Hey, Polacks. Here are some thoughts of Azov dude about Polish attitude towards Ukraine and Ukrainians.
>"Such a certain world-wide mission of Ukrainians for Poland, for the Poles, is already emerging. As soon as Poland became much more powerful than Ukraine, including economically, the historical polarization of the Poles against Ukrainians immediately appeared. According to the Poles, a part of Ukrainians must fight Russia in the East, providing the same buffer that they really need to have, since they have repeatedly been divided, chopped by the Russian Empire. The second part of Ukrainians should be a cheap labor force and help the economic development of Poland. The third part of Ukrainians living in Ukraine must live and listen to the Poles - whom they can recognize as their heroes, who can not be recognized. And here is this primacy and reluctance to perceive as an equal partner geopolitical, political, and not as a buffer zone, cheap labor and people who do not have the right to own historical heroes - such things are already transformed directly into politics. This is reflected in the memorial problems, the widespread Ukrainian memorial destruction in Poland far more than the Polish in Ukraine. But Ukraine does not focus on this. " translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http://azov.press/ukr/oleg-petrenko-pro-zagrozi-mizhmor-yu&sandbox=1
What does a non-country like yours want in our intermarium?
Daniel Cooper
Henry Sanders
>memorial destruction are equivalent to the murder of 100,000 civilians
Jayden Baker
>According to the Poles, a part of Ukrainians must fight Russia in the East LOL gotta love poles and their sense of humor
Juan Brooks
Someone give me a rundown, is azovnigger squeling about "muh brotherhood" so Poland gives him more money and stuff or is he like "stronk ukropia need no Pollock"?
Camden Martinez
So you believe Poles are superior to Ukrainians and we are just dumb bydlo only deemed for polonization? The article is mostly bullshit. No, he is just talking about Polish arrogance and refusal to treat us as equals.
Elijah Lopez
>the historical polarization of the Poles against Ukrainians immediately appeared
What kind of a fucking retardness is this? All we wanted to do is to dig some holes in the ground and examine a few bodies, but first you didn’t let in our archeologists and scientists, then you destroy Polish graveyard in Lwów, then you name streets in Kiev after Bandera, you start praising him, millions of you come here lowering our wages and suddenly „the historical polarization of the Poles against Ukrainians immediately appeared”. What a dumb fucktard.
> According to the Poles, a part of Ukrainians must fight Russia in the East we do not give a fuck, you are just a buffer zone from Russia for us
> since they have repeatedly been divided, chopped by the Russian Empire so how would he describe Ukraine’s history?
> The second part of Ukrainians should be a cheap labor force and help the economic development of Poland not our fault your gdp per capita is literally on an African level, we were equally poor after the communism fell and during the last 25 years of „freedom and democracy” Ukraine’s population got shrinked from 53M to 38-40M, depending if you count Krym, Donbas and immigration
> The third part of Ukrainians living in Ukraine must live and listen to the Poles - whom they can recognize as their heroes, who can not be recognized we do not give a fuck about you as long as you do not start praising Bandera and UPA, Bandera is pretty much no different than Hitler and Stalin to us
> here is this primacy and reluctance to perceive as an equal partner geopolitical how can we treat you as an equal geopolitcal partner if you cannot even defend your territory and jewish oligarchs have more control of the country than the government?
> political every few years chimp out and make the revolution, sure this will help to see Ukraine as a trustworthy partner
Lucas Perez
>be polish >go to the ukraine >100% agree
Ukrainians are very good, but inferior people. I'm not saying we shouldn't be equal.....more like Germany is 'equal to bulgaria' on paper but in reality they decide everything.
And yes, Poland needs protection from the ukraine, white-ruthenia and lithuania as buffer together we are stronk !!
Robert Martin
B-but aren't Poland and Ukraine besties? Some ukrainians said so. Also, Bandera is a national hero of Ukraine, so they cant just do not praise him.
Eli Scott
Ukrainians are fucking delusional. Your country is a ruin destibilized by internal conflicts. Nobody considers you an equal partner now. Not to mention the fact that the cucked polish goverment, against better judgement, extended friendly hand to you multiple times, only to get bitten by rabid ukrainian chauvinists and borderline nazis. You had your chance and you blew it by being hostile to possibly the only nation in EU that ever gave a shit about you.
