What is your opinion on Armenians, Sup Forums?

What is your opinion on Armenians, Sup Forums?

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Armo's are fucking awful.

they're not white by any means.

Even the OPs pic shows how "white" they are
That is all

They are pretty based in terms of their social attitudes.


Wats dat?

Are they like Amish?

We should Give the Middle East to them & Lebs.
My Uncle Knows a Leb who Runs a Gas Station in the US who is the Loudest anti-muslim I ever heard.
"If you come back here for good like Your Uncle you Buy your Gas here, not those goatfuckers (rival paki gas station nearby who try to steal his shit sometimes) okay?"
Sound Lads.

Mostly postive.

They're the first ethnic group to adopt Christianity, and one of the few remaining Middle Eastern Christians who still have their own country. They fought against the Turks in 1915, but got beat down really hard (the Turks killed most of them), but the Russians bailed them out and they almost conquered like a third of modern day Turkey until the Soviets took over Russia and stabbed them in the back.

When I lived in LA I made friends with one, he red pilled me. I used to be an idiot who believed in everyone getting along and loving each other. He had an argument against all my weak points.
Individually theyre ok, but get a group of them together its a different story. Went to one of their social gatherings too. Was torture, they are intense people, loud, obnoxious, aggressive, smell of bad cologne.

I was asking about general opinion tho.

but well
>Armenians are not w-white,

like um try again sweetie

Can't ask for a more ardent remover of kebab when shtf.

shut up potato boy, nobody asked for your opinion

Half Armenian here. Grandfather was Sup Forums embodiment itself. Hated turks to the bone, hated Muslims and anything resembling Islam. Shit posted irl years ago, before the internetz.
City Armenians tend to niggerish behavior in the sense of fashion and "wealth fetish". Rural ones are good and usually wholesome people.

Hey paki eat shit

Just another shitskin

They deserve more land considering their historical territories.

%0000.000001 look like that

most look like this

t. ivan

>Armenian genocide isn't real
>t.young turd
we like Armenians and they like us

Generally don't mind Iranians.
Seeing as for some reason Shia's don't have the same conquer idealogies of sunnis.
Then again probly haven't met enough.

>half armenian
Please kill you self

amount i know about armenians 0%

Try going to one of their churches instead, it's really beautiful.


Shut up kike.

>Kim Kardashian
>Anita Sarkeesian
>Ana Kasparian

Armenians are subhuman.

I live in a place full of them and we had some ethnic conflicts but let me tell you what. When the place began to flood with muslims and they started doing nasty shit then Russians, Greeks, Armenians and Georgians got together and kicked the shit out of them. So it's ourguys

Fuck, those digits. I should know better than to shill for the monophysite dogs!


What branch do they generally Comform to Catholicism or Orthodox?

Don't listen to him, lad.
He's a retarded walljumper.

No >:[
Also, whiter than you.

They're Miaphysites (Oriental Orthodox). They broke away from the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics after the Council of Chalcedon, mostly over grammatical differences (they said that Christ had one nature that's a combination of a human and divine nature, while the Eastern Orthodox said Christ had two human and divine natures that were united).

I wish them well in Armenia.

can confirm

they gained "diaspora instincts" after migrating from Armenian highlands to another parts of the world. their social gatherings are keeping them from assimilation

you mean lands around Van lake?

Garbage people, every Armenian I know is a communist who hates white people despite being pale white.

>your face when the basis of your flag design men's briefs

hey irish friend, ever met shias in ireland? i know there is a decent amount of them in England so i was wondering if they were comon in your country too.

Hahaha typical armenians. Fucking stinky skinshit

>Catalonia has its own flag

stop being Armenophobe and recognize Armenian genocide already

What's that country even? Google didn't help

jokes aside the flag is about 900 years old and represents the blood of a count on a yellow shield after a battle with the moors

Never forget the Armenian genocide!

Ok satan, i be always like that they've stayed true to their Christianity and didn't succumb to the turks like many other did.

Yep, I'd imagine an Armenian wedding would be torture. Food was good though. Just had no idea what I was eating. Lamb or some shit.

>you haven't posted for several weeks
I don't even care about independence, I just like my flag :D

Shut up c u c k

Not really only actually know one muslim, & he's gone full breakaway Degenerate, drinking, gambling doesn't give a fuck about islam (his parents forced him to behead a goat when he was like 8 so probly sunni)
I try to keep away from them because of taqiiya & the fact that Shia's leave their Countries on a much smaller level than sunni cunts
Probly only like 7 Shia's in This Country.

They're literally the definition of White. The Caucasus we're in their territory and it's where all white people came from

>there was an attempt
Also, checked

Like I said my Vodka drinking friend I could be wrong, they might practise taqiiya too, I don't know.

but Armenia doesn't belongs to Caucasus. Armenia's historic homeland is Anatolia or Armenian highlands

Some Armenians during and after the genocide practice Taqiya, but against the Muslims (i.e. they pretend to be Muslims so they won't be killed). It's only the ones who lived in Turkey though, the ones in Armenia don't do it.

they love chess
they love wrestling
they drown in cologne
they cook good lamb

better than roaches/10

They have ugly women and very powerful uni-brows.

