Why do poor white Americans live in trailer parks?
Why do poor white Americans live in trailer parks?
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Because they are trailing behind
They're cheap.
Cheap and better than living around niggers
All the welfare goes to spics and nigs while these poor whites get told they're too privileged.
why do poor people live in places that poor people can afford
>why do POOR..
>that's why
In the developed world we house the poor in cities so they can find work opportunities.
A lot of trailer parks are full of illegals
>tfw a bunch near me became ghost towns months after Trump was elected and refilled with whites
>They're cheap.
This, you can buy a shitty one with 2 weeks pay at walmart, then lot rent for $200 a month
>In the developed world
Show your flag
There's some inside better than your home scum.
Accuser scum.
Trailer park boy here, to answer
its cheap
I'm poor
Having a trailer on your own property does not a trailer park make
Hey wtf is this shit?!
What if I searched a picture of Detroit and it said "Best guess for this image is -ghetto nigger hood"
>Why do poor white Americans live in trailer parks?
I got news for you. Trailer parks are a social equalizer. EVERYONE lives in them, and for the most part there is no issues.
no commie blocks and large apartment complexes are expensive. trailer parks can be pretty comfie if your neighbors aren't shit.
See any bars on windows?
What's the crime rate like? *Crimes that involve a victim*
If you put these people in a actual ghetto, and moved the dindus to a trailer park, the ghetto would see a vast improvement and decline in crime
how is that for fiar
Chilling... wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyway
da juice, obviosly
this is sort of true. The south never developed a real economy because of slavery, and then it was pretty much burnt to the ground during the civil war on top of that.
Its because a lot of people label it as that, so the ghetto nigger hood one is also a possiblity
can't argue with trips.
solid affordable housing, leaves money for hobbies.
thats where all the blacks and mexicans go
whites are privileged and not allowed, or forced out through violence
Do people have to pay to live in their cars?
comfy and efficient
in australia yes, you have to pay car registration every 6 or 12 months depending on what timescale you prefer to get it renewed
>tfw shitskin but wanna try the trailer lifestyle because rent is so fucking expensive where I am.
all I would need is electricity and a net connection I wouldn't mind using shared showers and toilets
Sorta. It's a really shit deal actually.
Typically people buy their trailers or rent them which is comparable to a shitty apartment or a nice car. Then they pay for the land the thing is parked on. Then they typically pay for utility hookups.
>What if I just park anywhere?
Then you don't get utilities and you might get arrested.
All in all, trailer parks are a poverty trap for the vast majority of residents.
sounds pretty gay I thought it would be super cheap, you might as well get a tiny ass room in a sharehouse it sounds comparable
Why a poverty trap? Why so hard to break out?
they're cheap, government assistance usually go to niggers and spics who clog the public housing lists.
>All in all, trailer parks are a poverty trap for the vast majority of residents.
This. There's no equity in a trailer home, and you're still renting the land that it's on. It's a bad investment. Cities are now buying up trailer parks to provide cheap housing, which just socializes the poverty trap.
I'd like to see Trump push to create a wave of cheap housing on public land (probably much of it out west), give the title including land away in a one-time gibsfest, and then end all rent subsidies. No more section 8 housing, no more rent help: you own the land, you own the house, and if you fuck it up you sleep on the streets without any pity.
yeah they always pile on the fees no matter what you do. probably as expensive as a slightly run down house when there done. I knew some people that had one, there pretty nice.
I honestly wish there were cuck apartments like the japs. I don't need a large place. Also how anyone can afford rent is beyond me, I make $20 an hour I can't afford shit anywhere near me.
Jews and bankers make cheap housing unaffordable. The US wasn't like this 50 years ago.
to keep distance from niggers.
I grew up upper middle class, never had financial problems, always had food, clothes and shelter, etc. Why does this picture seem so comfy? Although I do want to grab a pickaxe, a hand tamper, and some perma-patch and fix up the potholes.
smart people buy a plot of land to put a trailor on
A lot of people who live in parks would rather be there among whites and work a $10/hr factory job than move to the cities and live around minorities
They really aren't trapped per se
The reason a lot of people here put trailers on their own land is that jobs don't pay enough to build a house anymore, people start out thinking they'll live in the trailer for a few years and build a house on their property, only the good job never comes and they are still scraping by with a trailer 10 years later
Also this
i would live in a trailer right now if it weren't for me having a girlfriend desu
Mostly all trailer parks are nice communities of whites.
this, I would be happy with a mini cuck room too, I don't really wanna be mega rich or anything just a little comfy room to myself
German humour, it's no laughing matter.
because it's cheap. why else would you live in one?
>you own the land, you own the house, and if you fuck it up you sleep on the streets without any pity.
that last part makes my dick so hard. that is how it should be.
only problem i see: next generation will bitch about not receiving any of the gibs.
>Why do poor white Americans live in trailer parks?
Because it is still better than living among niggers.
Sense of community and ownership.
>The US wasn't like this 50 years ago.
I feel like every western country is like this though. Where can I go where I don't need to spend at least 50%+ of my income for a place to live? How the fuck am I suppose to save?
>An agoraphobic convict.
Depends on proximity to meth labs, mostly. In the shitty trailer parks there's crime. Break ins, vandalism, people killing their neighbors' pets, the occasional murder.
I'm a nigger
>white privilege is real.