Henry Brown
>Also, Bandera is a national hero of Ukraine All they have to do is to admit that he murdered polish women and raped children and we would be fine, but no kurwa! They decided to act retarded and continue with their propaganda.
Nolan Cruz
you are anything but equal to poles hohol
Ethan Watson
Fuck Ukraine. WE NEED TO BUILD A WALL!!!
James Campbell
Why we should treat Ukrainians as geopolitically equal partner if they are clearly not equal? Are Germans treating us as equals? Of course not. This is retarded expectation, because there is no equality in the physical world. You have the role geopolitics forces on you. IRL you also have to sometimes clean toilets to make your first money, and this is normal on the personal level and on the social level.
You had your chance to actually use the role of buffer zone to your advantage. If you would threaten us with alignment with Russia, we would treat you seriously, but you made such stupid decision that we just don't need to care anymore, you are anti-Russia by default, so we can just not think about it and focus on squeezing from you as much as we can. Is it our fault? It is life. Act like adult, and you will be treated like adult.
Christian Howard
>and not as a buffer zone so make your country strong and respectable instead of bitching about being treated as a buffer zone, during the last 25 years you literally have given ZERO reasons not to think of you like this. I am not saying that our government is perfect, but yours is literally fucking retard, you are conflicted with Russia, you do everything to worsen relationship with Poland, because of the last changes in your law you pissed off Hungarians and Romanians. We are, at least, getting conflicted with Germany for a good reason
> cheap labor
>millions of low-skilled ukies come to Poland >usually work at farms or in warehouses >not to be seen as a cheap labour get used to it, we’ve been treated like this by the Westerns for the past 15 years, at least things changed since they’ve decided to accept millions of subhumans from africa
> people who do not have the right to own historical heroes so maybe your historical heroes shouldn’t have slaughtered tens of thousands of women and children in the most cruel way imaginable. Russians, at least, had a decency to murder Polish officers in Katyń with a bullet shot in the skull.
> This is reflected in the memorial problems I do not see Poland demanding memorials of Polish szlachta that used to rule Ukrainian peasants centuries ago
> the widespread Ukrainian memorial destruction in Poland And what did he mean by this? Destruction of UPA memorials? Or Red Army ones? Because if the latter, then no one thinks of Red Army as of Ukrainians
Aiden Anderson
this Belka literally gave 4 billion PLN to Ukies for free to help them and these wiggers wasted that money on god knows what. That's insane!
Parker Lewis
But partition of Ukraine will be much easier and better choice!
Hudson King
This. We should stop speaking with Ukraine and left them alone and their bandera larpers.
Jackson Williams
So... Ivan, are we going to liberate Ukraine soon?
William Price
>So you believe Poles are superior to Ukrainians History has proven this, hasn’t it?
> and we are just dumb bydlo only deemed for polonization 2 millions of you came here and will be getting polonized willingly, we are just a stronger and more advanced culturally than you (just like Westerns used to be compared to us). In fact, jews tricked you far too easily, Russians also didn’t fall for their tricks, nor Belarusians. Only you.
>No, he is just talking about Polish arrogance and refusal to treat us as equals. >arrogance We tolerated YOUR arrogance far too long.
>B-but aren't Poland and Ukraine besties? Some ukrainians said so Maybe an average Ukie likes Poles, but certainly not Poland. Our besties are Hungarians, Pepiks and Slovakians. Then Americans, soon - Austrians and Lithuanians.
Camden Gonzalez
Nah he is just a faggot. He write plenty of shit but this: >This is reflected in the memorial problems, the widespread Ukrainian memorial destruction in Poland far more than the Polish in Ukraine. But Ukraine does not focus on this. is the biggest one.
Lincoln White
Ayden Gray
but what the hell you are up to?
Gavin Perez
Refuel dat BTR, Vlad
Brandon Gutierrez
Noah Ward
Logan Allen
Nolan Morgan
>Bandera is a national hero of Ukraine No he's not, you lying russpig. It was annulled.
Austin Johnson
How many streets are named after him? How many monuments does he have?
Henry Lopez
Gibst mir muh Kiev back uuuuu
Jason Reed
And yet he was popular enough to be made one in 1st place and just after it became PR fuck up it was annulled.
Hudson Sanchez
Hohol's should just fuck off. You all need to be dumped in to reactor 4 confinement of the CNPP.
