I live in the Portland metro area and the entire community is swarming with armed antifa thugs seizing homes and murdering white privileged homeowners and ..

Oh wait.

My mistake.

There are literally no protesters because there were literally zero posts on Facebook, Twitter, Slack, Reddit or anyplace at all other urging people to go protest and the only proof of a supposed protest came from dipshit far right sites that have no meaningful connection to the progressive community and you fags have wasted your time circle jerking over yet another happening that never ever ever ever ever happened just like you always do.

> implying Sup Forums is always right

Sure, just like the customer is always right

Other urls found in this thread:



wasnt there a full page ad in the new york times
sounds like you guys just dont have any supporters anymore because your movement is retarded

Anita took out an ad to do this shit. Not our fault they pussed out.

>Antifa talks shit about overthrowing the US government on the 4th.
>Bitch out when the 4th shows up.
>Says the Right made it all up to begin with.

Sure thing faggot, WHATEVER YOU SAY!

>spend $100k+ on a single ad
>everyone laughs at you
>desperate damage control ensues
>you g-guys, you fell for our t-trap!
>we were never going to bash the fash to begin with
>it was a prank, bro!
>hahaha, I can't believe you fell for it by laughing at us

Seattefag here. Posters for this shit literally everywhere. Don't try to dismiss this as a troll, you commie faggots have no support.

> remember that time Sup Forums predicted a terrorist bombing during the opening ceremonies of the London Olympics?

> remember that time Sup Forums predicted a deep state MK Ultra shooting massacre at the Boy Scout Jamboree?

> remember that time Sup Forums predicted Ron Paul would seize the nomination from Mitt Romney?

> remember that time Sup Forums predicted Barack Obama was taking military control of Texas through coordinated attacks on Walmart?

> remember aaaallll the times Sup Forums predicted the downfall of the US currency?

> remember that time Sup Forums predicted that Robert Mueller was actually pursuing John Podesta and not the Trump family or administration?


one specific org made a thing about a protest with hyperbolic language. Doesn't equate to "antifa taking out an ad".


>> remember that time Sup Forums predicted Barack Obama was taking military control of Texas through coordinated attacks on Walmart?

Used to live in University Place, WA.

Thought WA was full of liberal faggots, was stationed at Fort Lewis and the rich white liberal kids would protest outside of Madigan Gate all the fucking time.

Didn't know what a liberal was back then, but I know the name of my enemy now.

Fucking hilarious that this ad made everybody on this site fill their diapy

Sounds like the low unemployment numbers are draining your ranks. Damn it feels good to be great again.

Maybe .. just maybe ..

Now hear me out on this.

But maybe? Maybe.

Maybe the world is run by normies. You know. Happily married homeowners like me. People with careers and friends and sex lives. Socio-normative persons.

Now maybe .. just maybe ..

Maybe the "normie" Democrats don't like Antifa? On account of, they're jobless fucking peasants who blame others for their own life failures and inability to fit the fuck in.

You know. Like Ron Paul supporters or Trump cultists.

> remember that time Sup Forums tried to organize a giant Trump rally in DC and like 34 people showed up?

> remember all those times you organized Nazi rallies and you got shouted down and outnumbered 10:1?

Maybe people just don't fucking like Nazis. Maybe people just don't fucking like commies either.

Maybe that's why fucking nobody showed up today. Because it's a bunch of fucking commies.

I've been saying no one was going to go to this shit for weeks. You fags pointed me to some shitty Alex Jones type site with a map.

Come on.

Lemme have my little "I told you so"

Because I told you so.

We're waiting for it to get dark, moron.

get some cold water on all them burns hot damn

> Step 1. Advertise a despicable event for a unjust cause in the name of your enemy.
> Step 2. No one shows up.
> Step 3. You've now undermined your enemies credibility

Sup Forums needs to deploy the above tactic more often

>melodramatic use of repetition
>that fucking reddit spacing.
just kys fampieskaloski

we like happenings
celebrating them is like the whole point of the site

>Sup Forums is one gestalt entity, except for me, I'm here as an individual
>I am a psychic
These are never good arguments, friendo.

It was called Jade Helm.


The governor of Texas was convinced it was real.


As a matter of a fact, I am a frequent poster on Reddit.

I have over 160,000 comment karma and about 1000 post karma plus 6 months worth of gold.

It's what "normal" people do. You might not understand.

Anyway. I post on Reddit. And here too. And I'll keep posting here. And there's not a god damn thing you can do about it.

