Could a guy confirmed to be making $48,000 with 3 children to feed really afford a house this size?
Could a guy confirmed to be making $48,000 with 3 children to feed really afford a house this size?
Grandpa won it in a card game
in any time before the mid 90's, yes. actually any point before the housing market crash, granted they would be fucked over in the long run
Yes, back when things were formerly great.
A nuclear safety inspector isn't making $48k. Probably double that
no goyim it's impossible. rent from shekelberg real estate group and never have children. Immigrants will keep the economy and population afloat.
back when Groening was growing up, yes
What's the room over the garage?
>believing this
1980s midwest? Absolutely
They want you to have children so you can hand them over to the state, the only reason they want immigrants is because third worlders have more children = more labour.
So please goy have lot of kids
>small town in illinois
something like that would go no higher than 120k today. A standard 30 year mortage would cost less than $600 a month. A guy that brought in 4k a month would easily be able to pay for that and support a family but they wouldnt have many nice things which is exactly the financial situation of the family.
So yes.
Never underestimate how corrupt Springfield as a town is.
Nope, Grandpa won his previous house on a crooked 50s gameshow, he sold THAT house and gave Homer the money to afford 742 Evergreen Terrace on the grounds that he could live with Homer's family.
Grandpa lent him the money to buy the house, they got it when Homer was like 25 and didn't have any money.
well grampa still owns that farm even though they never use it
In the 80s and 90s, yes. Very easily.
The CPI calculates inflation very dishonestly and I can tell you with absolute certainty that I was making half what I did in the late 90s and it went more than twice as far as it does now....
Also, Homer is the head safety guy in a nuclear power plant. Odds are that pays very well even if he actually does nothing (as most safety/security jobs are pretty much do-nothing positions, that pay quite well).
So yeah.... very easily.
In fact, that's probably about what most of our parents made and we tended to grow up in 2 story homes where every kid had their own bedroom and all the toys they wanted.
Now, even if we made the same we'd be raising our kids (if we ever had anything) in an apartment with like 2 or more kids per room.
You millenials probably don't even realize that there was a time when the American dream was attainable and our parents (your grandparents) probably achieved it.
Now you'll work your ass off for a 80k home and have maybe one kid, if you can possibly afford it while working 3 times harder and maybe even 2 jobs for a fraction of what your parents had with half the effort.
I could easily derail into ranting about how allowing the government a bank check to spend exponentially more than it takes in via taxes is decimating the value of currency, but I'll spare you.
This is the house he sold, he still had the farm back then but it was abandoned.
this. the kids are also going to public schools
I see what you did there...
you could do it today even
also holy fuck dude that spacing is disgusting
Reddit spacing
Shhh Grimey, you're making us miss shit posts.
>I seed what you did there...
Yes, especially outside of major cities
Just because a 2 bedroom apartment in Sydney or New York costs 800,000 bucks doesn't mean the same sort of prices apply everywhere in the world
Believe it or not, faggots. That's pretty much the old timey Sup Forums spacing. I've been here since. Well, pretty much since the beginning. Only on Sup Forums faggots freak out when they see a space after a complete thought.
I've never spent any time on reddit. But from what little I've seen, it's no shittier than present day Sup Forums. Maybe in the old days, it would have made since to bitch about reddit, but now, honestly we're no better.
who'd want to live in podunk bumsville nowhere lol
In 1989 fuck yeah. In 2017? Hahaha
Real question. Do housewives even exist anymore? My friends and cousins with kids now both the parents work. Baby stays with the grandkids or hired childcare during the days.
Ooh la di da
>la di da
Did Moe know Chuck?
It was in the midwest.
Usually mutt-blooded retards who ironically extol the virtues of white civilization.
Housewives DO exist. But you bet your ass the husband better be a doctor, surgeon, or high powered lawyer. *Maybe* an engineer if he finagled himself into some gig that pays him more than he's worth like Haliburton, Lockheed Martin, or a nuclear engineer.
But a wife of a simple safety supervisor in a nuclear plant.... yeah, she sure as shit better have a decent job unless those kids are gonna be apartment dwellers.
That's cause your friends and relatives are trash
>"there's no way a big x income earner could afford a house that big!"
>"homes outside of major cities are less expensive"
>"but who would want to live there?!"
And the process restarts, cityfucker mentality everyone.
>live far away from the city
>travel 4 hours back and forth everyday
no user you are the nigger
>shitting out kids before you know you can properly afford them
So this is why Ameriland is doomed
>implying jobs only exist in the city
What is wrong with you? Have you ever spent any considerable time outside your metro area?
I just want to say I appreciate you following Simpson's continuity as well, if not better, than I have
Yeah, OR! Get this. You could work outside the city.
Fucking idiot.
And when will that be for our generation? When they are 40 and the kid is born with downs or some other shit?
>Yeah, OR! Get this. You could work outside the city.
Doomed? That's how third world, developing shitholes work.