>middle-eastern shitskins are the first to embrace semitic religion.
why am i not surprised?

p.s hating faggots is good with me though.

Don't you have a mass baptism to attend or something?

ah i see. shias are usually more Christian friendly then sunnis, but they are a minority so people tend to think that all muslims are enemies with christians.

They should be our ally in the Holy War against Turkey and Israel. All larping aside they seem fine as long as they don’t start immigrating to my country

Zzzz.... Zzzzzzz.... Zzzzzz

Upside down Colombians.

Well I was on about Shia's
Imagine a Crew of Serb, Greek, Leb & Armenian Kebab Removers.
I think that would make a hell of a Merc Squad to Purge European Cities..

>opinion on Armenians

let's just put it this way.

They're the only genocided race that I literally don't care about.

I hate to break this to you, but the Serbs are the only ones among that group who were actually good at driving out the Turks: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_War_of_Independence

Now, Russians, Serbs, and Romanians, that would be something else.

>What is your opinion on Armenians, Sup Forums?

My only frame of reference is the Kardashians, so . . .

>Don't you have a mass baptism to attend or something?



Weird country.

What's the deal woth them anyway?
Why do the elites love them so much?
Since they're such a female ran famous family are they actually witches?
>Kanye Becomes Redpilled inPublic
>Kim (((reports))) him
>Gets lobotomised instantly

Armenians are grandfathered in for having the first Christian state and Indo-European genetic base (despite centuries of being raped and pillaged). Not ideal specimens, but neither are Appalachian sheep fuckers. They're part of the family, though.

whats the deal with georgians + armenians why do they hate each other

lol... You are funny. That is not where all white people come from, just the term. If it was really named after the mountains it would be caucasusians. Not Caucasians. And the Armenians do not from those mountains. They are from Anatolia. Stop spreading disinfo you retard.


Fuck off, papist.

Dude that is Caucasus for you.

Fucking mountain orthodox Italians.

This looks more like a jewish blood libel than a baptism


sand niggers

You better not

you mean like the fat guy here


Jew tier scum
kys subhuman sandnigger. Anders Breivik followers will cleanse Norway of filth

Moscow and Los Angeles have the highest population of Armenians in the world. They claim they are the original Christians and that Noahs ark was found on Mt. Aratat in Armenia. They have a lot of traditional values and they don't like to marry outside of their race. I have a couple of female Armenian friends and they say that the men prefer to have sex with Mexican, white, Asian women on the down low so that they can save the Armenian women for marriage. They basically want their wives to be pure for them so they secretly date outside of their race. I also heard that some Armenian girls who are in relationships with Armenian men before marriage only take it in the ass until marriage because it doesn't count as sex. I'm not sure if thats an Armenian thing or a Christian thing. I lived in a suburb North of Los Angeles called Glendale. Glendale is the 3rd highest population of Armenians after Moscow and LA. There are different sub groups of Armenians. Some are very flashy and Niggerish and take advantage of welfare benefits yet drive BMW and Mercedes while on the other hand some are hard working and humble. I never made friends with any Armenian men but Ive also never had issues with them. Auto insurance rates in Glendale are very high due to the fact that Glendale has the highest rate of insurance fraud. Armenian friends have admitted that they are known for being involved in a lot of fraudulent behavior. You cant say all Armenians are shit but a lot of them are assholes if you are an outsider. Its hard to generalize on them due to the fact that they were displaced and mixed in with other ethnicities, many Armenians are mixed with Lebanese, Syrian, Russian, Egyptian Etc This is why people say they are not white.


they're all fat idiots

dude armenian roaches have no traditional values. they all behave like kardashians and jersey shore degenerates when greatparents are not around

Russian girls are so nice but Russian boys are scum.

here come the tukshits

Though we have not been always on good terms in olden times, anyone who is an enemy of the roach, is also a friend of mine.


The Armenians will be avenged. Remove Kebab

crypto jews

Jews like all the rest

I rather have armenians as imigrands than fucking muslimes

disgusting roaches... (armenians I mean)

the more I learn about them more I despise them.

Don't like em. Georgians are the only tolerable people from the south.

I'm dating one now... plan on marrying her when we have a bit more money. They were the first recorded Christian empire and their faith is extremely important to them. They love the life and are extremely nationalistic, it seems literally impossible to move to Armenia if you aren't Armenian. Even if I married my gf who has Armenian Nationality and passport I still will not be allowed to get Armenian residency.

Obviously there are some good ones and bad ones but I love all the Armenians I've met. They also cook amazingly well

have you tried not having immigrants and cuckold dilemmas like that? bro, armenians are legitimately and utterly subhuman. their behavior is even worse than that of the jews. imagine arabic ugliness combined with jewish lack of morals on top of paki stupidity. that would be armenians

Kek, this is amazing.

Naes guys :DDDDD

look at your country first russian women are the most that cuck you, soyboy
also at least 20 millions fucking mudslimes live in russia, so fuck off