I'm a mid-level Chinese government official and a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC)

I'm a mid-level Chinese government official and a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Thread #3.
Continued from previous threads:
Original thread #1:
Thread #2:
AMA on any topic you want:
>Chinese Memes
>Chinese driving
>Socialism with Chinese characteristics
>Chinese culture
>Chinese food
>Chinese inventions
>Chinese pollution
>Human rights
>Foreign Policy
>Muslim policy

The purpose of this thread is to answer questions and clear misconceptions Sup Forumsacks have about China, from an authoritative source.

Other urls found in this thread:



>I'm a mid-level Chinese government official
Prove it


>proof or gtfo
see and
If you don't believe me, you're free to leave this thread. Leave space for people with real questions

How long until the Chinese awake from the pipe dream and overthrow the shitty communist government?
>t. chink descendant of kuomitang fighters

>mid-level Chinese government official
>cant even show flag

How long did it take for the chinese government to kill these guys?

They're not in China, retard.

What's China's view on divirsity?