Muhammad was of the clan BanuHashem, in translation from arabic and jewish - "The descendants of God". Muhammad's uncle was the leader of the clan and the clan was the most influential in all the arabian peninsula. BREAKING DISCOVERY : BanuHashem is the clan with the unique jewish bloodline in it. They are literally jewish. Mohammad's mother was literally a jew, most of his wives too. BREAKING DISCOVERY : Saudi Arabia before Islam was in majority a jewish kingdom. CONNECTING THE DOTS : Mecca is exactly where the jews fled from the egyptians and settled. CONNECTING THE DOTS : Izrael in arabic means the angel of death. Which means that Israel is the fake bait that they are jews, so that they can be killed, in stead of the real jews - arabians. CONCLUSION : Muhammad was a jew, from a clan called the descendants of God, from the territory where Moses took the jews to settle to. The bible as well points out that Ishmael and Isaac are brothers and they both will inherit all the Earth. Bad news christcucks, christianity was created as a cuckmaking machine and it did it's job. Source: Wikipedia, Old testament, Arabic Dictionary, Hebrew Dictionary, Qur`an
I will be pleased if at least one of you war-mongering morons reads this and realizes this shit.
So they hate Muhammad? Literally check wikipedia. Write Muhammad and click his clan and read. Will take you less than 45 seconds. Real jews are not Israelis. They are the bait. Izrail is literally the angel of death in islamic teachings. It's a bait. They will have to die for the sake of the real jews. Old testament and Qur`an says that the sons of Abraham are the israelis and the arabians (isaac and ishmael). It's all in front of you. They are the jews and have been all along.
Muhammad was a jew, his family was a jew. His family was the leader of a tribe called "Descendants of God". This clan happens to be located exactly where Moses took the jews after he rescued them from the egyptians. Israel is not only the current "jewish" state but also the angel of death in arabic culture. This will only mean that Israelis will be persecuted and killed as if they were the real jews, thus saving the real jews (arabs) from death. Get it now? It's all there, wikipedia and google translate Banu to arabic and Hashim to hebrew (jewish language) to find out the translation of the clan of Muhammad who was a freaking jew. By official data his mother was a jew which literally makes him a jew. Jesus was a jew and he cucked europeans, muhammad was the next messiah and he will raise the army to take over europeans.
Eli Barnes
I posted something like this once before
>Muhammed was either jewish or when he went to Jerusalem he was killed and replaced with a Jew
It would explain why you arent supposed to draw him
Nicholas King
Every source states this you shill. Even the most based islamic ones. Check for yourself, shill.
Zachary Barnes
Joke's on you for not always hating both Jews and Arabs.
Parker James
what's with all the muslim're getting as bad as the kikes....kike
James Rivera
-His clan was of unique jewish ancestry -Exactly located where Moses took the jews -Clan means in hebrew : descendats of God -Arabs and jews are brothers even according to the old testament -Jews support the rapefugees entering Europe -Izrail is the angel of death in islamic culture It all checks out.
Elijah White
so what does this mean for Christians? Revelations basically glorifies getting murdered for not assimilating...
Heavenly kingdom = in your imagination.
Adrian Harris
>Muhammad also I thought he was an orphan..
Cooper Miller
cuck, they are all the same with the same goal, to kill EVERYONE, starting from whites. 1 GOD - one genes
This is their goal and they share the same haplogroups, you faggot.
Jayden Peterson
>written by someone that has literally no knowledge of the Quran.
The Quran literally makes all of the old and new Testament cannon.
Also, the Islamic angel of death isn't Izrail or Izrael, it's Azrael, and it's not pronounced the same.
What this means for christians is that Christianity is the biggest bait christians have ever taken and we must get rid of it.
Camden Martin
I don't rly care cuz it ain't gonna happen..frankly I wish they'd both hurry up and try so the gassing can begin
Tyler James
>maternal Numbers 1:18 > And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, by their polls. He was an ishmaelite.
Aiden Sullivan
You don't say! I always thought Islam was a Jewish invention. No other ideology kept such a vast number of in such a dark age.
Cameron Cook
It means by supporting Israel you are supporting the anti-Christ against the true Israelites.
Lincoln Collins
why are you using the fucking meme flag. You understand all you are doing is putting anyone who is even remotely curious about discussing these things on a fucking list?
Nicholas Cox
>Christians = Jews >Muslims = Jews >Jews = Jews
Hide (((religious))) threads Ignore (((religious))) posts. Do not reply to (((religious))) posters
Asher Turner
Don't you mean "Bahamut"
Cameron Smith
I was attention whoring and using it sarcastically. I am getting rid of it, here. I am obviously not a Jihadi, I want to prevent violence!
Jeremiah Carter
not news to me
Ethan Price
I have to correct you on the use of term "Saudi Arabia" talking about the past of Arabian peninsula.
About the rest, good work, the true nature of (((Islam))) and (((Muhammad))) should be said.
Kayden Jackson
yfw you make people ignore this revelation
Jace White
Breaking news: this was not ever a secret, every history of Islam course and book mentions this.