Thomas Carter
Ukraine is an artificial country that never existed before the 20th century and "Ukrainian" national identity formed in the mid-19th century. >Ukraina = U+kresu+krainy = U+krancu+krainy Korony Królestwa Polskiego, Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów (Pol-Lit) >Ukraine = At+the+borderland = At+the+end of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
>Ukraina = U+kresu+krainy = U+krancu+krainy Korony Królestwa Polskiego, Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów (Pol-Lit) >Ukraine = At+the+borderland = At+the+end of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_of_Ukraine >The oldest mention of the word ukraina dates back to the year 1187. In connection with the death of the Volodymyr Hlibovych, the ruler of Principality of Pereyaslavl which was Kiev's southern shield against the Wild Fields, the Hypatian Codex says “ukraina groaned for him”, ѡ нeм жe oyкpaинa мнoгo пocтoнa (o nem že ukraina mnogo postona).
Is it true that there is a group of Jewish oligarchs in now Jewish Ukraine that calls itself the New Khazaria? Is this what the "national revolution" was all about? Have Ukrainian "nationalists" been played by Jewish oligarchs like fiddles?
Caleb Bell
Blake Cook
>t. russhit diaspora How come le ebil Lithuanian nazis haven't crucified you yet?
Lucas Jenkins
>Have Ukrainian "nationalists" been played by Jewish oligarchs like fiddles? As always. Bandera was a Jew btw.
Charles Collins
Have you seen Azov fighters or Ukrainians? That’s just a bunch of subhuman turks in both cases
Leo Gonzalez
Duda is a neocon mongoloid that married a Jew, so try someone else
Ryan Allen
Lithuanian Nazis killed and now beat up the right people not like your tryhard faggot Bandera who only did for the lulz.
Kayden Nguyen
>here comes dat autistic "Bavarian" Übermensch nobility
Aiden Long
Bataglion Azov here!
Xavier Scott
>Lithuanian Nazis killed and now beat up the right people Yeah, russhits like you.
Angel Allen
I read a little about those OUN and UPA guys and their successor; the Azov Battalion and things are not looking good.
It turns out they are nothing more than a good goyim and do yids every bidding. The only thing Right Sector and Azov Battalion have achieved so far is putting down revolts on behalf of the thoroughly Jewish Kiev regime, which probably has to do with the fact that they are financed by Jewish billionaire Igor Kolomoisky. So even if we were to take Azov Battalion representatives’ claims to racial nationalism on social media seriously, it is still a minority tendency in the multicultural, multi-racial unit.
Moreover, despite the earlier anti-Jewish statements by the OUN, and UPA's involvement in the killing of some Kikes, there were cases of Jewish participation within the ranks of UPA, some of whom held high positions among the command staff and medical personnel. These included Dr. Margosh, who headed UPA-West's medical service, Dr. Marksymovich, who was the Chief Physician of the UPA's officer school, and Dr. Abraham Kum, the director of an underground hospital in the Carpathians. The latter individual was the recipient of the UPA's Golden Cross of Merit. One Ukrainian historian has said that almost every UPA unit included Jewish support personnel. According to Phillip Friedman many Jews, particularly those whose skills were useful to UPA, were sheltered by them.
Unfortunately it seems that goyim got played again. Ukrainians are tough to hate Poles and Russians while Jews are stealing everything valuable and pimping Ukrainian girls to foreigners. In their blind hatred Ukrainians will drive off Hungarians, Polish and Russian minorities while simultaneously seeking EU membership with all the obvious multiculti consequences. Azov is similar to a Kurds as they are nothing but a band of useful idiots destabilizing the region. They have full backing of the US government and people like McCain and Hillary Clinton were their big supporters.
Parker Wright
You dare call me a mongoloid you Turk rape baby?
Grayson Mitchell
Do you know about the "New Khazaria"? Why do you want to fight for Jews?
Jacob Cooper
I don't know about Jewish oligarchs but Israeli army/Mossad is heavily involved in the war there.
Poland should pursue V4 and consolidating into a real political and economic alternative to the EU, leave the Balkans for Russian sphere of influence. Leave the Ukrainian shitshow to short itself out
Levi White
Just the Jew trying to divide Slavs while robbing ukraine and destroying their agriculture with monsanto and other proxy US companies. Believe in big, nasty polish danger, Ukrainians. Less Slavs, less resistance for our (((jew world order))).