>Left tries to organize and antifa happening
>posts about it everywhere and floods the boards for weeks
>Realizes nobody likes them and nobody shows up
>Tries to claim it was a psy op to get the right worked up
>Still a faggot with AIDS molesting kids.

Jade Helm was not just a Sup Forums meme I saw that shit everywhere online! You can't knock all of us for that one!



isn't it not even lunch on the West Coast? fucking idiot, commies sleep till 3pm

> posts about it everywhere

This is the part where you're wrong. And its what I was saying for weeks.

No posts on Facebook. No Facebook groups. No Twitter posts. No hashtags. No posters on telephone poles. No announcements from edgy rock singers or MCs at underground shows.



No meaningful attempt to rally on November 4.

It was all noise from the right, predicting we'd do anything today other than enjoy the weekend after Halloween and day drink.

It might have been prudent to ask someone, anyone, on the left. Or stalk our social media. You know. Opposition research?

Portland police is on guard but they expect nothing to happen. Source: two higher ups in the department and one patrol officer. They cancelled time off for the department, though, in preparation. One of the higher ups did say she hopes something will happen and that the city will burn. I asked her why and she said so that the politicians will learn that they have been handling the situation wrong so far. They need a firmer hand

>Alt-Right Psyop: Get media to admit it's biased against whites, media takes bait
>Antifa Psyop: Pretend happening will occur, pol takes b8

Still gonna chalk this up as a win.
They are losing the info war.

>commies try to LARP on Sup Forums
>most people dont really care, see it as another meme protest
>most people saying they'll sit inside and wait
>lefties get desperate and take out ads to push it
>media even goes as far as to deny the ads
>most people here still don't believe anything is going to happen, based on previous experience
>day comes
>literally nothing

Everyone in those nov 4th threads knew it was an antifa LARP. There was virtually no one who thought anything was going to happen, which is why you don't see ANY counter protesting today, just a few idiots here who are upset there wont be happenings. This is clearly something the media came up with to make places like Sup Forums look worse than usual, but I think they failed at that as well.

we knew it was fake so keep false flagging if you want.

I saw four of the posters in my rural town 150 miles from Los Angeles. Someone cared enough or got paid enough to put them up.

Who took out the $150,000 ad in the New York Times and why has the media denied it exists? This is a left wing LARP, clearly. Go ahead and look at some of the protests right now, they have stages, 100s of pre-made signs, and organisers, clearly.

This was an event that was planned by the left but has failed so badly it's been damage control all day.

Probably Russians did it

the couldn't even impeach the president, what pussies

>remember that time you found your birthdate in Pi

> Who took out the $150,000 ad in the New York Times

Russia, I suppose

I hate you so much, I wrote enough that the system made my post as spam.


Please read, and promptly respond in an timely fashion.

They haven't pussed out, LOOK YOU IDIOTS.

Wait until this afternoon. They will start shit at dusk. It gets dark, and hard to track them then.

>portland will burn their own cars tonight

The rallies were never intended to cause change. It's a cattle call for new, disafffected youths. The Communist and "color revolution" elements behind the rally are using this as a massive membership drive.

I don't think they realize how few are willing to show up to the next rally, even if they get to bash in skulls. They're all pathetically low-T.

How can you pride yourself on being "normal", when that is a purely subjective idea, of which you've just convinced yourself?

You're no better than anyone here.

Naw I don't wanna

I'm in Portland too shill fag. The protest doesn't start until 2pm PST.

Back the fuck off, Daisy Sue. I support the President, I'm not his Podesta pizza party pool boy.

Pics NIGGER!?????

digits confirm

only antifa said there was going to be a happening. we wanted their to be one for various reasons, mostly lulz, but only antifa claimed there was going to be an event. hell, if there was one i could guarantee nationalism in normies would spike even more.

maximum damage control. please keep posting shill, i need a good laugh today

NO NIGGER FAG..... YOU... ARE JERKING OFF TO ANIME! Stupid 13 year old NIGGER!!!!!!!!

Still chuckling at you

You're honestly a massive faggot, you and your entire family should be slowly tortured before being killed in the most painful way possible.


I want to add that most of the LARP threads posted on here could get the OP in serious trouble with the FBI. They were completely threatening violent revolution, who actually does this kind of thing?

Better question to ask is who is organizing this event and why did they only post about it here and 1 ad in the NYT? This seems designed from the ground up to make us look bad, which is what i've been saying for days now.