>not having kids is what the jews want
>having lots of kids is what the jews want
It would be nice if there was some sort of consistency here.
In the 90's yes
Hope this helps.
Peculiar thing. In my country (Australia), chilcare is very expensive, and it almost costs what the woman would typically make at her full time job. She works for almost free, just to keep her children at a daycare. She pays to keep her children away from her, essentially. Women won't quit their jobs and spend their time with their children though, because >muh career muh working womyn meme. They could lose approx. ~$80 a week to spend time with their children and take care of the house and bond with their community, or gain $80 and spend all day in an office without having any meaningful social interactions, improving her household, or creating social bonds in their community.
Jews are behind everything. There's your consistency.
They want brown slaves not white ones.
Virtually all of the "good" jobs in most fields are in cities or in some large corporate HQ within the metro area of a city.
>Imagine being this indoctrinated/coddle/safespace'd
but that's not 48k
Exactly, though this would have been early to mid 90s.
90s born queer detected
>cities are the center of the universe
Have to be 18 to post here son.
48,000 dollars a year in the 90s was a fuckload of dosh.
Bro, the newfags these days are so quick to call reddit, yet like you I have barely been there because I can't figure out how to navigate the damned place. Also, good econ on the houses. The good thing about a mortgage used to be you'd lock in your payment at purchase time and house value increases with inflation. The problem is that when people cash in on that value they're usually moving to a new mortgage at the now present day higher payment. But if you buy and live there forever home ownership is definitely the way to go when people will be paying 4 times as much in rent in twenty years.
It's the not spacing. The ellipses gave it away.
Frinkiacfag detected.
That house probably cost them 2-300k. Not like these days where 1 floor 2 bedroom houses are going for 600k. Shit is so fucking stupid.
based on the paycheck seen in the Much Apu About nothing episode
Homer, after taxes, makes $18,833.88 a year
The episode was released in 1996
Inflation calculations means that Homer made, after taxes, the equivalent of $30,107.25 in 2017.
> note, this is based off just the tax deductions on his paycheck and not anything off of his income tax return form
That was simply a reaction to newfag spam kiddo. He was doing gods work.
nigga what? literally go on zillow and look at house prices before you show what a retarded millennial numale you are
No it fucking wasnt you retarded redditfag.
Stop acting like it wasn't you.
Other factors include cost of living expenses, mortgage rate, etc...
I paid 213k for my 2 bedroom home less than 2 years ago.
Have you ever been to Victoria BC? If you want a nice house, not one of those almost falling apart pieces of shit, you'll be paying up the ass.
"Reddit spacing" is perhaps the worst meme currently here and a sure sign that a poster is a recent addition who is desperately trying to fit in.
There's no fucking way Homer only makes 12 dollars an hour
Frinkiacfag WAS a newfag spammer. Notice how R&M spam died down when he left.
Why the fuck would I overpay to live in cuckland Canada? Not everyone is a financial retard.
I dont follow rick and morty stuff. I couldn't get through the 2nd episode.
Do you know just how many people come over from the US because of how good the quality of life is here? Why do you think everything is so expensive. It's you US shits as well as asians that completely fuck everything up.
Yes. Homes were actually affordable before baby boomers fucking ruined the market
you seem like some sissy middle class fag who calls the handy man every time you need a light bulb changed. enjoy overpaying to live in a frozen wasteland suburb, but I'll pass on getting ripped off
this, or he was making that in 1990
thats like the final joke the simpsons
>lol stupid nuke power -starbucks barista
>homer makes 4x the starbucks barista
In the 80s. Yes, you could.
Welcome to the hellscape that is today's housing market.
What do you call it
Think about all the alcohol Homer bought and all the stupid little spur-of-the-moment things he did - he clearly made a lot of money.
It's a good thing we have Trump to repeal the estate tax so hard working, middle class folks like us won't be robbed of our 11 million + dollar inheritances.
Trump's a man of the people. He knows that what's good for billionaires is good for the working man.
>guess where most nuclear power plants are
The plant is run by Mr Burns
It's around 35k.
48k base salary comes out to around 35k after taxes and other benefits like 401k, healthcare etc
Yeah, I'm going to miss when the government gave me other people's inheritance to buy my house with. Those were the days.
He showed up without a degree of any sort, it's entirely plausible.
>It's around 35k.
Ummm no it's not. Not even close to that.
I thought the 3 was a 6, disregard.
middle class needs to be exterminated. they dont have the grit and character of working class or the innovation and cunning of the upper class. bunch of sad boring bland wonderbread eating consumer culture useless 95 IQ cunts.
No. Unless your household earns close to 100k. The governement heavily subsidizes childcare in oz.
My household earns close to 75k and we only pay $30 a day for childcare.
>to feed
A car hold
>he doesn't know that a house that big was literally less than 50K in the 1980s
you were born too late fampai
my parents bought their 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house in l.a. for 60K
its valued at 10x greater than what they bought it for, today
Formerly car hole
Whats the room over the car hold?
It was a different time
Shared bathroom.