Tell me about Ohio
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I loved it. True American clay
Flyover state. Literally nothing of value there.
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Been there once for a religous experience thing, there’s a place over there that has a pond the shape of a tear and some other things, geographically it was beautiful, would go again to visit more places.
Fuck off, we're full.
Right back at ya, bucko
The entire interstate is a speed trap
Really depends where you are. If you're in a rural area that's within an hour of a city, prepare for people who LARP as southerners just to feel like they aren't snobby european-wannabees. Think excessive camo, spotless pickup trucks, confederate flags, etc. If you're in a city, prepare for european-wannabees, black people, and suburban people who drove in for the day. As far as the suburbs go, it's mostly a mix of southern wannabees, and normal people. You can tell the upper middle class and lower middle class apart by their accent, which is sorta interesting. The lower middle class pronounces their I sound as an E, so "pin" becomes "pen". Probably the result of inbreeding.
Overall, though, the people are genuine. Even niggers will teach their kids to hold doors for strangers, which is worth appreciating. We like being important during election season, and we like that when the rest of the country thinks of the midwest, they think of Ohio.
People in southern Indiana and Ohio have stronger southern accents than kentucky does. It is fucking pathetic.
I like Ohio
t. Indiana