>talks about his fake internet points and his confirmation bias ""gold""

literal retard

Well, fair enough
I didn't actually read yours either, I just wanted to argue against pretentious people.
I'll give 100 dollars to any person who actually finds a case of a person being convinced they are wrong: protip, impossible.

I just use Sup Forums to practice debate and banter in my off-time, my job is pretty naisu.


Shut up nigger fag... They ate TOTAL PUSSIES!!!!!!!!!!!

From WA. Anywhere outside of Nigger filled Tacompton, West King County, Olympia or Bellingham, it's rednecks and gun country. If it wasn't for Amazon and Microsoft importing technocrat lefties, this state is Trump red. And it's turning redder as conservatives flee the once beautiful city of Seattle for the safety of the suburbs.

Pol/someone took down all Q threads and is scrubbing all archives. Guess we're just stupid and all this work is simply house cleaning.

Antifa come out at night...

You faggots stopped traffic, you were so fucking full of yourselves

I visited my friend's (((music school))) for halloween last weekend and at one party some fag in a fawkes mask cautioned me to watch on the 4th ISO (((internat. socialist org))) making big moves. I asked isn't it the 5th of nov he was like naw

Libtard with more Russian Conspiracy Theories, who could have guessed?

What a whiner. Nobody likes a whiner.

>came from dipshit far right sites
No, moron, it came from anti-whites themselves.

>fill their diapy
We want it. We want physical war, ASAP.

I want to move there. It's gorgeous and I always feel at peace when I visit. Looking over the harbor, I always feel "this is home." In fact, I keep getting pings on AngelList. I think they've run out of mystery meat from UW's computer science program and are forced to look for competent white people again.

But home is inhospitable. Every time I consider moving, the prices have gone up and the City Council is agitating for MORE upzoning and - get this - a local income tax in what might be my tax bracket in five years. My friends become ever closer to agitating for a People's Republic of Seattle -- injection sites, free feminizing hormones, and forcing homeowners in the suburbs to take in homeless crazies "because."

As much as I feel at peace in Seattle, fuck that. At that rate I'm better off in Texas. Even the blue/purple parts of Texas.

Their "big moves" amount to a pledge and membership drive. These rallies aren't likely to cause any change, let alone lasting change. They need new blood and new money now Soros is getting a little gunshy.

Socialists: politically "couch-surfing" on someone else's dime for over 100 years.

Last time I was in seattle was in 2010, I hope that city unfucks itself and fixes the liberal problem.

Was really wanting to move back there after nursing school.

^ found the guy who's literally never been to a protest

They start early. They start the night before with a small base hanging out at night, befriending the gutter punks and discussing interference. Then the day drinkers show up and start bar hopping, building up their beer muscles.

Protesters don't just suddenly show up.

They show up early and mingle, then they congregate.

After rallying people for days or weeks on Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. And nowadays Instagram, Snapchat and Slack.

None of the above is happening right now and it's not on.


There never was.

You listened to Alex Jones when you should have stalked Shaun King or someone like that.

No one on the left likes antifa. And we can smell the Russian meddling in them a mile away. Pic related.

You wear thick rimmed glasses, have a beard, and pose in all your picrures with your eyes wide and mouth open, dont you?

You also find conversations about pop culture to be psychologically stimulating, and take great pride in your giant collection of (insert useless collectable here) - often times updating your social media 5 to 9 times a day just to showcase it.

Do you feel enlightenment from watching Neil DeGrasse Tyson?

When they plan to do property damage and violence, they come out at night.

More or less this. The parties responsible for organizing it are pivoting on claiming they were "suppressed" and will ask for gibs in the coming weeks. Enough dipshits still in undergrad will gladly give them $20/month. At scale, it's enough to make a few people very comfy as they plan further "world-shaking" rallies.

>the only proof of a supposed protest came from dipshit far right sites that have no meaningful connection to the progressive community

Full page NYT ad to the tune of hundreds of thousands you idiot.

>u fags have wasted your time circle jerking

In reality the left just showed they have no organization nor the finger on the pulse of America. They have no fucking support from the ground up. All they have is top down support.

If not for the MSM and political and educational structures they leech off they'd be dead already. The irony being that these cunts talk big about fighting The Man, when they are The Man.

They talk about fighting for the working man, when they do nothing but stab him in the back and undercut the value of his work and erode the institutional support structures his parents built.

The lie needs to stop.

The funny thing is they put it in the Times. Nobody reads the Times anymore.

