If Trump falls?

Real question: What happens to the movement? There's no one in office left to carry the mantle.

How do we protest an impeachment?

And no, not interested in gasing kikes, I'm really asking

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Good, fuck trump

Why Fuck Trump? Were you a Hillary fan?
You're not even American!

If Trump fails, America (even ZOG) is doomed. All nations will become slave races to the power elites. With the technology already invented nobody will ever have the slightest idea of what freedom means. If we don’t secure sovereignty of America to it’s people, liberty will be forever lost. No other nation will be able to rekindle the spirit of truth and liberty without the greatest nation the planet has ever seen.

If gassing a few criminal kikes is too edgy for you, you seriously don’t see what’s at stake here... and how little time there is.

Then Pence takes over with his highly anti-homosexuality values. Kill switch, user.

fuck leafs tb h. Would nuke you if had the chance

Both are Jewish puppets
Wrong. Trump is ZOG
Would nuke you as well.

You seem to think that this is a realistic option.
That'll never happen.
Realistically, the movement would take it lying down and fizzle out.

We abandon the incumbent parties, create a new one, and move forward.
>But what about the other parties that currently exist?
Fuck 'em.

what "movement" is Blumpf the leader of?

>If Trump falls?

He'll be okay look how many times Hillary has fallen down

>If Trump falls?

Pence takes over and makes Trump VP (along with a pardon).

Nothing changes.

Even if Trump is Zog’s puppet, the movement behind him has real tangible power that could restore liberty to the united states.

The longer this is prolonged, the bloodier and more vile things will become. It’s not a matter of optimism or not, we must be willing to kill for what our ancestors sacrificed for.

The final redpill is that there are things worth living, dying and killing for.

>parties at all
stop trusting in democracy

wrong, white revolution is the ONLY solution - and this will not be carried out by alt-kike faggots and neocons

He can't just assign a VP like that. Doesn't work that way.

Trump is a shabbos goy.


won't happen. Trump is on his way out.

>He can't just assign a VP like that. Doesn't work that way.

Of course he can you dumb fucking shit.

Once Trump is pardoned by Pence, he can also run in 2020 again.

Yeah, and do you think Pence will win after the Trump debacle? He'll be a disgraced VP turned P.
There's a lot of Trump-regret.

>on his way out.
In 8 years maybe

your whole country is a meme, therefore you opinion doesnt count at all.

Do you really think people will vote for him again after all this?

Clay HIggins will take up the banner and heretics will burn.


Nothing happens.

I haven't been able to keep up with politics. What happened this time?



Yeah if the alternative is Elizabeth Warren

I agree. Nothing will happen. **IF** Trump goes out, then nothing will happen. It'll be the end of a failed presidency. The movement (Alt-Right, Alt-Light, Nationalism, Hotep, Reactionary Nationalism, etc) will remain...then stop being cool...then slowly dissolve as people move on with life.

Spencer will remain, but only with a handful of followers.
Milo will end up apologizing for the harm he's caused in 5 years, just to get attention, then fall back into obscurity.
The Neo-Cons like Steven Crowder will remain on their same message for a few more decades and become the next Bill O'Reilly.


Well look at the way things have been going for the major parties, the Democrats are losing everywhere and are running insane political ads involving trucks and muslim kids, the Republicans who oppose him are mostly being primaried out, it's gotten to the point where incumbent senators have to retire because Trump doesn't like them. I'd say Trump's movement is doing fine, for some perspective the media claimed he had 32-35% approval when he was elected, he's supposedly at 35-40% now. I'm honestly a little amazed that liberals are taking it for granted that they're going to win in 2020, at this point being this smug transcends confidence and gets into the realm of mental disorder.

Not if Byron saves the last Trump president.

Pence will automatically become president there's nothing to "win"
>There's a lot of Trump-regret.
concern trolling should be a bannable offense.


Its not about whether he'll win in 2020, (he likely won't run and say he was successful in 1 term), its more of what happens if he gets IMPEACHED

Where is Styx!!!

>its more of what happens if he gets IMPEACHED
You realize that getting impeached doesn't automatically mean you'll going to be removed from office.

Clinton was impeached and he served out the rest of his term.

>Do you really think people will vote for him again after all this?

I can't even remember the last thing the Dems won?? They've lost 5 or 6 elections since Trump got in. Record fundraising numbers for RNC etc etc

The Dems are gonna get wiped out in the mid terms. They can't even raise money anymore.

I laugh at the idea of impeachment. You kids talking about how pence will pardon him are garbage shills.

The real threat is assassination. Every day I watch this president, I say to myself "they are going to have to kill this man..."

There isn't any way to impeach Trump before 2020, you need congress for that and the cuckservatives don't have the numbers or the will to make it happen. A Trump impeachment would be the death of the GOP and they know that.

There's also no real opportunity for the dems to take congress until 2020, their senate map is shit next year, many of their incumbents are already underwater. The house? geographic impossibility. Realistically the Democrats are focusing on preventing a GOP supermajority, retaking congress is a lie to keep redditers happy.

>its more of what happens if he gets IMPEACHED

Nothing. The Repubs will never join in for it.


Cool Shareblue is getting smarter.