Redpill me on Latvia Sup Forums
Redpill me on Latvia Sup Forums
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It's a place where Estonians buy alcohol from.
So basicaly it's Estonia's Estonia? Do Latvians come there to work in your construction yards?
Latvians don't come but there are many ukrainians, belorussians and such working on half the pay that estonians would except.
How well do they do their job?
Dunno. Haven't heard any complaints. Problem is that we don't want any more native russian speakers coming here doing the low wage jobs but big business owners care only about their profits.
Latvia is not where Estonians buy there booze from generally. This is false! Estonians buy it from Finland. I took a cruise ship from Helsinki to Tallinn (cheaper than flying) and it was filled with Estonians. They literally got off the boat in Estonia with dozens of cases of beer from Finland. I saw one old man (in his 80s) lugging a grocery cart filled to the brim with cases of beer. The whole ship seemed to be filled with Estonians going there specifically for the purpose to buy cheap Finnish beer. I'm talking hundreds of people exiting at port with cases upon cases of beer.
Also, Finnish people are notoriously drunkards.
Needs to be nuked
Yeah. You already have a problem with your russian population.
IT's shit, just like the rest of the Baltics.
>spurdo buys booze in estonia
>estonia buys booze in latvia
>latvia buys booze in __________
How far does it go
Finns make shit beer, you'd have to be retarded to drink it.
Locally, maybe sometimes in Lithuania. Also, Estonians are niggers who don't know how to behave when being in someone else's country.
>Estonians are niggers who don't know how to behave when being in someone else's country.
You heard me, learn to have some manners before coming here to get wasted You're as bad as the brits. Always being rude, loud and obnoxious.
>Belaroussians just go to southern Belarus and get high from the Zone gooseberries.
Well they are at least white.
First time I've ever heard about that but okay.
this thread should be deleted. Only real countries should be allowed on Sup Forums
>Only real countries should be allowed on Sup Forums
Yeah I know, since Kosovo posters left this place is turning to shit.
It made Porzingis. And he is making basketball white again
Like the US? Because that is not a country. It is Jewish led conspiracy.
It's easier to go to Lithuania than it is to go to Belarus.
Come to Rīga and watch how your country men behave. Major plus for you is that unlike the brits you aren't always trying to pick fights.
>It made Porzingis
>And he is making basketball white again
It means we are white niggers bro.
>Come to Rīga and watch how your country men behave.
It is like we don't have enough tiblas here, stop shitting on basedstonians
It's okay to be Balt.
I go further, only only non-whites of countries with nukes and means do deliver them globally are allowed to speak. Everybody else should just fuck off to 6 feet under.
Because Eestis have quality bantz with us Tengribro.
I'll keep calling them niggers as long as they keep behaving like niggers.
>only non-whites of countries with nukes and means do deliver them globally are allowed to speak.
Since NATO gave you some nukes you have become quite agressive, are fingolian genes kicking in?
>I'll keep calling them niggers as long as they keep behaving like niggers.
Be more worried about currys and Pakis my mate.
Why are there so many of them anyways? I thought we were supposed to be invaded by chinks and not by poo in loos.
>Why are there so many of them anyways?
Nav naudas pasniedzejiem, ieved sitos ieksa lai sapitsu tirgu.
Pretty based.
They are six-toed pärdikud :D:D:D xD
It's a more degenerate russia
This turns me on harder than my uncle give me more butterbut.
I'm sure there are many such cases.
Going to a poorer country, getting drunk and loud is what a lot of people do all over the world. I'm sure Latvians do it to Belaruse, not to mention 3rd world countries.
You are right
>. I'm sure Latvians do it to Belaruse, not to mention 3rd world countries.
It is okay.
As I already said you are not niggers.
sure thing mister Abramovichkus
For whatever reason being called fascist brings back nostalgic memories of the past. It does not happen so often anymore. :(
I like them. They just seem similiar to Slovakia.
When everyone talks about V4, Slovakia is last on list.
It feels the same with Latvia. When baltics, everything is about we wuzing of Lithuanians or how Estonians are proud Finns. While Latvia is just that guy in middle being silent and trying to make everyone thinking that they don't exist.
Estonian cunt here. Latvian chicks are great, cheap alcohol. Language is weird af. Anyone near Adazi/Kadaga wants to bring a tired soldier some red bull?