Angel Scott
Are you saying that Jerusalem isn’t really Jerusalem?
Mason Scott
Can the will overcome the lower drive? Can humanity ascend?
Ryder Howard
The royal family of Jordan are the Hashemites who come from the region of Mecca and are also descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. Jordan should defeat Israel and annex Palestine.
Nicholas Bell
Have you heard the good news about Odin?
Juan Mitchell
Banu Hashim descendant here :
>Muhammad was of the clan BanuHashem, in translation from arabic and jewish - "The descendants of God".
No. Banu = Sons of Hashim = a famous Arab who was a baker
>Muhammad's uncle was the leader of the clan and the clan was the most influential in all the arabian peninsula.
Yeah, he was. But it wasn't the most influential one, there are Banu Thamim, Banu Kosaa...
>BREAKING DISCOVERY : BanuHashem is the clan with the unique jewish bloodline in it. They are literally jewish. Mohammad's mother was literally a jew, most of his wives too.
No,they are pure blood Arabs who are descendants of Ishmael.
>BREAKING DISCOVERY : Saudi Arabia before Islam was in majority a jewish kingdom.
"Saudi Arabia" never existed before 200 years, and there was some Jews and they were well known for the clans they came from, and they have been kicked out Arabian peninsula after Islam.
>CONNECTING THE DOTS : Mecca is exactly where the jews fled from the egyptians and settled. No.
>CONNECTING THE DOTS : Izrael in arabic means the angel of death. Which means that Israel is the fake bait that they are jews, so that they can be killed, in stead of the real jews - arabians.
Izrael exists in Kike book, in Arabic he's called "Malak Al Mawt"
You're a Retard
Aaron Baker
Hudson Perez
No, you fucking miserable shill.
I said Banu in arabic, and Hashim in hebrew.
I meant arabian peninsula, not saudi arabia, i said it further down the comment chain.
Yes Mecca is exactly on the other side of the red sea
Azrael is the literal pronounciation of the angel of death. kys, shill
Angel Ortiz
The word israel and azrael are basically the same word. Just like the word for king in hebrew, MLCH, is the same as the word for moloch.
Easton Bell
>No, you fucking miserable shill. >I said Banu in arabic, and Hashim in hebrew. >I meant arabian peninsula, not saudi arabia, i said it further down the comment chain. >> >check mate they are jewish, you faggot. >Muhammad was a jew as well hence. >Yes Mecca is exactly on the other side of the red sea >Azrael is the literal pronounciation of the angel of death. >kys, shill
Cooper Mitchell
you changed your flag from french to muslim.
Jaxson Evans
>Izrael in arabic means the angel of death.
It is spelt Azrael. Dummy.
Wyatt Thompson
hashim means "the name" in hebrew, which is a way of saying god. That name would technically mean "sons of god".
Brandon Richardson
You're an absolute retard and you Edited the wiki page.
Here's complete explanation you retard :
"هاشم" /"Hashim" comes from the Arabic verb of "يهشم" /"Yahchom" which means to prepare bread, he was a Baker and nicknamed Hachem because he makes Bread. You fucking retard.
Azrael never mentioned in any Ancient Arabic book, it's Jewish shit.
And no, I'm a pure blood Arab, we share with kikes only the grandfather Shem
Oliver Roberts
foreskin ingredient
Leo Roberts
Wasn't muhammed taught what he knew by like a group of Pharisees in the desert or something?
Jack Myers
Christian Howard
Yeah so you don't say I Lurk
الهاشمي The Hashemi, literally comes form the Arabic verb to Cut bread or prepare it. Does fucking Wikipedia makes you more knowledgeable about my 1500 years of ancestry you fucktards
Jose Phillips
Nolan Taylor
>>Abrahamic religion started by a Jew.
Well, this is such a surprising revelation...
Jacob Phillips
Why I have a feeling that you're an Aussie Shitposting?
Ethan Parker
British intelligence created radical Islam
Brayden Stewart
That's nothing new. If you browse Sup Forums and doesn't know it, consider suicide. Most arabs also claim kinship with Abraham through Ishmael.
Julian Lewis
If you don't like (((IT))), then CHANGE it.
Cooper Johnson
I'm so confused can someone give me a quick rundown? So the Jews aren't real, but the Arabs are?
Sebastian Campbell
Who cares what's the translation in arabic when it was a jewish clan to begin with? You don't know the history of your prophet. Fucking check it, shill.
>babby realises the abrahamic religions are similar
I remember what it was like being 12 OP
Mason Price
The bread maker is an old ass description of the sand nigger god going all the way back to the times of the sumerians even. You are the children of the annunaki.
What do you think so far, are they holding back a happening?
Jose Sanchez
There is zero evidence of any kind the Ancient Egyptians ever enslaved the Jews. That is a myth.
Gabriel Thomas
mudshits are the original telenovelars
Ryder Ward
>I'll probably get killed soon for this Sure boy, that wikipedia reading is top pulitzer prize investigation Larp harder faggot
Asher Taylor
Why is this a surprise? Muslims and jews are typically both semites, they're two sides of the same shit-smeared shekel, MuhHamMad was just more war-orientated than his usual deceptive kin (but he was deceptive as well)
Jaxson Ortiz
I meant all future religiousposting. We've already discovered that the Jews are behind it all.
so when I kill a muslim I kill a jew at the same time?
