well, antifa? i'm waiting..
>calls for revolution
>this can't last for real this time!
>no show
Other urls found in this thread:
Already here, goy.
bunch of brainwashed lunatics whit their low energy
The revolution was in you all along.
tfw righties got trolled by antifa
or antifa has shown just how cowardly and impotent they really are
Are you blind, or just stupid?
This was a manouver t.b h. Tomorrow all of you drumpkins will laugh at us and let your guard down.
The revolution starts the 6th on the 100th anniversary of Russian revolution.
>haha no i meant next year, drumpfkins
all you can do is talk, this is literally OWS again. we lad step up your game!
Wasn't even worth making popcorn....
and ur massive dicksandwich is ready faggot.
Times Square, atm
They gave antifa too many xenoestrogens. Soyboys don't make soldiers
Just wait until Monday. All the wagecucks will be too tired fight us.
Outa sync for a reason?
it's garbage like antifa! calling people out and can't be bothered to show! saaaaaad!
Shitty news channel is all.
They're covering it. That's all I care about rn.
You stupid mother fuckers started this Nov4 bullshit on this very board as a fucking joke and you wonder where the hell ANTIFA is at?
I swear, you people are blind.
doesn't your flag signify the unity of peasants and workers?
poe-chan, if you were a true comrade you wouldn't be talking like that about the working class
who cares about antifa
we are waiting that false flag attack
Sweetie, there is no antifa revolution, only small peaceful protests. You've would have known this if you read any news outlet that isn't Infowars.
I made popcorn now i'm disappointed
Most entertaining stream
>nothing happens besides the usual antifa faggorty
Color me unsurprised
Faggots chanting here we go
There is nobody there in this stream
Bro, I just heard the official name for this operation is now Jade Helm 2 and that George Soros hired a bunch of commie witch doctors to reanimate Seth Riche’s corpse to fight for Antifa. Hillary Clinton is loading up bags of uranium and foundation donations to take with her to Russia also (which we all knew was the REAL scandal all along).
It’s finally happening! Everyone thought we were crazy, stupid, hopelessly isolated and just lashing out at a society that refuses to let us lose our virginity. Now they see though. TO THE STREETS!
I know that feel
I bet they're going to try and pull something tonight in DC.
Something similar to V for Vendetta at midnight because the left is horribly unoriginal
>spend $150,000 on NYT ad
>pussy out
>lol you got trolled!
>because the left is horribly unoriginal
Thinks of idea. Claims other side will think of it because >they< are stupid and unoriginal. Classic right wing logic.
Its uh... Yeah.
Well I guess that's what happens when you try to have a revolution when unemployment at the lowest,it been since 2000.
Are you for the people? Most of the people are wage cuckass.
Down with the trump pence regime implies revolution this is just a derpy rally with really derpy looking people.
I'll judge after a drone pic or 2 when the real numbers of ppl can be seen.
Hey I remember that. It was the damndest thing. The economy was shit for a while, then this one guy took over for about 8 years and the economy was great again. Like really good. He left in 2000 though. Shortly after that the economy got bad again.
Then around 2008 it got really fucking bad. That’s when this other black guy took over and he got it straightened out after a few years. Eventually he left though too (think around 2016-2017). Now we got this new guy. I sure hope he does good. I just wish there was some way we could tell who was going to improve the economy and who was going to fuck it up. Like, if they could put a letter athe end of their name to help identify what they believe. If they did that, people would surely never pick someone they knew would fuck the economy up.
They are cucks because they voluntarily are slaves of the burguise corporate porkies. They are like children that resist to take medicine that is bitter. November 6th we will force them.
You have never read the constitution and have no fucking idea what the president actually does.
Hur Dur... President runs the economy.
You’re right. It’s all just a coincidence. Especially since it doesn’t reinforce what you already believe. I bet if the economy had gotten worse under Obama you would be singing a different fucking tune. Doesn’t mean all of your ideas are shit. Just means you have no idea how to run the largest economy in the world. No big deal.
He could.
Economy it's a lot of things.
Te he he
>Sup Forums constantly says it will be fucking nothing
>it is fucking nothing
My girlfriend's sister dated antifa as a goof one time, and she said it had a small, flaccid peepee that couldn't get hard for her
Maybe, they'll do it at night? Idk.
>posts American propaganda poster made over five years before the USSR betrayed the Allies.
Literally kill yourself, please.
Okay call us when it gets here
The saddest revolution in history! Bash the fash? Too scared to show up! They don't have what it takes to spark a true happening!
>hey, we're gonna do something on the 4th xd
>do it faggot
>i mean it, we're gonna punch you nazis!!!
>do it faggot
>okay, today's the day, I hope ur ready
>do it faggot
>fucking nothing
>lol we trolled you epic-style XD
They should emulate the rights model. Dress up like Paul Revere and try to march before kneeling over from old age while holding a sign that says “get a brain Morans”. Then, they can give some crackerjack interview responses like “I’d like to get to the bottom of why Obama wasn’t in the Oval Office on 9/11”. Sound better?
>make fools out of yourself
I sure authored V for Vendetta.
You sure got me there famalam ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Yeah back when I was liberal Bush sucked donkey dong... He admitted today he voted Hillary.
You probably didnt like Hillary well I definitely don't since she has been evil for a long time... Ahe was even,on the board of Evil Inc... I mean Wal-Mart.
>haha it's your fault we suck so bad at all this trololol you fell for it
so you were just pretending to be retarded eh?
shiiiieeeet. how did we miss this yuuuuuuuge revolution. successful, as always, antifa.
>Sup Forums thought antifa turning over trashcans in the street equals WW3
>mfw nu-Sup Forums literally takes antifa this seriously
where have you been? People have been saying this would be nothing for days.
all my friends are anti-fa anarchists (fo real)
I literally cannot imagine a situation where they would rise up and do anything beyond hooliganism
antifas are goofs
Why haven't you redpilled them? Aren't you doing your part, user?
where is this glorious revolution antifa? too scared! all this hype for nothing!