Everyone who lives outside of here is white trash until you get to the west coast.
Everyone who lives outside of here is white trash until you get to the west coast
>white trash
as opposed to regular trash AKA minorities?
I just realized that they look like a dinosaur.
And everybody who lives inside are jews
I don’t think Maryland should be included.
Delaware representing
ok thanks for sharing your opinion
I live in Boston. I hope antifa attacks to liven up the night
Connecticut is literally just niggers in cities and white trash living next to the empty industrial parks where the jobs to used be with a handful of enclaves full of rich people that presumably live there because they enjoy seeing other, poorer people suffer.
top fucking kek
Everyone who lives in that area is a spic or a nigger.
t. upstate NY
>limited understanding of US geography
>tfw literally on the border
wew I made it
Portsmouth is white but for the cost of living it had better be.
I live in maine, and you're fucking crazy if you think us and NH want to be associated with the rest of the shit holes shown on that map.
Massholes? NY? PA? New fuckin jersey? Bitch u trippin
Maine here Op Is a Fag. Come over here and eat some pancakes.
in CT we have cities that are 15% white
think about that
That's the CDC map for Lyme disease....
Another bio-weapons program against the people...
you know what i mean. it's like fucking cuba up and down 95
I was on the red line coming home from the gym during that whole free speech rally this summer, the traincar was packed with middle aged liberals carrying signs and wearing resist shirts. I was so astounded. The anti Trump movement is the most engaged, organized political movement of my young lifetime. But it's about nothing, all the signs and shirts were retarded and everybody was posting on instagram. I'm not political, but I couldn't help thinking all these people were self absorbed assholes with too much time on their hands.
Fixed your shitty map, faggot
>it's like fucking cuba
More like San Juan. What a mistake keeping Puerto Rico was.
Get me out of that fucking image.
PA overlords
fixed for NY
401 here
I agree with OP western massachusetts can go fuck off
Hey shut up i'm even whiter than you
>everyone who loves here is
Socialist or communist
Yeah don't lump Penna in with those other libtard shitholes.
Long islander here its basically white trash except for the few niggerhoods which are just normal trash
Hey. That's not very nice.
Question: why do Puerto Ricans look like toads?
That's what happens when you cross an injun with a nigger.
You circled the area with the least whites in all of New England.
everyone who lives in this area is a junkie, fag or presently undergoing HRT.
True, upstate is redeemable. 3 days hence.
Damn right, I live in there
I got lyme a few years ago
But the best quality whites
>Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts
>Not full of white trash
this is true
t. spic
You have to go back.
its the old regime trying to take back power with all its old dirty tricks
You've never been to Connecticut.
>East Haven
CT is filled with white trash.
Oh fun! It's opposite day!
>white trash
Are you retarded?
The border between PA and NJ is triggering me right now
I'd rather be surrounded by "white trash" than act like I'm better than fellow white.
if we're going to state shitpost, can I post this?
I'm from PA and you're typing like a fucking trailer trash nigger. You're doing a good job proving OP right, faggot.
Gank yourself you dumbass yankee.
>t. Colorado masder rase :DDDD
>being a leftist faggot
What is Maine like anons, I'll be visiting there early next year.
It's full of trees and white trash that lives on the dole because there are no jobs unless you wanna be a lobsterman. It's nice if you don't have to live there.
Example? I left CT a while back, all I can think of is East Haven. 45% Italian, 10% Hispanic, 3% Black, 3% Asian, 1% Native + Other, for a grand total of 62% Non-White.
Are you talking about places like Bridgeport?
White trash is people like junkies and drunkards who are just as likely to nig out at you as a chimp or spic. I don't know what method OP was using to his madness because areas like Portland, Providence, Boston, NE and SE mass, and southern NH are some of the worst places of the opiod epidemic and are full of white trash. Still, most of these places are significantly better than living in the NYC area, you have to be a literal mutant to want to be there