Why is the right wing so cringe
Why is the right wing so cringe
>sargon right wing
All the people on that list are Jew-owned. All zionist shills. Keep that in mind.
If I listen to these people will I turn into a fag?
Everyone else on the list is ok.
>about muslims
the only information about mudslimes that is incorrect is if you call them people. they are not, they are subhuman cancer
only a cancuck wouldn't like Rogan
>shrunken testes
American dream
The left watches shit like sarkeesian lmao, end yourself leaf
Haha dude weed lmao
No one watches Sarkeesian.
w/o CIA. MOSSAD. 9/11. there would be no muslim terrorism. or if USA didnt kill Gaddafi there would be no refugee crisis. So shut the fuck up jew.
I hate these fed plant faggots
MisterMekotru and E;R are /ourguys/ only
Engineer straight out of college making 300K
8 inch girthy cock
Great White Race
Doesn't need to speak French
Doesn't have another country's Queen on his currency
Fucking your bitches Based God style
Why are the leaders of the alt right all degenerates? Are degenerates naturally attracted to power?
James Allsup
> 1/4th filipino
Tara Mccarthy
> 1/8th indian
> 1/16th jewish
Nick Fuentes
> Refuses to release a dna test but admits to his father being mexican
>Perfect example of a civic cuck
> 1/2 jewish
> black cock loving faggot
> pedo
Richard Spencer
> 99.9% likely to be cia informant
>Has russian tatar wife
Mike Enoch
> Jewish wife
> Probably jewish himself
> Family is pozzed af
> 1/2 puerto rican wife
>Sucks and needs to be kicked off tds
Mike cernovich
>Probably jewish
>iranian wife
Britanny venti
>claims to be octoroon but dna shows she is a quadroon
>cia plant
Andrew anglin
>yellow fever
>Just look at him
Lauren Southern, Faith Goldy, That other girl who hangs around Lauren, Every other rent seeking thot
>Only in it for the money
>Will all either die childless or with multiple mulatto children
Chris Cantwell
>Can't do anything well except take steroids and get sent to jail
>Has had many many relationships with non white women
>Quadroon nigger
>Civic cuck
Millenial woes
yes there would be, muzzies have been terrorists for hundreds of years, since before the Crusades you dumb fuck, pick up a god damn book...then smash it on your dumb face
he's paid to shitpost my dude
Why is the cringe wing so right?
>banana boy
>guy who gets triggered if you mention he's bald
>Sargon, king of the Patreon pseudo-intellectuals
>lolbertarian meatheads like Rogan and Crowder
Get some taste, Paul.
your just an imbecile jew-loving motherfucker. how about you PICK up a damn book.
>The thing we tried to meme into existence isn't happening!
this is why i never understand, rogan, crowder, shapiro, pjw, etc. unless religion is brought up, you cannot attack their statements with logic or facts (because they use logic and facts). it comes down to calling them names aka "cringe".
can't wait til i see some socialist antifa faggots in downtown denver today. GRONK SMASH
Oh, come on, they could have tried a little harder than this. if you want a truly convincing reason to distrust PJW, listen to him flat out deny the JQ.
>Physical appearance is degenerate
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read: archive.4plebs.org
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Read: archive.is
Watch: youtube.com
Crowder voted Jeb.
Watching Crowder is literal Jeb! tier.
No vee
Into the trash it goes
What I watch on Youtube
>Victor Davis Hanson
>Roger Scruton
>Classical music
>Fail videos
>no Islamic radicals without CIA and Mossad
>implying there weren't Islamic radicals a thousand years before CIA or Mossad existed
But why? Sure he gave some sort of justification.
Shapiro is good except when it comes to anything involving Jews or Israel. PJW does the same thing the faggots in the "skeptic community" do, which is mocking the low-hanging fruit SJWs, but he's a giant hypocrite and holds no serious convictions. He's flip-flopped on the so-called alt-right and on Trump many times. Rogan and Crowder are just Alex Jones-tier noisy entertainers.
Hi, Vee; how's the cat?
slow and steady user
>I waste my time by watching other e-celebs on youtube
Not even surprised
Savage is better than all these sausages and he's a kike
the only way this is cringe is if you know who the fuck all these people are
>right wing
Total lel
This is how a stormweenies mind functions, what's your youtube channel and how much have you done for the cause?
"E-celeb" is well known to be a word created by shills.
>TJ Kirk is ok
I used to listen to him back in the early '00s...pretty entertaining, but what's with his obsessions with the dogs? They aren't even an intelligent dog breed. Why would someone "intelligent" get a moron dog?
i only watch Tucker Carlson and a little bit of Peterson on a few issues.
>you can only criticize food if you're a chef
Go watch Mark Steyn instead, he is very good
>the absolute state of civic cucks
PJW is not right wing. He is cuck wing and a fear mongorer, just like his mentor. He likely is cointel and dissinfo as well. Anyone listening to Sargon is a cuck of epic proportions.
