Okay Catholics, you've convinced me not to LARP as a pagan, but what can a Christian do to object to multiculturalism, and demographic/socio-cultural replacement with non-whites?
Okay Catholics, you've convinced me not to LARP as a pagan, but what can a Christian do to object to multiculturalism...
The Bible condemns race-mixing and supports nationalism which means no stupid immigrants.
The Catholic Church has been taken over by the Globalist.
It doesn't explicitly.
The next pope can be black and there is nothing you ca do to prevent it
>worshipping Jesuits
It does explicitly. All non-natives are to be removed and race-mixing is banned. These laws apply to all Christian nations now according to Jesus. Unfortunately, most of our nation’s aren’t very Christian anymore.
1) Catholicism is the true Christian faith
2) The Catechism forbids racism
I figure that we could push for tougher immigration policies, but I honestly see no way to stop the non-white invasion. Things like
> mandatory fluency in written and spoken English for ALL immigrants, not just the head of household
> Ending HB1/Temporary Foreign Workers programs
> Only allow skilled workers into the country
> No criminal records
> Any crime committed in the first 5 years is auto-deportation for the whole family
> Minimum amount of assets to be able to buy a house/car
> Only Christians/Catholics allowed, no Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Shintos or Jews etc
> Must have job lined up before coming into the country
> Must have letters of recommendation from priest/pastor who is in good standing with the Church
Idk what else would be allowed without violating the Catechism
>The Catechism forbids racism
Every Christian denomination that actually exists would condemn your views and you know it. Nice LARP.
They’d be going against their Bible and be worthless fake Christians then.
1935 The equality of men rests essentially on their dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it:
Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God's design.
>what can a Christian do to object to multiculturalism, and demographic/socio-cultural replacement with non-whites?
Nothing they're the ones encouraging it. The Church is the biggest importer and supporter of immigrants and "refugees".
>everyone is a false Christian but me
Again, nice LARPing.
>fundamental personal rights
“Get off my land” does not infringe on personal rights.
They are. Have you seen how many Catholics vote for faggotry?
christians should care about their neighbours/societies. Mass migration is against local communities. Many African and Asian cardinals and bishop call to stop migration to Europe, because it's destroying communities.
Don't be surprised if the next pope is a genderqueer marxist POC.
I know, and it's making me miserable.
> Three Basic Principles of Catholic Social Teaching on Immigration
> First Principle: People have the right to migrate to sustain their lives and the lives of their families.
> Second Principle: A country has the right to regulate its borders and to control immigration.
> Third Principle: A country must regulate its borders with justice and mercy.
Read the rest m8, there is nothing that would support ethno-nationalism, and it is making me sad.
Is it not just and merciful to have immigration policies that will actually protect a country's indigenous population? They have rights too.
Darwinism is the true red pill. My god is nature and strength is its law.
>discrimination in fundamental personal rights
IOW, keep an equal playing field because all are equal in dignity due to being created in God's image. This does not mean we are all the same or equal in ability. eg: The Church states there are intrinsic differences in the male and female that are complimentary (strong where the other is weak and vice-versa). It is similar with the races. All are one in Christ, yet each race has different strengths and weaknesses. The various races in Lord of the Rings is a good metaphorical analogy.
>Is it not just and merciful to have immigration policies that will actually protect a country's indigenous population?
You'd put your own well-being over helping your fellow Brothers in Christ? How horrible.
>justice and mercy
That leaves a lot to interpretation, so you could get away with an ethnostate if you word it properly.
>Safety of our people
>Muh native land
>Preservation of God’s creation
> Being this philosophically illiterate
Read Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, and Edward Feser before promoting your scientism here, Schlomo
Yeah, recognizing race realism is not incompatible with Catholic teaching, but formulating any policies on the basis of race is explicitly forbidden. Not hiring nogs because they're nogs would be forbidden by the Church, as would turning away economic migrants who otherwise meet immigration criteria minus being non-white.
It honestly feels like the Church is betraying us with these teachings. We are losing our culture and identity because everyone wants to move here because we have made our countries great places to live, and the Church is tying our hands behind our back and forbidding us from defending ourselves.
did you notice that it's mostly or exclusively muslims who migrate to Europe?
Catholics care about their country and local communities.
You want to intentionally harm the well-being of indigenous Christians with irresponsibly lax immigration policies?
