How can they claim to be be superior to anybody?
How can they claim to be be superior to anybody?
Other urls found in this thread:
Inbreeding does that.
feels > reals
And Sup Forums
They are superior to a p*le any day of the week.
At least inbreds know how to shit in a toilet
Triggered little inbred trash.
Said like a true Aryan
>posts pic of kekistan meetup
>this is le Sup Forums xDD
Very clever
This, the Polacke wishes he could be those guys.
They look like normal people but with poor style and shorn hair.
Do computers in India work on flammable feces?
not nationalist socialists
Of course I do
Jews are not ok.
I know you do.
America's prison system forces everyone to affiliate with racially based gangs for their own protection
This sort of thinking is leaking out into the lower class communities around the nation, where people have high rates of incarceration.
I don't truly understand the NSM subculture, which seems weird and alien, but it probably has to do with the fact that lower class whites are hated and abandoned by the rest of society and have to have some symbol to band together under.
And the swastika is literally the symbol of our race, whether we like it or not.
Someone should do a research project on NSM though, there could be some weird elements to their sub-culture, maybe Feds are forcing them to keep their clothing 15 years out of date or something
Jews are ok
Jews are not ok.
They are
They are just so superior.
They're not.
Would rather live with them then live with nigs and indians.
Superior to Poles, certainly.
>Panzer Division
desu that gathering looks /comfy/
>ywn hang out grilling some brats and drinking beers while discussing the global jewish conspiracy with your white brothers and your aryan wifu
why live?
So superior
They are ok.
If we are not superior, give back the world we created for you and make your own.
Those seem like Mestizos, though Mestizos are of course still superior to Poles.
They aren't.
Lol cherry pick kids and random skin heads instead of HUwhite looking people. Its funny you jews really are lazy as fuck
>implying Kekistan wasn't invented by Sup Forums
Post pics of national socialists who aren't cringeworthy
Kys Patel
paid actors
you can't hide behind that vpn you faggot, we know what you're doing.
You created this world on the backs of slaves.
Mind you telling me what I'm doing or are you too inbred to do that?
you know what you're doing, nigger.
>all Nazis are paid actors
Post some Nat-Soc people who aren't untermensch
I didn't say all.
The picture you posted was of paid actors.
this is satirising succession efforts by californians who are up their own arse. the point is that they think that everyone else is a bunch a of nazis so the californian master race is going to leave the sub-human nazis behind, listen to california uber alles
How can people lump anyone right if Marx in with them?
She is a cutie.
Neo Nazis are low iq social retards. I'm a Nazi myself but these people do nothing to legitimately help the cause
>I-I'm better than them, believe me
You're too retarded to even look at a flag
>I'm a Nazi myself
The boy next to her isn't half bad either. I don't understand why people expect everyone to look nothing less than perfect.
>hurr you're retarded
fuck off shill
They should all look like the guy on the right
Inferiority complex + poverty + no education + brought up in backwards rural regions of the US. None of these people are winners, they have to compensate for that somehow.
Go back to shitting on the street pajeet ....
you're right, it has nothing to do with the present state of things.
>implying literally anyone that isn’t a shill has any respect for the kekistani bullshit
They look pretty normal to me, few of them look like fat neets, but you’ll have that.
Like a criminal?
What are you implying? These retards have existed for decades, Trump only emboldened them and made them think he was "on their side" or whatever.
if you see this claim on 4chsn it is only sarcetchup. we are merely time machmeme
Wait a minute.
Is he playing checkers with chess figurines?
Lots of people have existed for a long time.
The recent insurgence of "far righters" is because of the moves made by the left in the past couple of years.
>it's drumpf's fault
ok shill cuck
Do you come here just to shill? You should really lurk more. Or maybe you have other motives.
Maybe they aren't really Californians?
>yfw CNN is shit posting on Sup Forums looking for a story
The argument is about the entire racial group, not them specifically. Sub-Saharan Africans, as a group, are inferior to all except indigenous Australians.
And maybe those aren't Welsh?
it's ok for proles to be white
The sad thing is that Trump newfags like yourself are the true shills here. I've been on Sup Forums since before Sup Forums was Sup Forums, when it was /new/ and I've been on Sup Forums for over a decade. Underaged Trumpkids like you are the true shills / newfags.
And once again another group of "Nazis" with fresh out of the packet flag with the fold marks still in it.
No self-respecting National Socialist would ever refer to themselves as a "Nazi". You just outed yourself as Schlomo.
Are you trying to imply old Sup Forums wouldn't have supported Trump in the campaign? Are you brain dead? Or just another faggot pretending to be an oldfag?
Meth heads give great bjs
omfg thats a burn
shaka chan brother
no they arent shit skin
It's not hard to be superior next to commie losers like this.
>muh ageism
>ive browsed this Urugaryan competitive button fastening forum longer than you so im automatically right
Suck a cock faggot nerd, Sup Forums has always been contrarian above all else, with actual ideology coming second. Right now supporting trump is considered going against mainstream school of thought, so its popular here. Btw you can rightfully bash trump all you want but the fact of the matter is that there wasnt and still is no better alternative. I wont even entertain the arguement that clinton was better because its like saying the earth is flat - its a fucking retarded opinion and doesnt have any basis in reality.
They aren't.
Neo Nazis and skinheads are white niggers. Sub human degenerate thugs that are an embarrassment to national socialism. They are simply tattooed, pierced ugly thugs that worship symbolism and Hitler.
They are NOT national socialists. Just thugs.
I know this is a disingenuous thread, but what are we supposed to do with people like NSM? They are embarrassing and not persuasive.
Riddles for Yiddles are SO easily cracked!
>fugggggggggg :D
Must be tough being part of such a small group.
Make more 56% memes and they'll get the message eventually
>f-false flag!
Because they are?
Those guys are all agents. Don't fall for it
Daily Reminder you can filter by image
People blame the current state of affairs for consistent problems.
My sweet summer child.
Because slightly less inbred people built toilets for them
Very conclusive.
lol how did it feel when Germany btfo your filthy polish kike partisan scum ?
And you pussy antifaggots did not do shit today.
You are all pussies who stayed in today and now everyone is laughing at you cucks.
then it's cool for there to be problems, you arrogant faggot.