Groups have gathered in chicago, austin, and cleveland.
Its begun
let the bodies hit the FLOOOOOOR
Yeah, they've gathered in a designated protest zone with physical barricades and a nearly instant funnel to the train while being surrounded by riot cops and the mounted brigade. CPD might not be able to do much about crime, but they can manage a protest with the best of them.
Besides, nobody is rioting when its 40 and raining.
They don't look too energetic.
Is black bloc supposed to show up?
Will they again attack innocent trash cans?
The World Wonders.
Where's that lalabakbar crazy when u need him...
>anti trump.
There's bigger fish to fry.
>that picture
Jesus this is, kinda sad.
Thread theme
Lets see some antifag blood in the streets
there's way more counter-protestors than people protesting in austin
Reminder that utah is most comfy state to watch the rest of you retards tear yourselves apart
live strum of low energy protest
Christ, these useless, unemployed snowflakes are just now getting out of bed. I've been up since 6am.
Low Energy cucks
tw!tch daht tv sl4sh polanon1111?sr =a (no space before =)
it says a lot, and it's sad.
Post pics faggot
>mfw when nothing happens
That image isn't a good look. A lot of fucking normies on both sides except those who are far left/right hate Russia.
Its Saturday.
I can’t watch. It’s too sad, it’s making me cringe.
We'll try to make it as interesting as possible for you.
From part of The Clinton Archipelago.
What I don't get is how come they can easily do these protests and have no backlash but when we want to unite the right or even have a handful of fashion in meat space, faggots of all stripes r there to counter protest.
they are hired opposition so technically they are employed
You fat bastards better not disappoint we where promised podetsta indicted and blood today.
why do white people always make this face
kek, theres like 3 people
I have mormon blood and utah is the closest survivable place to where i live. If SHTF will you take me in?
Clearly that looks like a bunch of soldiers ready for war
How boring
This movement is dead.
>I don't want to talk to you, please don't greet me
Chicago doesn't play around here. They know what they are doing
They are known as community organizers and they are well paid and trained. Soros has camps for them to teach them their field craft. Soros and his globalist elites train them incredibly well, and it's telling if you view the effectiveness of their activism in the public sphere versus what grass roots activism we can muster.
it means we think you're an idiot but are too polite to say so
Cuz most of us are lazy fucks and cant be bothered to get up and fight back
I live in uptown Austin.
I could periscope what's going down here, if y'all'd like.
Not even sure if there is anything going on.
>3 cities
because we're constantly dissapointed by the world we're living in
I kept telling you cunts to wait until 4pm, but nobody listens. Starts around 4pm, and gets violent at dusk, under the cover of night. Full moon for visibility on their part, and difficult to track on law enforcement's part.
The trash cans are ready this time around
ANTIFA bum squeaks gather for the faggening
Very few turn out
70% watching Star Trek Voyager on their parents flat screens
The Calm Before The Yawn
>but they said...
Are you serious? This Nov 4 shit isn't meant to bring black bloc out. Soros is just paying for these community organizers to create attention to the media will cover it. It isn't meant for anything else.
clearly would rather be at home watching tv
>like 30 people
>Mostly old women, jews, fatties and homosexuals.
> Standard bold print pre-made Sorossigns.
>Literally no1curr.
Bolsheviks are in a sad state.
It's a warning smile, that intentionally exaggerates the jaw muscles. It conveys I'll be polite but I'm ready to fight you. It's called body language.
This guy is a disinformation agent. These people are community organizers, think lts, to various black bloc antifa fighting s
Antigua always destroys the trash cans. What is their problem with public receptacles for trash. Bash the Trash idiots
This guy is a disinformation agent. These people are community organizers, think lts, to various black bloc antifa fighting squads. The shit will fit the fan darkness comes
There all still running from Berkeley
Trails of piss as far as the eye can see
They got absolutely twatted didn't they. Shouldn't throw fireworks at the bigger boys from Sup Forums, you should know it'll end in your tears
anyone got a stream ?