>why do poor white people live in trailer parks.
no property taxes
when I was in college I used to roof houses for my friend's dad's company. mostly spics but a few whites. I remember a white guy there in his 30s who was trying to get help because his wife lost her job, they got jack shit. an illegal spic decides to sign up, goes to the la raza office for help and gets EBT and cash. the illegal was married but it's not offical here in the states, so his gobliness is counted as a single mother. if you're white and play by the rules you're fucked.
Same thing.
Because they are poor. You fucking dumbass. Do you have a question that isn't stupid to ask us?
You didn't get in on the Oklahoma land rush, but you're not complaining about it. The next generation needs to take care of their ancestral land or strike out and buy housing on their own. In effect, this also means that the poor need to have fewer kids and the successful citizens more.
By "work opportunities", you mean "chances to rob urbanites who actually have jobs", right?
If I could make $15 an hour I might be able to get a place where I am. Honestly, I just want to get out of this shit hole. Also If I could have a fapshack apartment that'd be great. I don't need 5 fucking rooms. Shit, if there were any around I'd live in a trailer.
That's where the niggers are so no houses or jobs available.
better than slaving away 30 years to pay off the house mortage only for your "estranged" wife to take it away with her boyfriend.
i was looking at micro hotels one day, where you live in a closet basically. they want astronomical money. there is some run down hotels around here for 55 a week. our you can rent a room for real cheap and put up with that hassle. went to a apartment near a college, they were dirt cheap to live with three people. just a fellow student fellas.
Lol wrong, some people just fucked up and life and need a cheap place to live.
nobody bothers you in a trailer park. if you want to be a reclusive weird guy that's fine. if you want to talk to your neighbors and shit that's fine too.
to me this is the biggest strength of living in a trailer. for the money, you can't beat the privacy you get. otherwise you're stuck in a duplex with a trap house on the other side of the wall or a tenement-tier apartment that you pay out the ass for with loud neighbors on all sides.
the biggest problem with living in a trailer park is the stigma that comes from.. living in a trailer park.
I honestly don't get this, the concept of time shares and partial ownership has existed for years but only seems to be applied to children in separations.
Even if they're poor, they don't guilt the government into giving them free gibs like blacks do.
>700 apartment
>tokyo one of the most expensive cities to live in the world
Yet I can't get a studio apartment outside of nigger filled shitholes for at least $900 in the north east.
A lot of poor black and hispanic people live in trailer parks too.
>living 10 ft from your neighbor
>trailers packed with 7 children
>toys and junk littered all around you
>half your neighbors are on some kind of drug
>infested with criminals
is it?
trailer parks get a bad rap. their cheap as fuck, but decent living if you can find one in an ok area. i lived in one for about 3 years while i saved up for my house. $300 a month is hard to beat around here.
I seem to recall that Frank Lloyd Wright developed sets of building plans and (at the time) novel construction techniques, from new foundations to CMU walls, to allow the common man to build his own, modest, Prairie-style home at an affordable price. Whatever happened to that movement? Undeveloped land is still available at reasonable prices. What would happen if build-it-yourself became a meme? What would happen if that meme had a Usonian style? Could we trade in the trailer parks for a new age of Frank Lloyd Wright-tier domestic architecture?
It's because it's cheap and mobile
commieblocks are much more comfy
How much does an average trailer cost to buy? And whats a ballpark number for land rent?
because it's cheap
Go into Lowe's and price building materials. Then realize most jobs pay ~$10.00/hr
all that cumulative white privilege
same niggertier logic as people who promote tiny houses
>thinks the goverment will let you build shit without a "professional"
>why do poor people live where it's cheap?
Anywhere from free to about $75k, depending on the age, manufactured homes are a bit more but they're nicer than a trailer
where i live the land rent varies considerably, generally bretty cheap though $100-300/mo
You wouldn't want to live in a trailer though, super trashy
So, how do we lower the cost of building materials?Instead of providing section 8 housing vouchers, could we give vouchers for bricks and lumber?
You can buy a decent one very cheap, around $7500
The problem is that they cost a lot of money to move and set up, you'll spend as much on that as buying one
You can actually buy land fairly cheap to put one on rather than rent in a park, most people who live in parks only do that as a temporary solution
Because your rent is often not locked in, trailers tend to be laughably bad on utilities, trailer parks often have hidden fees.
So, what you have is if you buy a trailer is a depreciating asset, a reverse equity, that you have to pay to utilize.
People tend to go to trailer parks and become locked into their shitty choice.
Smart people are often not poor.
Most whites who live that way are too proud to take handouts
You can never explain our culture to outsiders, they don't get it
>he doesn't know about code cucks and zone cucks
lurk moar
Well you have a new president, what is his record in real state?
Most people who live in parks rent trailers, they don't own them
Well, kind of the point would be to weed out the inner-city slumdwellers who would be too lazy to build for themselves.
also FLW was a dipshit with his flat roof meme. FLW architecture is notorious for high maintenance which precludes its adoption as a vernacular building form
Building codes are for losers. True Randian boot-strappers stack their blocks and take their chances.
So, then you've simply fallen into renting for life.
Why would you rent a trailer when you can buy most of them for like 10-15k? I mean unless the rent is absolutely tiny
So you steal from people?
THIS... Because Any Remotely SMART White... Would PREFER this to being anywhere NEAR A NIGGER!
cause they don't have 10-15k?
I grew up in a trailer park until I was 10. It wasn't as bad as most are depicted. We had a pretty good sized yard and every trailer had a deck built on to the front door. Everyone kept their homes and yards clean. Down the street from the park I lived in was one that looked like you would imagine though.
there credit probably sucks too.