Rogan is a douchebag, burger.
Your leader, though
Fuck off leaf.
>i only watch Tucker Carlson and a little bit of Peterson on a few issues.
I don't watch or read anything. It can only pollute my mind. Besides I already know everything I need.
this has literally and unironically never been refuted. People post this and just get called "shills." I have no idea how Enoch in particular got doxed that he was about half jew, and his wife jewish and people just go along like nothing happened. And yeah, basically every prominiant member of "le alt-right" is mixed breed
He's totally not racist
who is this and who are these people lol
Really gets the chink to think
Jordon Peterson is decent. The rest are money grabbing fedora tippers
Man this thread is so low T. Also this, you fucking shills
Are you some sort of bitch? Is that mean to be an insult? What the fuck is wrong with you?
YES! E;R IS FUCKING GOD! I was pro hillary and fucking stupid before the election happened because i lived in NYC, right after the election I saw this video called Steven Rapeyverse (i used to watch SU) that blew me away, I subbed to him and showed him to my friends, then I learned on his twitter he was a Trump supporter and unsubbed. Later in 2017 i found a vid by Hunter Avallone (he makes low effort buzzfeed vids that made me laught) called why i like Donald Trump, i immediately disliked, then watched the vid, after the vid i undisliked his vid and started looking deep into things instead of having my College's opinion. Then I started to follow Trump and pol. I don't think I belong to Sup Forums because I am not smart and I think I would make the website even worse. I became who I am all because of E;R, without him I would be the very people I hate the most.
well i work so much that i don't have a lot of time to research. Carlson seems pretty middle ground informative though sometimes he will get preachy which is sort of annoying.
Probably the same reason mein Fuhrer loved dogs...more innocence than any human, I guess
Rogan is good for reminding yourself not to act like a complete asshole, a symptom of browsing Sup Forums, but his politics is screwed.
Yeah he babbled on about something, I can't remember it. He mentioned it in one of his latest episodes.
Maybe he's just really into guaca and midget porn.
Look at his flag.
>TJ Kirk
>people still watch TAA
This is a sad state of affairs.
I'm honestly surprised to see this. Where's the proof that he is? Does this apply to any infowar reporter?
>anyone left of Hitler can't be right wing
Yeah. Isn't Styx a crossdressing faggot?
Fake news
>Quadroon nigger
I lol'd
>Wendy's manager
>9 inch dick
>more aesthetic than Zyzz
>modeling contract (freelance on my time)
>Have A-listers numbers
>Chem Eng degree and pure maths PhD
Get on my level
The absolute state of stormfags. You guys can't even beat Antifa yet you still fantasise about some "race war".
is someone really trying to take er from elliot rodger? i will not stand for this
mumkey jones is also very gud
and of course weev, admitted he was 100% Jewish, most of those guys are alt-lite, controlled opposition, but still holds true that apparently everyone a normy thinks is alt-right, is mongrel.
They talked a lot of shit, I've been sitting around waiting on them all day
Nice try sholomo.
Go eat some baby penis.
>Chem Eng degree and pure maths PhD
>Wendy's manager
You must have been an awful student.
Who is tj kirk, is that banana butt?
Better Ride the tiger and read traditional philosophers rather than listening to all these faggots.
E;R dicksucking thread, here we talk about E;R being awesome and making good videos and the latest news on him.
peterson, molymeme and crowder are ok
I get that, I just don't get why he liked his little retard dog, Teddy, so much. Apparently he likes ubermensch dogs, now.
what are some left youtubers?
seriously, beacuse of youtube's retarded algorithm I get only right wing recommends. I'm curious of the other side.
vee is a retard. But he's a funny one. He is a progressive by romanian standards. I hope he won't be my doctor.
>Why does someone I don't agree with upset me so much?
Excellent question, leaf.
>Quadroon nigger
Source? I didn't know that he was part black.
reddit please go
Sargon is a classical liberal, much like Jordan Peterson, which is now right wing by default, simply by virtue of opposing the neocommunist left.
Its called loyalty. I made a commitment to Wendy's and they pay me 700k. Those degrees were just so I can shitpost with accuracy.
he definitely has some kind of social disorder and he promotes "witchcraft" (what a fag)
Oh shit nigger, what are you doing
you'll awaken the finngol with a post like this
none of them upset me, they just make me cringe and pity them
imagine getting your political beliefs from youtubers
>r/the_donald starter pack
Styx is not Jew owned you beta faggot. Styx is a friggin libertarian Vermont boi who speaks off the cuff without saying "uhhh" and "ahhh."
I watch an actual autistic faggot Ryan Faulk
>Has russian tatar wife
that sounds badass desu famalam
You can't even into agriculture.
That's pretty shit taste. I listen to Molymeme and Rogan, but they're both pretty uninspiring. Rogan is straight up retarded.
Rubin is alright.
Literally this.
Although Jim is presenting himself as a classic libshit with tactical nihilism against progressivism. Still love the guy though.