>It honestly feels like the Church is betraying us with these teachings. We are losing our culture and identity because everyone wants to move here because we have made our countries great places to live, and the Church is tying our hands behind our back and forbidding us from defending ourselves.
read my replies, it's really not. No one in Catholic church believes that solution to world's problem is moving everyone to Europe.
How on earth do you reconcile that with the statements of the U.S. bishops and the Pope? Even the Orthodox arch-patriarch (or w/e) is demanding we take more and more migrants and to not discriminate between economic migrants and refugees. I feel betrayed, desu-san.
This. Catholicism is the body, Atheism is aids, and Islam is a lethal infection.
The Church has been a great protector and preserver of culture at times in history. A nation can absolutely take steps to preserve its culture and ethnicity. The motive can be positively for ones own without being anti-another.
god literally brought disease unto aaron and miriam for criticizing moses for marrying a black woman
you're trying to shove a square peg into a round hole
>you've convinced me not to LARP as a pagan,
Sheep in wolves clothing now?
US church is pretty degenerate. Can't speak for Orthodox church. Listen to bishops from regions from which the migration is happening. They discourage it.
Many western priest and bishops became so influenced by leftism, they forgot about catholic teachings and common sense. This is why many bishops in for example Germany and Austria are in open conflict with the part of the church that follows proper moral teaching with regard to sexual matters. Do you think you should listen to such people and consider their words church's teaching?
Catholicism is not the true Christian faith.
Both Catholics and Protestants corrupted the original Christian Faith.
Read the New Testament and follow the words of Christ, that is enough to be a Christian. The rest of the words of Peter and Paul can also guide you.
( ._.) so our leadership is compromised? That isn't encouraging, because the mass migration is still going on. Canada is supposed to take almost 1 million migrants in the next 3 years, and I would bet my left nut that they will be 90% non-white.
Shoo shoo heretic
Some of it is, but it's the teaching and God's presence in church that are most important. The first does not forbids us from protecting our culture and countries and the second is not affected by misguided priests.
Anyway, it's the politicians that make decision and flood countries with immigrants. They need to be replaced or fixed.
Go wash some migrants feet.
>hairlet dyes her mudskin-tier hair blonde
I puked a little in my mouth.
Don't be a faggot. Christianity is for kikes and their slaves. You do not "larp" as a pagan, you simply are a pagan.
>leadership is compromised
This is par for the course and has happened numerous times in the last 2000 years, starting with Peter's own betrayal of Christ. The paradox here is not that there is corruption, but that she survives so well despite it. Nations built upon the strongest and wisest of men have fallen over less many times. The Church, with an uneducated fisherman as its first Pope, lives on. Even now she inhabits the ruins of the fallen Roman Empire, with the architectural evidence to its prior greatness around her.
Inexplicably, the "Gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church".
The God of the Jew does not love you.
Cast the bastared el shadi out of your heart and embrace your nature.
No it doesn't.
Still pretty depressed about the current state of affairs, m8. I appreciate you trying to cheer me up though. What other immigration policies would the Church allow? Obviously we need to convince the politicians to stop flooding our countries with non-white migrants and start encouraging people to have more kids in order to meet our economic needs, but what are some immigration policies that won't violate the teachings of the church?
> Only allow families to migrate, not singles
> Mandatory perfect fluency in written and spoken English for both parents and all kids older than 13
> Mandatory minimum amount of assets in order to be able to buy a house/car
> No criminal records prior to migration
> Probationary period for 5 years, where any crime leading to jail by any member of the family is an insta-deportation for the whole family
> Must have full-time job already lined up
> Must swear allegiance to Christ and the Catholic Church before immigrating (No other religions)
I can't think of anything else
Shoo shoo, LARPer
You can't say you're against multiculturalism while using a middle eastern religion.
I'm against any non-Christian culture. That auto-excludes Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, atheists and occultists.
The greek philosophers were "baptized" by the Church, so Christianized pagans can stay.
God is not a thing that we as humans can physically comprehend. Just the same how a fish in water could never comprehend the massive cities we have on land.
Religion is pointless and people use it as an antidepressant or for the sense of community.
Agnosticism or deism are the only redpills.
You are just a blackpilled cuck. You want to call me a larper because you fear what I have and what I am.
