>muh ar15. I need a Hollywood Bang stick . You can put a hole the size of a football in someone's chest from a distance with a slug, defend close range with buckshot, hunt small game with bird shot when you have to evac from society into the woods bc of the breakdown, and it is so simple it never breaks. No you pussies spend 3 times the money for a small caliber rifle that looks like your favorite gun in COD. A 300lb nigger isnt going to stop from a .223, the UN fucking cut your nuts off with that tumbler round to prevent bystander casualties. So what you do is bastardize the design to fire 7.62 and increase chances of malfunction? Or you go full commie and buy a Century Arms AK just like rifle that killed our brothers?
Why do you faggots not admit this is the best weapon to own?
Other urls found in this thread:
i see you sort the catalog by creation date. i see your tricks poo
>boomer fudd logic
you realize most gun owners own more than one?
nothing i just recognized you and wanted to say hi
that’s why I mounted a masterkey under my ar-15
You can't make cover fire or spread and pray with a shotgun effectively, rifles are better in a combat situation.
Because the AR-15 is superior in every respect and doesn't cost three times as much you fucking chimp.
they told me indians were rude
It is the most versatile weapon, it just doesn't have the range or rate of fire my at does. Its still a great weapon, though.
Ok, and?
30 rounds > 5 rounds
i dont understand why someone would buy a plastic cartridge belt when fabric/leather is the same price and wont snap off if it is impacted
Shotgun is a good weapon. But it can't reach out to 300yds consistently.
Were you interrupted by a blast of diarrhea or was that your sister going down on you?
what do you expect from people who shit and dump dead bodies into their holy river?
its a tool. different tools are good for different situations.
>a .223 isn't going to stop a 300 lb nigger
You've never shit somebody have you?
Anyway, I don't use a shotgun because I hate replacing dry wall
user, I agree that shotguns are underrated, but you honestly don't have to choose. You can have a shotgun and an AR. If you have friends that you roll with it would make sense to have a mix.
OP is such a fag.
Gets his gun information from video games. Thinks he's an expert.
I have shotguns, AK's, AR's chambered in various calibers. Try lugging around an AR-10 and ammo or enough shotgun slugs and you'll see why the AR15 is best.
You don't get that from pressing X on your controller, fag.
5.45 master race.
I own a G43 rechambered in 7.62 it is the commie slayer
New 590s are >$300. What are you going to buy a shitty ATI AR that wont even fire out of the box for $400?
>100 yard max range
>decades-long reload times
>ammunition succeptible to water intrusion
>is superior
How are you this autistic?
Which came first....
>tumbler round
You mean the 5.56?
>muh AR
>it is so simple it never breaks
>A 300lb nigger isn't going to stop from a .223
>implying Century shit is the only choice for AKs
You have no taste, which is usual for American gun owners. 870 a shit anyways.
Niiiice how much did it cost?
>100 yard max range
Have you heard of sabot slugs?
That is fugly, son.
Shotgun's are based. But there is NOTHING wrong with owning a rifle as well.
t. Elmer Fudd boomer faggot
Its a gun, not a mortar tube my dude.
You're a fucking idiot.
You're a fucking Fudd. I bet you have a 1911 and say shit like "all the stopping power I need"
Shotguns are GOOD at 3 things
>Shooting things in flight
>Blowing locks off things
>Police use where you're never expected to shoot more than 25 yards
You're not even allowed to hunt deer with that caliber in some states because its weak. Everyone went AR happy bc they were outlawed 94-04 even though you had access to ruger mini series in the same caliber. My point is for the fags with only enough cash for one firearm. They have limited time and money to purchase and train
>A 300lb nigger isnt going to stop from a .223,
Why don't you send your mom over and we'll test your theory?
das iit mayne
>information era
>deciding on one
>not owning both
Wanna know how I know you're gay?
$650 and worth every penny. I like to shoot those dragons breath rounds out of it for keks
Suppresive fire, ammo capacity, suppressor options, ect.
>can't tell if this faggot just doesn't know what he's talking about or has just left me so far behind I can't even
>Why not all three?
Didn't bother reading your trash thread. Enjoy awkwardly loading shells while I dump 30 rounds of 5.56 into your head.
If i could only have one handgun, it'd be a 1911
>Implying there is a "best" weapon
>obvious bait
kys, faggot.
What's the legal red tape. Do you need any ATF approval to do this?
I bought a stainless steel 3 inch barrel after Vegas and conceal carry every day. PDX1 rounds
I concur.
An automatic rifle is objectively better than any other home defense weapon because it gives you the most powerful round that has a large capacity and low recoil. A shotgun has lots of power but low capacity, high recoil (relatively speaking), and comparatively low fire rate. Handguns are poor defense weapons in general, let alone home defense.
What would you get if you could only have one?
What states? I'm not aware of such a law. And, besides when you are hunting you're not in combat. You carry a handful of rounds, not hundred. Hunting, I'd take the 30-06.
Do an experiment. Go to a gun shop. Pick up a box of 556 (anyone not a fag uses 5.56 and not 223 in an AR). Now, pick up 5 boxes to see how heavy it is. Then, pick up 100 slugs.
Slugs aren't accurate unless you get a rifled shotgun anyway, and you'd need a scope. Try lugging all that shit through the jungle and you'll understand.
yes you do
because the A5 exists
Shotguns are useful but if you're going to live in the woods you're going to want a rifle. You're not going to be able to hunt anything besides fowl with that. I'm a leaf so no ARs for me, but I would prefer to have just my bolt action Remmy than my shotgun in that situation. Sure it's not as a Murica with an AR15, but I've brought down moose and caribou with that. With my shotgun I've brought down a goose once, and fuck they're annoying to hunt. I think you'd starve without a rifle.
lol what? .223 is perfectly fine for whitetail. It's been dropping the oversized dogs since its induction.
