Exposing Google's search bias

this is getting ridiculous

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?source=hp&ei=Bg3-WbvTB4SajwOu8J_gBQ&q=inventors united states&oq=inventors united states&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l2.1357.6919.0.7603.

European People Art

White couple

White woman with children

Look up "Criminal"

white man and white woman... could not make this any clearer

bro its cuz they call him an African american so much when they talk about him,


they even throw in a black cop for good measure

violent rapist

Im researching Peanut nigger and I cant find something that he invented that worked or that was new

holy shit even mugshot is rigged, only blacks you see are tiger woods and cosby

Google is a private company. They are not obligated to be unbiased in anything.

You should already be using another search engine, as well as email provider and cloud storage provider instead of sitting here whining.

search family

google is what the vast vast majority of people use. Im not whining , just pointing out the anti-white brainwashing going on

fucking hell

14% of the population but 90% of the happy family results

Where is bill clinton

Since Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr have shown they cannot be trusted, they should be nationalised and declared public services, with all similar services undergoing the same.

your the same type of person who says 'dont like it, start your own' and then when you do start your own the internet providers blackball and drop you and youre essentially booted off the internet
>see 'if you didnt do anything wrong you have nothing to hide' as a reference

White nation
>inb4 from le donald

When you search inventors from america it isnt much better

that one donald trump white male, truly he's the saviour that was promised

is alexander graham bell black?

This one takes the cake

the brits google search is still ok,, and we invented anything worth while anyway,, THAT includs the U.S.A

is alexander graham bell black?

no but he is also not american,, he is scotish

not black or american. dont know how he made the list

"white inventors"

Hahahahahaha, try "thug"

Well searching "american inventors" is nigger tier, so you get what the niggers demand.
Searching "United States inventors" leads to what you want to see.

>they even changed the images to black and white in order to try fool us

What even is any of these images

Well, at least 3 Teslas

>Americans call the British cucked and Ahmed

O I am laffin

>Uruguayan inventors
>i think we have 2...
>at least everyone in the pics is white

associating white nationalism with controlled opposition supremacy/hate groups, making a white nation appear to be a bad thing


You literally CAN'T search for white couples.

Is disgusting.

Because they sure will improve under gubernment control


White people

as usual these posts are complete bullshit. I hate google too but you just discredit your argument when you make this shit up. here is the actual search results for inventors united states google.com/search?source=hp&ei=Bg3-WbvTB4SajwOu8J_gBQ&q=inventors united states&oq=inventors united states&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l2.1357.6919.0.7603. there is only one black on the list and it is George Washington Carver, which is bad enough because he really didn't invent shit and shouldn't be sixth on the list

kek #2 result whats up with the yellow fever fetish

most are blacks mexicans and in EU muslims

>google.com/search?source=hp&ei=Bg3-WbvTB4SajwOu8J_gBQ&q=inventors united states&oq=inventors united states&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l2.1357.6919.0.7603.
nigga i aint clickin that shit

Some drawfag reallt need to edit the google doodle and create a "BLACKED" version

... This is insane.

>when you let an indian immigrant who hates white people run google

Nobody types "Inventors united states" into search, you nigger.. They made the obvious search "american inventors" to show only nigger inventors.

quality post

Do you ever stop and think that maybe (((they))) white washed the history of another race before us? And now (((they))) are trying to black wash history? Do we even know if anything is real? Is everything just made up? 100 years from now will everyone in America think America was discovered and formed by black people?

>they even show a black boxer

*14% of the population with 75% of children born out of wedlock and 90% of happy family results

>there is only one black on the list and it is George Washington Carver


You imbeciles, the results are based on your online behaviour. Google uses algorithms and information it knows about you to give you relevant searches and predict what you want.

As for the American inventors, if you google United States inventors you'll see a proper list. The reason it shows black inventors ahead of white is that African American Inventors is similar to American Inventors, hence why it assumes that's what you want to see. If you google United States inventors it shows you the proper list. Now sage.

the just google search "inventors united states" and you will get Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Samuel Morse, Nikola Tesla, Eli Whitney, George Washington Carver, Henry Ford, Charles Goodyear, Isaac Singer and George Eastman as the top results. If you even go into the second page of results, you get three more negroes who didnt invent shit and no one has ever heard of, so as I said, the real results are bad enough and proof that they are manipulating the search results, but OP is just making that shit up

Meanwhile, in France....


oy vey


British inventors doesn't have a single darkie

>Great Moments in Google
well, at least there's that

holy shit, you are right, my bad that is the return for "american inventors". in a way, that is so over the top that it is fucking good. who the fuck has ever heard of any of these negroes

Good one Schlomo

Funny thing is I searched "Inventeurs américains", the french translation of "american inventors" The results are sooo different fron the english ones !


A lot of people, normies and no 4chanes had made the same search and obtain the same results.

I mean, yea. Your behavior alter the results. But the global trend of the results show precisely that the parameters set inside google have more weight in the results that your own preferences.

Search for "white couples" and then search for "black couples" and "asian couples".

the solution is to remove (((them))) obviously

There are still some sort of obscure searches that google hasn't gotten around to censoring. We've given google too much power. There needs to be some sort of campaign against them. That goes for android phones too. Encryption is needed from end to end.

>type american
>you meant african american


>Ahmed the Clockboi

Holy shit my sides

i think they should be left to die slowly instead.
trump needs to move to gab

i just used duckduckgo and got the same results

Google is obligated by every moral and ethical standard to accurately represent search terms, you cocksucking faggot. Yes, in legal and business terms they're a private company who are not obligated to do anything, except that if every asshole behaved the way you're making concessions to then the entire world would be chaos, which is why corporatism and corporate cocksuckers like you are such a fucking thorn in the side of normal people and why things like white genocide are unironically real.


That's gold

He invented fucking nothing.

>Carver was given credit in popular folklore for many inventions that did not come out of his lab

>they were not commercially successful

Wow google, really leading with the best.

physically hurts


Don't like living on earth? Move to neptune. Stop complaining.

there is actually a pretty logical explanation for all of this. white people generally aren't obsessed with race, so they'll just look up "people", "men", "women" instead of adding "white". this leaves mostly PeeoCee written blogs/articles obsessing over skin color and shitting up the results


Bake my gay cake, christian shitlord!


You do know that Google and youtube are censoring Anti-Palestinian videos and articles right?? so if jews really do control google, as your meme shows/states than you would expect them to be censoring anti-Israeli post right??


>They will never be seen as exotic
t. someone who has never traveled

It's awful. Can't find articles and photos I've seen 1,000 times as of the past month.

Inventors from united states works.

It's similar on Qwant, until you add the argument "-african". The prevalence of the word "african american" is probably skewing the results for anything that has "american", though that doesn't explain white couple, violent rapist, thug etc.

>white couple
white people would just say "couple"

>violent rapist
white people being violent rapists is actually newsworthy

Sounds like the Ministry of Truth to me

100% better than the white man