Let's talk about Papa Johns

It's too expensive. Can we push for Domino's pizza to be the NAZI place? Or both? So I can support Domino's instead? It's a lot cheaper desu. Plus their pizza is better. Papa kinda sucks.


Dominos pizza is numba one

>too expensive

Nigga if take out pizza is too expensive for you it may be time to stop going out to buy food and save/improve your financial situation

Kys fat nigger

I ordered popcorn chicken at Domino's. It was soggy shit. Filed a PayPal claim to get my money back.

>not having comet ping pong cheese pizza as your favorite

its almost like you dont want to be a globalist

My financial situation is fine. I'm just Jewish with money and don't want to spend $15 on one fucking pizza. Dominos is just cheaper when I have a craving. I don't eat fast food for the same reason. Saves money by not buying that shit and making my own food. However, I get a craving sometimes, and I don't want to support Papa. That's why I say we make all Pizza places Nazi so we can support whichever we want.

I get a free pepper with Papa John's though

Domino's is 10X better than papa johns to be honest