Are you implying that deer are the same as humans in terms of ballistic effectiveness?
why limit yourself to only one gun
Fuck off biden your drunk
Took my first deer on my first year of deer hunting with .223.
I’m not aware of any state that prohibits .223. In fact, in most states it’s the smallest round that you can legally use.
>tfw can't own 100 flintlocks and use them as home defense
I just bought a new AR15 with a red dot sight for 350 bucks. Shit is cheap now that our guy is in office. A year ago the same rifle was 1000.
Hope you have it stockpiled seeing as imports are drying up and it doesn’t have the domestic support that 7.62x39 has
>wants a big black boomstick
>calls others faggots
seriously though, double barrel shotguns or guns with removable mags (saiga for example) are way better then pump guns. reloading is faster and the mags don't increase the length. Now in america with your strict gun laws, that might not make a difference, but here in germany where we do not have barrel length restrictions, most combat / homedefense shotguns are so short that any mag holding more than 3 full size 12 ga shells would be longer than the barrel.
No it wasn’t. Cheap ARs have been around for years now. It had nothing to do with election.
>tfw ywn own a blunderbuss to fend off dindus
I have >1000 of Silver Bear plus 2 spam cans of 7n6. I think I'm ok, but yeah it sucks. 5.45 is a fucking awesome round.
>Not making your own ungodly abomination of a weapon that fires 30mm high explosive shells
>Hurrrr gonna defend muh House
>Loads with 00 Buck
>Shoots intruder and 22 pellets ricochet and kill other family members
Shotguns for home defense are strictly for boomers, niggers and poorfags
Yeah those are great if you enjoy spending $1.50+/shot and dont mind the fact that your accuracy is absolute shit without a rifled barrel.
>3 times the money for a small caliber rifle that looks like your favorite gun in COD
> A 300lb nigger isnt going to stop from a .223
>improper use of greentext.jpeg
An Ar-15 can be sub-500 bucks. There isn't shit that you cant accomplish with 30 rounds of 5.56 (or even .223)[evidence: see War].You clearly dont know shit about guns, and are just a larper. If not post timestamp with your shotgun.
Show me proof of this. Prices dropped at least 40% since the election. Hillary shill.
Criminally underrated
.556 weighs 12 grams and a 12 gauge round (slug or buck) weighs about 24 grams. you can easily swap your barrels for the needed shot and if you are living in the trees you are going to see more squirrel, rabbit, fowl, etc than a larger game a rifle would be better suited for
>00 Buck
>22 pellets
>ricochet on dry wall
Are you aware of the size of a 00 buck pellet? Unless you’re implying that they’re the size of a .22 bullet, which is still kinda wrong.
You’re retarded and clearly don’t own guns.
How many things do you need to shoot at long range? Also you can sail in those walmart slugs from a smooth bore barrel at 200+ meters. I'm lucky to have a range that goes out way past that and you can hit deer sized targets with smooth bore slugs at that range, takes practice, but not that hard once you get the hang of it.
Lucky duck. I wanted a 74 but I’m not going to bother now since it’s too late to start stocking up.
I know dudes who built a ARs for $350 a few years ago. PSA has been selling their Freedom Rifle for about $450 for a few years as well. ARs have been cheap for years and you’d know this if you didn’t just get into guns this year. Not a shill for proving you wrong.
>long barrels through doorways
Best gun inside is a pistol because at that range doesn't really matter what you're shot with. But a shotgun is good mid range. Rifle is best for long range.
Muzzelloaders are the best rifles
Pistols are awful home defense weapons because pistols are awful defense weapons. They’re actually really bad st killing people. And I say this as someone who CCd regularly. They’re a compromise between power and conceal ability.
Slugs weight 3 times more. It adds up. Are you seriously going to eat a squirrel that you hit with a slug (assuming you could actually hit it). What are you going to scrape up the paste?
Sage this shit fucking retard.
Yup, Arsenal slr-104 with wooden furniture and triangle folder stock. Gun was $1000 -$500 since I won an election bet with my old man, plus a few hundred more for the furniture. It's my favorite gun and an absolute pleasure to shoot. Sorry about your situation, though.
>They’re actually really bad st killing people.
My Sig P226 holds 20 rounds of 9mm personal defense ammo in the magazine.
If the first bullet doesn't work, I just keep trying until I find the magic bullet in the magazine that does.
What's the max effective range on a shotgun? 100 yards MAYBE? Yeah guess what the max effective range on an AR 15 A2 classic is, OP.
That’s the point I’m making. A rifle round to the chest is almost a guaranteed kill. A pistol bullet to the chest isn’t any sure bet at all.
Pistols are handy, but they aren’t great at doing their job.
Fag has a point...
He can put down 6Xs the number of a Zombie horde.
He wins.
A 5.56 at point blank range will fragment and fuck you up. A 7.62x39 will put a hole right through you at point blank range, retaining most of its energy. Fuck off.
I've worked in a gun shop for 15 years you faggot. Obviously you could build them cheaper, or buy 80% lowers. If you found a full AR from a name brand before the election for less than 600 bucks you're from another planet.
Thanks, but I prefer the Gun that almost violated The Hague convention