Your either an idiot or a raging soy boy attempting to use Marxist tactics to spin your failures against the Right.
As w/the rest of your life you are, again, failing

>t. fag thinks Sup Forums listens to Alex Jones

>spend $150,000 on sedition
>no one shows up

Y-you guys and ur Alex Jones!

When was the last time you placed your tongue in another woman's mouth?

>when normies develop normie pride

> look at all these things we failed to do, even as online slacktivists
> i-it was just you getting RUSED!
Listen, Shaggy, in order to organize an effective rally SOME of you need to wake up before noon or pay someone willing to do it. I don't even care if you had to astroturf, having little or no traffic on Twitter is a goddamn travesty.



Akron, November 4
4:00 pm

Atlanta, November 4
6:00 pm

Austin, November 4
1:00 pm

Boston, November 4
4:00 pm

Chicago, November 4
1:00 pm

Cincinnati, November 4
1:00 pm

Cleveland, November 4
1:00 pm

Falmouth, MA, November 4
10:30 am

Honolulu, November 4
9:30 am

Indianapolis, November 4
12 pm

Los Angeles, November 4
1:00 pm

Miami, November 4
12:00 PM

Minneapolis, November 4
12:00 PM

New York City, November 4
2:00 pm

Pittsfield, MA November 4
1:00 pm

Portland, Oregon November 4
2:00 pm

Salem, OR, November 4
3:00 pm

San Francisco, November 4
3:00 PM

Seattle, November 4
12:00 pm

St. Louis, November 4
12 PM

Tucson, November 4
2:00 PM

Protests should have already started in a lot of places, it's not happening boys.

Soros better be gunshy, because if i get him in my sights the world will have one less globalist asshole.

Sounds like you cucks are too scared to do anything. Come faggots we are waiting

Maybe you should go downtown with your Walmart machine guns and bowlcut Caesar hairdos and shoot a few kids. You know. Show the world you're ready to go to war with the normies. Garner more support.

I bought a nice big house 40 minutes north of the city and I find out that Seattle is driving junkies up here and dropping them off at a camp by the indian reservation off of I-5.

I found a kit some junky left/lost in my driveway last week. I bought a new shotgun.

>I bought a nice big house 40 minutes north of the city and I find out that Seattle is driving junkies up here and dropping them off at a camp by the Indian reservation off of I-5.
Take video of their next drop-off and send it to the Doni Morison show on KIRO. It'd be something for voters to ponder about before the Mayoral election on Tuesday. Failing that, take video of people willing to make the claim publicly.

I'm not even kidding. Fuck 'em if that's their "homeless" solution now the "safe injection site" isn't a sure thing.

theres an irony to this picture.. you realize may weather supports trump right.

I live behind an elementary school. This shit is not okay. But I don't want to get cops involved either. I have a nice gun collection that they would love to document since I am in a school zone.

Correction faggot: your movement didn’t have the steam or the manpower to take to the streets in protest because the reality is nobody supports you antifa cum guzzlers.
Your movement was funded by soros and now he knows it’s a losing battle. Trump is gonna re up and win 2020.
Get used to it fatherfuckers, your larping as revolutionaries is over. Admit it, you fags don’t have the balls to take us on, you’ll be Negan’d in the streets like dogs and no one will be there to scrape your corpse up.

You need to convince someone, anyone else to get the word out. Even submit the tip anonymously to Doni, I don't know.

I'm not kidding, this would piss me right the fuck off as anyone in the state.

Well they just got $18 billion and that’s a lot to AstroTurf for hundreds of years.

> your movement

That's the point jackass

This isn't my movement. It never was. The left hold antifa beyond arms length. No one likes them. No one ever has.

There never was an antifa movement.

Bunch of housewives wanna protest in pink hats for birth control pills? Every city will be overrun.

Some commies wanna pick a fight? Fuck em. We're in the shitty situation we're in because of dipshit commies. We don't want anything to do with commies. We'll let Trump and his friends keep em.

Dori and yes, I really should say something...

Who the fuck is burning shit at these Milo and Ben Shapirostein speeches? Antifa. Don’t fuckin deny their existence, they are international organization with chapters in countries throughout Europe and major dem stronghold cities in America. You deny them, but we’ve seen the memes, the protests, the signs, this is your militant wing of attack dogs, The day of the leash is upon you. It’s over for you, just stop being an asshole for the sake of spiting people admit that you’re wrong and join us to MAGA.