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terriers nancy
A leftist would never do this.
They are self-indulgent and have sex ad libetum.
They would never engage in asceticism.
Is it unknown why...
I remember being next to a nigger in philosophy class
That fucker always had 90% scores with incomplete explanations that were not half as elaborated as mines.
It's not a fucking meme I've compared some of our homeworks and for the same exact thing written he would get a 10/10 and I'd get a 7/10.
Same shit with that bitch who sat next to me in economics.
College made me racist.
>Philosophy class
When the class is based on feelings rather than facts all bets are off.
14 genders?
thats not how it works though. they get 'hired' because they can be paid a fraction of a legal employee's wages.
(((comedian))) my arse
fucking top kek
I live in San Diego. This shit was a hilarious meme for years. Allowed me to redpill lots of my high school buddies about faggots.
compete then. do it for less or get legitimate skills. No astrophysicists complain about immigrants taking their jobs
Here Sup Forums
You may look at my favorite image
but DO NOT save
No you see this goes too far. Macedonia is a white country and we as Macedonians are patriotic people and we should respect fellow based white countries. How dare you make us out to be some sort of laughing stock when we are hands down the best country on Earth.
As an avid member of the Macedonian community of Montreal, I find this kind of blatant hate against my country to be highly offensive. How would you feel if I said Poland was a circus? You probably wouldn't like it. We are rich in culture and heritage and food and have the most beautiful women on Earth. You should be ashamed of yourself for posting this and I encourage you to delete it immediately!
This one always cracks me up
I've had similar experiences in hard science classes. I've seen an Arab immigrant who can't speak english get credit on absolutely retarded molecule reactions, while myself and other whites would get half credit for the correct answer.
Best example was in another class myself and a friend got paired with a loud ghetto black female for lab. She didn't show up half the time and came in 45 minutes late when she did, had absolutely no idea what was going on, would try to copy our work (we didn't let her), made comically stupid errors on in class quizzes. Next semester I see she is listed as the tutor for this class, talk to her and she got a higher grade than either of us. This is real. There are literally 2-3 nonwhites in higher level hard science classes, the professors are going to pass them no matter what.
Did you see this one from yesterday?
> Swedes rage over Danish fish porn
his board is a victim of its own success with all these newfags turning up from other trashcan websites. or even worse off the clock shills.
Too real dude
I actually did this a few days ago with a friend from work. Luckily he turned out to be pretty red pilled, but fuck, I didn't think I'd get that stupid after a few beers.
That does sound pretty good
Took me a fucking second. Holy shit, how could I have not notice it before hahaha.
>pubs in the UK
It's beautiful
I want to beat the author of this comic with a lead pipe so badly.
why though?
kek. how did I lose here.
I'm at work in downtown SD right now, do you know if anything is going on today like protests?
animal cruelty + objectification of women
The article is about how some Swedes think it is immoral to use slain animals in nude/semi-nude photoshoots
Mate I'm sorry I saved it, my finger slippedf and I accidentally/absent mindedly saved it but now it's in my folder and stuff. I won't post it anywhere I swear, I'll just look at it sometimes because it it really is quite funny to be honest. I like the part where the guy gets really drunk and ends up talkijng about the Jews, because his inhibitions are lowered. Anyway can I show it to my mate Dave?
Leafs elevate shitposting to new and innovative levels while at the same time never straying far from their faggy essence. It's truly a sight to behold.
The nazgul.
1488 ??????
Please tell me there exists a shopped version of this.
It's amazing how these guys think that this shit is logical.
They have absolutely no scientific grasp.
They are really mentally ill
some autistic guy on /k/ thought this is a really cool picture to take
Fuuuuuuuuck me.
STFU. You are not a real country.
Why did she draw herself with one of those weird sex toys used to torment Japanese girls with a halo around it? I'd imagine doing something like that would make you reevaluate your life choices before you finish.
>red magpies
Tell me more
Those are the lethal attacks. You think emus are bad? Aussie magpies will peck your damn eyes out, almost got nabbed when I lived in Australia for a year.
>20 rapes per second
Refugees nearing a critical mass.
>The greatest weapon of the Jew: The Refugee Bomb.
I think I can top that
My fucking sides
A video of a Kurdish special forces group. The highlight is around a minute into the video.
Kek. Oh man very close to home on that one.