It s just the Jew, and OP is a fucking faggot as well.
Asher Taylor
I have nothing against Ukrainians as long as this volhynia/upa thing is not being loudly vocalized.
Equal Partners... world doesn't work this way. The global geopolitics is moreless decided and there is no chance for agenda to change any soon. >Look at the pic Ukraine is supposed to be buffer zone between Central Europe and Russia. Thats not just Polish agenda. This agenda was created by USA and everyone follows this.
What is pro-western Ukraine that is in NATO? >Existential threat Russia will never ever ever allow Ukraine to join EU or NATO, this is the truth. Even if this means some thing i can't even imagine right now, this simply want happen. Neither USA neither any other country is willing to actually help Ukraine because they are aware that Russians CAN'T let this happen. 1 thing that Will not happen for sure is annexation of whole ukraine by Russia. But its very possible that eastern ukraine will become a part of Russia if Ukraine keep pushing being pro western.
About Poland-Ukraine. Geopolitics>Feelings. Poland is one country that is actually convincing other eu countries to let Ukraine in, but every time you guys chimp out, you are pretty much pushing yourselves away from EU.
So... What are chances for Ukraine to become what you want it to be? If everything stays as it is now, chances are close to 0. You would only have chance for your plans to become real if Russia would collapse and split into tiny republics.
No hard feelings. If you want to learn more about global geopolitics check for example Stratfor think tank
>Ukraine is supposed to be buffer zone between Central Europe and Russia. Thats not just Polish agenda. This agenda was created by USA and everyone follows this.
This is pure american nonsense and I am glad you realise it, Ukraine has been a part of Russia for hundreds of years, Ukrainians speak eastern slavic dialect, have same religion, the same with Belarus, IT IS NOT A BUFFER ZONE.
That map is a result of 90's Nato expansionism, first they did it with former Warsaw pact countries, then in Balkans, and now in Ukraine. Its disgraceful and I am glad Russia is not letting that shit pass.
Jordan Nelson
1.Sovereign Ukraine is a buffer state for Poland for a geographical reasons independently of what we may want. 2. Ukrainians are cheap labor for Poland because of how economy works, for the same reason Poles are cheap labor for Dutch people or Germans. Such relation profits both sides and builds up wealth. 3. No one here wants Ukrainians to listen to Poles, we have enough of our own problems. We are just butthurt that you glorify someone that was murdering us is the most cruel and animalistic manner as this is something that is not compatibile with our culture. If a reliable information about the horrible crimes of a Polish historical hero was to surface today, he would stop being a hero tommorow morning. In any case, no one here plots to subjugate the Ukrainians, we just want to work, have children and live in peace without being constantly disturbed by forces from the outside.
Kevin Cook
Luke Barnes
Fucking vatniks and homo sovieticus. The hardest to remove species next to Turk roach.
Dont fight your mongol ancestry bro, I know you love us!
Robert Cox
>In fact, jews tricked you far too easily Ukraine got sold to jews by their corrupt politicians. Stop bullying Petro.
Brandon Walker
And another one popped. So we have two russian patriots from Croatia, one from Slovenia, montenigger russian, a "Finn", a "Pole" and now a "Czech" posting here. Are you all just love Russia so much you GTFO of it? Or just olka?
Easton Reed
Haйди, cyкa, хoть oднo cлoвo пpo Poccию в мoeм пocтe.
Jacob Davis
The stupidity of hohol's is beyond any limits.
Isaac Butler
It doesn't have to be about Russia. I've seen irrational hate towards Ukraine from Czech flags. Not so irrational, if there's Ivan sitting behind it.
Connor Young
We will never forget Wołyń Death is all you will have
Adam Hall
>and refusal to treat us as equals. This is very unlikely to ever change to be honest.
This is not the usual case of "capitalist state with marshall plan money since ww2 vs poor ex-commie shithole" like say Germany v. Poland.
At the beginning of the 1990s Ukrainian economy was miles ahead of Polish. It had better industry, better agriculture, fucking everything it needed to become an european state with half-decent standard of living.
But Ukrainians once again proved to be stupid fucking monkeys worse than even Poles they hate so much.