 1400 year enslavement of africa is estimated to have claimed over 100+ million victims.
Why the fuck should i feel ashamed for my ancestors being involved in an infinitesmally small part of that?
Also you mention yourself how we had norse slaves (thralls/trælle) aswell, every people on the planet enslaved eachother or their own at one point in history. It was a different time then.

>hva fan sager du
elsker dig min svenske ven.

You Turks need to get the fuck out.

>swedes shorter than danes

Good, it was a rabid violent mudslime after all, here's more footage:


Yeah, and as they are getting her out, you clearly hear kafir being also said in the background, kafir kafir kafir (means infidel). Such a tolerant and peaceful "refugee" trying to throw herself on the car. Piece of shit. And then her friend attacks the police officer afterwards.
>infidel fucking infidel
>we're totally victims of these evil racist danes
get the fuck out!

Race war soon lads.

NB. Would vote for Dansk Samling, but I'm afraid they are never going to get enough votees for parlament.

It's not that, it's just that "Danish minister crashed and fled a refugee woman by car" makes absolutely no fucking sense.

>accosted by a herd of subhumans
>mows down only one

Fucking Cuckmark.

Depends. Do you like fish?

They even come to talk to them because they were complaining about not being herd, and then she try to attack her and call her kafir and throw herself on the hood of the car. And people wonder why these nations these people come from are total shit, these morons can't even relax for 2 fucking seconds before chimping out like a total camel nigger. They lack or want for absolutely nothing compared to the hole in the ground they come from.

u must be some special kind of autist.. obvs this "kafir" differs from the one that means "infidel" and is more likely something that means "chill". This is easily spotted since that family doesn't look arabic but more kurdish or turkish

QR code in pic related links to this vid:

War is unavoidable. Read: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147886871/#q147886871

If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.

If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Read: archive.is/pzO4k
Watch: youtube.com/watch?v=if1bo00_RVo

Why jews make it easy to support Hitler:

>danes are such cucks
Consider the following:
>i know you want to stay in denmark, but it's of no use, this is why you have to go.
Said straight to the "refugees" face.
>we have problems here we can't return to our homelands.
OK ASSHAT, try one of the 57 majority muslim nations in the world only about 3-4 who has an imminent conflict.

>tfw find out through testing and family history I am Danish, Norwegian, Swede

prove it

>u must be some special kind of autist.. obvs this "kafir" differs from the one that means "infidel" and is more likely something that means "chill". This is easily spotted since that family doesn't look arabic but more kurdish or turkish
Kafir is a term in islam and among muslims that means infidel in arabic you absolute dunce. Doesn't matter where they come from. You're not fooling anyone, kafir doesn't mean calm down.


Thousands of incidents involving loosened wheel bolts on cars, large rocks or cinder blocks thrown from highway overpasses, and thin steel wires strung across bicycle paths meant to decapitate unsuspecting cyclists, is spreading a growing sense of horror among the Danes.

In almost all cases, the perpetrators have turned out to be from MENAP countries (Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan).

In the latest development of what has been characterized as “massive low-tech jihad“, gangs of migrants and refugees of Arab or North African descent are now shooting innocent people at random in the capitol city of Copenhagen, placing in danger the lives of both locals and visitors to this popular tourist city…

Danish police now warns all men between 17 and 25 years of age to avoid public spaces in Copenhagen.


A fucking swede

>as Nye Borgerlige don't want to build on Amager Fælled
Why isnt that a good thing?

You're depressed because you're only 1/64 danish and 63/64 nigger and you collect legos because you're autistic to boot.

Yep they literally losen the bolts on the fucking wheel so that it comes off when you're driving, doesn't take a genius to figure out what happens if that occurs in high speed.
Also they throw rocks off of bridges into traffic below and just blind luck that they haven't killed or injured more, they recently found out in one case who did it, 13-14 year old muslim immigrant kids. This is unheard of in denmark both of these things.

It's hard dealing with retards.

Good driving, Lars. 1 down.

This too

>1.2% Iberian
Fucking brunsviger.

The best part was when MSM tried to explain it with people having just changed from vinter to summer tyres.

Raskere. Jeg vil bli med for jeg er for gammel.


Lowering the housing shortage is more important to me than a park.

>The best part was when MSM tried to explain it with people having just changed from vinter to summer tyres.
Yep it's total bullshit, this has not been an issue in denmark before, all of a sudden people apparently can't into changing a tire, every idiot knows it is attempt of jihad to kill some completely random unsuspecting danes just going about their day. And doing it in such a way that they can pretend they aren't culpable for it. When the cases went from a few to many including several not so immigration friendly local politicians, it was clear what was going on.


This means Lügenpresse, right?

We need to do something about DR.
First they admit they spent 100 million on the series 1864, then they admit it was deliberately manuscripted to be anti-nationalistic.

Then we have the fucking cancerous Deadline editorial.
Here this cunt is presenting the Jews as Privileged white males committing sex crimes. And she omits the fact that they are Jews. This bitch is blaming it all on us, she wants war with us.
She is also the same one who last year interviewed a (((politico journalist))) and advertised for bussfeed. Yes, they were shamelessly plugging that website.

And here's another one about that cunt ducking Saudi arabia's cock.
>Og det var alt for denne gang, vi er inshallah tilbage i morgen aften samme tid

DR needs to be defunded.


>lige præcis
>that means lügenpresse, right?
Not exactly, it means "equally/straight precise/precisely so" if you want to roughly translate it.

No, "Right on".

what he said.

I'm proud of you denmark

Not only that. Didn't EU rule that the media license in some eastern european country was illegal? Also happened to be the exact same type of media license as DR.

top kek