Until you cast out the wicked Yhwh than you will always be in the position you are in. You worship a demon and a devil, your own Jesus was against you and your masters.
All these rules seem like legit rules that church wouldn't disapprove of. Every ruler /government needs to protect his/it's people in the first place. Especially no criminal record rule would be helpful.
Pagans and christians are equally retarded and superstitious.
Yet all throughout the US in small towns you will find an Italian Catholic Church, a block from an Irish one and across the street a German one. The Church has a history of respecting distinct culture and ethnicity. What we are experiencing today is an anomaly. Think about it. 2000 years of this policy and it would be long over by now. The Crusades would have been just a whimper and Europe a caliphate since 700AD.
You are not as enlightened as you think you are. Their is great strenght in knowing the God's, and understanding them is understanding yourself.
The church respects nothing and devours everything. The churches you speaking are yet to be fully digested.
Everyone always responds with this big brain bullshit. I could say the same thing to you. It’s not an argument.
> You want to call me a LARPer because you fear what I have and what I am
Yeaaaaaaa... no. You're a LARPer because all pagans are LARPers. Hell, most pagans are pro-race mixing, pro "'""diversity""", and pro homosex. Nazi pagans are a fringe amonst a fringe
We need some more though. What about
> Must have an accredited degree from a top 100 university
since most of those are in Europe/USA?
If followed, the only people who would be allowed to immigrate would be Christian families who can speak perfect English, with no criminal records, who can be deported if they misbehave, already have a job lined up, are highly educated, and have enough assets to ensure that they won't be welfare leeches. Can't do much better than that without violating Church rules imho.
Observation oc nature is not superstitious. You are simply blinded by your own perverted faith. The path of nihilistic self indulgence.
Christians or pagans-
How do you know that your religion is the true religion?
" and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
—Gospel of Luke 22:36-38, NIV
Classical Catholic philosophy bases itself on the objective metaphysics that was articulated by Aristotle, and refined by Thomas Aquinas. I was an agnostic/deist/apatheist before I started to read neo-Scholastic metaphysics.
Yeah I’m sure that religion and spirituality is totally empirically visible in nature.
Love how you had to throw in the bit with nihilism and self indulgence, like saying you cant be a good person if you don’t talk to ghosts before you go to bed. Get a grip.
I’ve read Aquinas in a catholic private school and I wasn’t convinced. Can you provide me an arguement yourself?
Easier solution: Use military force to crush the Islamic aggression that is creating refugees. Offer aid to our Christian brothers and sisters over there, and do our best to convert the rest. Then they get to keep their culture too.
You are an idiot if you think most "pagans" can't even name the God's. I am not so fat goth faggot, living out my days ingesting kosher approved "rebelion."
I hold the within me the strengths of the gods. My mind as cunning as the all father, my fist as brutal as the hammer of the mighty Thor.
You have in you a spirit of evil. A liar and a schizophrenic fool. The snake and the voice of God are but one, and they goyim are a toy for him and his chosen You walk in his path of light ignoring the darkness that clearly lays before you. You are doomed.
Did you actually understand him? older language is difficult to parse, especially when talking about terms like 'substance', 'essence', 'motion', etc, and they often mean very different things from what modernists think they do. Edward Feser's articulation of Thomas Aquinas' five ways takes ~330 pages, so I won't be able to treat them here myself, but I encourage you to check out his blog if you want to hear someone defend classical philosophy and classical theism, which is what Catholic teaching is based on
I wasn't arguing. You have to find a way to untie the blindfold yourself. You will never find light with it pressed so tightly over your eyes.
Paganism is not a religion. It is a spiritual path. The only true religion is abrahamism, and one of its three parts is Christianity.
> Did you actually understand him
I should clarify that I don't mean to be condescending with this, I say this because I myself didn't 'get' Aquinas' five ways when I read them, and Feser has articulated how almost all (if not all) criticisms of the five ways are attacking strawmen and misrepresentations of what Aquinas actually meant. He himself was an atheist philosophy professor for years before he realized that his 'knockdown' arguments against Aquinas were not actually addressing Aquinas' arguments. Once he actually understood the arguments, he became a classical theist, and eventually a Catholic.
>Muh demons
No joke user. Try not to get carried away and sacrifice you kids.