THAT WAS A LARP. You fucking Stupid Nigger JEW!!!!!!!!!!!
Useless fatties
>Soros in sad state
>We can't even organize IRL without Soto goons throwing piss on us.
>bash the trash
Response to the Norwegian bro I was talking to earlier: Germany ruins everything
>The shit will fit the fan darkness comes
MFW nothing happens.
that crowd is so small
people have better shit to do than listen to slam poetry and hehehoho chants that accomplish nothing
Boston reporting, antifa members have just started setting up.
I'm gonna swing by Danny Trejo's donut place so I'll have an excuse to drive through Hollywood, I'll take pics if I see anything Happening
>All he's done in 10 months was try to lawfully control who controls the border and barred mentally ill trannies from putting more servicemen lives at risk
With that said, I WISH he was fascist
Fucking finally. I'm gonna get something to drink. When I come back, I better see something about a Black Bloc rioting.
>>We can't even organize IRL without Soto goons throwing piss on us.
Too bad they have heart attacks from the effort of throwing a piss bottle. Meth and soy fried potato products aren't good training for muh revolushin.
>Besides, nobody is rioting when its 40 and raining.
Yeah, this. Those communists/anarchists don't want their iPhones/iPads to get wet when they are periscoping their struggle.
how cold is 40 in non burger?
Fucking internet keyboard warrior. We need to organize IRL but doing so is effectively suicide because of Soros. We still won't call antifa what it is: a fighting unit within a larger Soros apparatus. You wiggers will lead us to the death of the west.
this riddle has been solved
Sure senpai. Just as long as you're not from california
>this fucking hippie on the guitar
Is he being ironic?
I'm back, what happened while I was gone?
~5C, I think.
Oh no, one of the SJW protesters has a battleaxe!
Naw, it's like 5 celsius
>We need to organize IRL
>doing so is effectively suicide because of Soros.
So you just want us to all commit mass suicide?
>. We still won't call antifa what it is: a fighting unit within a larger Soros apparatus.
So what? They're completely combat ineffective. Let them go kick trashcans, attack Starbucks, and rack up felony charges.
>You wiggers will lead us to the death of the west.
Says the guy that's trying to start infighting because I don't go out and dox myself?
>relaxed fit jeans
wow are these the best people that antifa can muster?
She'd probably get hurt by friendly fire, lol
>he bows down to his trashcan overlord
oh only that? that's pretty warm in my book. thanks for the answer tho
this stream has too be the most entertaining one
You are a disinformation agent. Antifa destroys property when they don't see us fight back. And we can win if we organizw but you think letting the west die is better than putting any skin into saving it.
This should be a Dark Souls emote
It only brings attention to the fact that the movement is dead.
nibiru is coming.
Its heating up. People shouting commies are retards and singing the national anthem.
Can we please replicate the French revolution where the government rolled the cannons out and fired grape shot into the crowd? Would love to see some antifa get mangled.
>They couldn't get up before noon.
we did it.................
Which movement is dead? Aglin and others want is to stay hidden on the internet and stop LARPing offline. This is them baiting us and basically putting a message into media.
>Antifa destroys property when they don't see us fight back.
If they're destroying some shit in a city I don't even care. Let the police handle it. I've got no skin in the game and neither do you.
>And we can win if we organizw but you think letting the west die is better than putting any skin into saving it.
You have no idea what I'm doing, so stop virtue signalling.
Why are European interiors so austere?
I've never seen a happy looking residential interior in Europe
Also, going to Iceland around Christmas, can you recommend based things to do that aren't touristy?
bruh look at this dude...
lot of northern europe has very simple interiors because of ikeas everywhere.
You are proclaiming victory against an enemy who has ran us off in meat space. Luling us to a false comfort. Remember how BLM got started in NYC? It started as a small protest led by Soros paid ppl and then it became larger and larger into the night until they blocked the Brooklyn bridge.
guaranteed Sup Forumsfags