hitler liked Islam.
Why don't you?
Hitler liked Islam
better than Jews thats for sure.
yet he was a staunch christian nationalists. he loved Islam because they were nationalist not because of the religion you fucking sandnigger
Hitler liked islam because muslims are based antisemites.
Hitler liked islam in islamic nations, not here in Europe.
The jews brings muslims in Europe by NGOs.
Because you didn't stay in your own countries.
Too hostile. Just like how cuckstianity is too passive and jewdaism is too subversive. All semitic things need to burn.
Because I'm not a socialist.
>implying I don't have profound respect for Islam
He was Christian. He only admired it because it gave muzzies unity and nationalism, not because of your goat fucking degenerate message.
He liked Islam in its own countries
He wouldn't apporove of flooding white land and culture with millions of mostly brown Muslims
Basically I don't mind Islam I just do t want it in my country the same way a Muslim country doesn't want white culture, law etc in their country
Because back then you weren't terrorizing us and you were nationalists, unlike now where you want nothing to do with countries and everything do with ours.
he mistakenly believed there could be coexistence with them, however recent events have shown that they will not be satisfied until the entire world is ruled by sharia and all kuffar are forced to pay the jizya
I don't hate it, I just want you inbreed fuckers out of my country. It's nothing personal.
Because Islam doesn't allow living on other planets, and Mars is a potential future White ethnostate.
Here's a redpill non of Sup Forums will swallow Hitler was controlled opposition that help Jews get Israel
No, he just larped as muslim lover to get Iraq and other muslim countries to join the war. I think no matter how much crack he had smoked he would have never thought of bringing them to Europe.
>hitler was christian
Jewish brainwashing.
I like Islam, you guys are close.
Fascistic, strong morals, not scared of getting your hands dirty like the west.
However, many of your ideas are Jewish in origin and thereby Satanic. For instance the practice of "boy play" which is Talmudic in origin.
Plus you deny that Jesus is the Son of God and the Bible says he who has not the Son has not the Father.
Basically, Islam is a false religion with many false doctrines (salvation through works, Arab-centrism, contradicting the Bible, word of man put above the word of God)
he liked them in their own countries..just like me
He was anti religion and didn't like christianity because it taught it's followers to be soft(turn the other cheek and all that crap).
The only good thing he had to say about muslims was that they were prepared to die for their ideal(read religion) and he thought he coudl use that fanaticism for is own good.
Absolutely, he was working closely with the Zionists before the war broke out and purposefully lost the war by sloppily invading the Soviet Union, which was Jewish controlled and previously practically an Ally to Nazi Germany.
After WW2 only three countries would come out ahead. The United Slaves of Israel, The Soviet Union, and of course, Israel.
>liked islam
Cause he didn't know any Muslims.
Do not confuse that a friend is an ally or an ally is a friend, best is when they are one and the same. However this is usually a rarity.
-Sun Tzu
I like Islam but I dont like shitskin turks and arabs.
I like bulgarian pomaks. Their ancestors pussied out and accepted islam 600 years ago but its not their fault today.
White and proud regardless of religion
hitler was a cuck, like you ahmet
Hitler was a politician, and publicly liked anything that helped his agenda
Didn't he say he would have liked it if they jihaded all the way to Germany?
That's a ancient myth used by pro-Hitler guys to convince normies that jews are the problem
Islam had it's own containment countries back then.
Nice try Shekelberg it's the truth
No. The worst jews can do is flood us with muslims.
He liked some of the their traditional views and de centralized anti Semitic ruling class , not there hate for women.
Preferring religious nutjobs who openly wish nothing more than the demise of the western world to jews. Okay.
Call me a bluepilled cuck but, knowing what it's like to live with muslims, i'll never know why anti-semitism was ever a thing. At least they did more for science and literature (for better and worse) than muslims ever did. All the hatred for jews was founded on silly conspiracy theories, nothing more. "Oh boy, every great media company is led by a person of jewish ancestry." So-fucking-what. What kind of "evil agenda" are they exactly pushing for? Are jewish CEOs honestly sitting around a table like the'yre some sort Illuminati type organization, plotting for world domination? Fuck that noise.
Redpill me if you feel like to.
No. You're a kike. Just get off this board. Israel won't exist soon.
A correct translation of "Mein Kampf" is actually, "My Jihad", not "My Struggle."
Mohammad is that you?
Hitler came from a time when your urban ghettos were full of lower class kikes and slavs. Now they're full of m*dshits and niggers. Put it in perspective.
I'd rather support jews than wahhabi assholes, who are just as bad as actual nazis. Honestly wouldn't deny them the right to have a homeland (same thing goes for Kurds, suck it Erdogan). Admittedly, the means for establishing Israel was kinda unorthodox.
The early 20th century underclass could'nt be any worse than the present day ones. Hitler was a butthurt little clown who got angry over not being accepted for art school. I'm sure he could have chosen any other place to apply for if he wasn't such a weak individual.
All those quote's are from Martin Bormann's book Hitler's Table Talk, Bormann was an unapologetic anti-Christian pagan who pushed Hess away from Hitler essentially replacing him. His quotes aren't wholly trustworthy, much like Speer's or other Nazis who had agendas or made deals postwar.