You can't be a wise person if you choose to ignore a part of the world more ancient than any civilization.
And it is quite easy to see if you open your EYE.
How to Aquinas’ arguments argue specifically for Catholicism vs deism?
You say "hey friends, do we want crime and aids? no? great we all agree, lets not import crime and aids."
Classical theism is distinct from deism. Arguing for classical theism vs. atheism/deism etc is step 1, and arguing that the God worshiped by Catholics is in fact this 'God of the philosophers' is step 2.
This right here.
Please larp elsewhere.
Your own scriptures mock you. You are nothing and can be nothing. The only righteous path for you is to throw yourself as a sacrifice before God. Your faith is faith in a trickster. You pray to God? So you tell him you do not love his plan. You drink the BLOOD of Christ. Your God is a monster.
And you should not speak of the sacrifice of children, when you offer the to the cocks of the demonic Jews in the Vatican. You need only study history to see that your Lord is Baal, and yours have burned the children upon him long before your cancer spread across the world's.
What is the matter coward? Are you afraid of my strength? Free yourself from your bonds you fool.
Deuteronomy 23:2 - A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
Deuteronomy 7:3-4 - Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. (Read More...)
Leviticus 19:19 - Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.
Job 14:4 - Who can bring a clean [thing] out of an unclean? not one.
Stupid shills
I'm not here to force you to care for your immortal soul.
>non-natives should be removed.
Bye 56% amerifag
>I hold the within me the strengths of the gods. My mind as cunning as the all father, my fist as brutal as the hammer of the mighty Thor.
You can't even clearly read what he has said in your own picture. Haha
The WORDS don't matter, because the spirit of WOTAN flowed in Hitler and he knew what must be done. He must save his people at all costs. Just as the spirit of baldur flowed into the heart of Jesus Christ when he rose from the dead.
Cumskins are doomed, just start taking tranny pills and accept your destiny as a fuck toy for brown cock
Become Mormon.
Your soul is damned as long as you allow it to be stolen by a God who hates you.
Anyone can interpret Christian teaching in such a way as to allow for defensive cultural and ethnic preservation by any means necessary. Indeed, this was the default for most of European history.
That being said, no Church today, with the exception of a few tiny ones out in the hinterlands, would allow such behavior and the overwhelming majority consider even non-violent resistance to white genocide as heretical.
Whatever good there is left in the Christian faith has to stay in your own heart. The organized churches in the west are all part of white genocide. Unless you live in Poland, probably not a good idea to tithe to such people.
Are you posting from a phone, memeflag? It's clearly legible and even if it wasn't it takes seconds to access a pdf of Mein Kampf.
>not to LARP as a pagan
Come on Ahmed
The moon-god is not god
>You are nothing and can be nothing
True yet look at the lives of the Saints. How brightly they shine. Pic related.
bet she was a good fuck
>all niggers are bastards
the reason for that is religious, the command is dressing mostly jews marrying jew-related race of the same kind by with different religion, marrying with them would cause them to turn away from god is what that is saying.
>LeV 19:19
its addressing animals
>Job 14:4
Has nothing to do with race
Moses is way better proof than any of these verses
I have read mein Kampf, and what you posted, and I understood both clearly better than you.
Clearly not as you can't even attempt to rebuke it.
Some were great. Some killed and raped children.
And after all this drivel he believed in 10 times more ridicules version of Christianity invented by Rosenberg.
This is why people accuse you of LARPing. You post nazi aesthetics and try to bend history and language and reality to support your nazi pagan LARPfest. I'm glad I stopped listening to you stormers, because you are not good people, and do not care about truth. You wallow in your hatred and as a result, you are turned in on yourself. I don't know why I ever took you people seriously. Go away.
Keep up the good work, user.
Pic related was the headquarters of the SS. And what you posted doesn't say what you think it says. I can easily debunk your flawed observations in one sentence.
It would be hard to convince an entire nation of millions of people to follow a new faith, but easy to get them to follow the sport of that faith disguised as their current one.
>this or that version of christianity
You don't understand.
Hahaha Why don't you wallow in your own sorrow a while longer. The Vatican is a den a rapist and blood drinkers. You do not know history, it does not interest you. You only know how to half heartedly drag yourself along the path so often travelled. You could never be a pagan because we honor our God's with our actions. You need God to help you deal with your own sad life.