Christopher Gutierrez
>Not knowing the abrahamic religions are all 3 tools of the disproportionately jewish NWO
John Jones
You are a descendant of the jewish god. How does that make you feel?
Wyatt Myers
That shit was there at least a month ago and I posted it before on Sup Forums I SWEAR, Wtf is that crap here. Jews are fucking changing it now or make it look like it has been revised. You can't fucking win in this game damn it. You will never believe me.
Grayson Butler
The kike here is literally you, a descendant of a jewish clan, lol
Nathan Gomez
kikes are khazars, he's just a sandnigger
Robert Young
>Izrael in arabic means the angel of death. Which means that Israel is the fake bait that they are jews, so that they can be killed, in stead of the real jews - arabians. No. Israel is another name of Jacob, which is the ancestor of the twelve tribes. The angel is a different thing
Aiden Long
>You are a descendant of the jewish god. How does that make you feel?
I'M NOT A KIKE, they even tried to kill Muhammad many times like they killed almost all other prophets. I'm much more noble than KIKES
Levi Anderson
it's wikipedia senpai, check the sources at the bottom of the page, if there aren't many, it becomes fishy, then click on the talk section and see what they say. it gives you enough hints if an articles is bullshit or not.
Zachary Bailey
Well, glad to know that, man.
Aaron Kelly
Connor Mitchell
But I need a holy land to take.
David Powell
Lmao you idiots think the Exodus actually happened? The ancient Egyptians barely even knew Jews existed.
Noah Taylor
IDK whether he cucked Europeans. Consider Judaism and Islam and how much importance they put on blood. Christianity says the only blood that mattered was Jesus's, and thus holy shit Jesus was promoting race mixing?
Owen Richardson
>mrw it really is real >mrw Islam really is just a jewish plot
William Collins
How did he edit the wikipedia page? It didn't even say "sons of God" or anything like that. Do you even fucking read shill?
>An Iraqi Mukhabarat (General Military Intelligence Directorate) Top Secret report, “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots,” dated September 2002 and released on March 13, 2008, by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in translated English form, points to the Dönmeh roots of the founder of the Saudi Wahhabi sect of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. Much of the information is gleaned from the memoirs of a “Mr. Humfer,” (as spelled in the DIA report, “Mr. Hempher” as spelled the historical record) a British spy who used the name “Mohammad,” claimed to be an Azeri who spoke Turkish, Persian, and Arabic and who made contact with Wahhab in the mid-18th century with a view of creating a sect of Islam that would eventually bring about an Arab revolt against the Ottomans and pave the way for the introduction of a Jewish state in Palestine. Humfer’s memoirs are recounted by the Ottoman writer and admiral Ayyub Sabri Pasha in his 1888 work, “The Beginning and Spreading of Wahhabism.”
>In his book, The Dönmeh Jews, D. Mustafa Turan writes that Wahhab’s grandfather, Tjen Sulayman, was actually Tjen Shulman, a member of the Jewish community of Basra, Iraq. The Iraqi intelligence report also states that in his book, The Dönmeh Jews and the Origin of the Saudi Wahhabis, Rifat Salim Kabar reveals that Shulman eventually settled in the Hejaz, in the village of al-Ayniyah what is now Saudi Arabia, where his grandson founded the Wahhabi sect of Islam. The Iraqi intelligence report states that Shulman had been banished from Damascus, Cairo, and Mecca for his “quackery.” In the village, Shulman sired Abdul Wahhab. Abdel Wahhab’s son, Muhammad, founded modern Wahhabism.
That's a theory made by a jew to mock persecution of jews. I'm not even memeing
Jeremiah White
Saudi family Clan are very suspected to be kikes, and they killed and stole land from Hashemite before WW1
Austin Nguyen
>these jews called themselves the descendants of God there for it must be so
Just fucking stop.
Asher Scott
But have you taken the "Europeans are the descendants of Esau" pill yet, OP?
Jace Martinez
>Descendant of Abraham >Noble
Logan Wright
I am OP and I read that shit at least a month ago, surely even more.
Now here is a shill showing how the source was edited on 26 of october 2017 but I swear in my parents lives that I read that same shit and posted it here before and to friends at least a month ago.
it's true.
>it's true
Michael Gray
They created Wahhabism.
Jackson Ward
I used to work at a coking plant as a maintenance engineer. When I started I asked them why they never painted anything, pipes & the like. "coz it's fucking pointless" I was told. It was, I made a flapper plate that helped turned the coke around a corner on the stockpiling belts. It was an inch thick with lumps of other inch thick steel welded all over it, 2' square & a three man lift style. Fitted it, thought I was awesome & fucked off for my weekend. A week later it had a huge shark bite out of it & had to be made again. >The old hand made bits of angle iron into trays on the 1" plate so they filled up with coke & it armour plated itself. Remember kids, guile beats strength every time.