>brings back nostalgic memories
Yes as a kid having physical bantz with Russian kids was nice,sadly they are starting to hold Latvian mentality.
>Nav naudas pasniedzejiem
Tota es skatos manam matemātikas pasniedzējam jauna mašīna un jauns Rolex pulkstenis parādījas. Jēziņ, visu jau izpārdod pa labi, pa kreisi un drīz vēl aizvietos are melnādainiem.
I've heard stories and seen pictures of drunk brits shiting Riga up but never about estonians. Do you have any proofs or did some estonian chad hurt your feelings personally?
>Anyone near Adazi/Kadaga wants to bring a tired soldier some red bull?
>Estonian flag.
Pretty much. Eestis on south have this saying.
When everyone crams in a bus to get somwhere the Latvians will take the empty bus on opposite direction.
>. Jēziņ, visu jau izpārdod pa labi, pa kreisi un drīz vēl aizvietos are melnādainiem.
Cinies ar to!!!!!
Cilveki tevi izmanto kamer tu neperadi attieksmi pret to.
Reeeeeeeee fuck off
>estonian chad hurt your feelings personally?
They said that I have 6 toes.
Big ass military exercise.
>Big ass military exercise.
>Big ass
For me?
>visu izpārdod pa labi un pa kreisi
Dude your beer sucks dick.
Stick to making some godtier winter war vodka for sniper exercises.
>Big ass military exercise.
its isnt fucking May you nerd
least corrupt country in eastern eu--
oh wait, that's estonia
>Major plus for you is that unlike the brits you aren't always trying to pick fights.
what the fuck is it with british people and this? i've seen brits do this in 4 countries across asia and europe.
explain yourselves bongs
Bet man nepatik negeri.
Es vinus negribu.
Vircadaini ari ir nesmuki.
Hey, on a serious note to any of you Baltics, I want to learn more about the pagans in that region - are there any good resources, or do you not know yourself?
Should I read Varg's writings or what?
Was in Riga this April, hella beautiful.
We got to visit the Parliament, and all I actually caught was a serious problem with "Russians", that is ethno-russian offspring of former commie scum.
>what the fuck is it with british people and this?
Political correctness doen't allow them to have physical bantz with Local London inhabitants.
>Do you have any proofs or did some estonian chad hurt your feelings personally?
I was in the club with my grandma and the big estonian grabbed her by the ass, whilst yelling "OOGA BOOGA GIB WITE WIMMYNZ"
Only personal experiences, of course. Like I said, estonians don't start fights or any real shit, they just don't know how to behave. They're like Brit lite.
Ko ta var īsti izdarīt šajā situācijā, ja valsts to speciāli dara?
No offense, my mongolian neighbour, but your beer is shit.
Patīk tev tas vai nē, bet tā ir realitāte.
>Should I read Varg's writings or what?
>I want to learn more about the pagans in that region - are there any good resources, or do you not know yourself?
Learn Latvian or Estonian.
It will show that you are dedicated enough
Fuck off retard what is Steel Shield 2017
>Ko ta var īsti izdarīt šajā situācijā, ja valsts to speciāli dara?
Runa. Ir youtubs nigga
Stulbais socialists man nav jadoma tava vieta.
Tu esi daunis
this makes so much sense actually
Gas the kikes race war now
That's about it
>drunk people in nightclubs behave like drunk people in nightclubs
>estonians are niggers
>learn Latvian or Estonian
so learn Russian? ok
Although it's nice to get a thread from time to time.
After it we can move back to shadows again.
What a joke!
Haha, comedy King!
Please fuck my wife now you absolute beast
a meme, all of them are unless using live rounds because so much bullshit happens on individual levels
t. still pissed off for not getting the THAT FUCKING FENNEK destroyed because it wasnt in the scenario
Fucking useless platform, even their algorithms are now rigged as fuck.
Skolu vispirms pabeidz, tad muti vēr vaļā.
I never mentioned those.
Dunno why would Americans ever learn Russian, they sound like pediks speaking it.
They're usually the only Baltic country know in the world. Mostly because of short name and the fact what they were completely dominated by Germans for some time.
We're gonna have an all-white tiki torch rally on the 18th of November, show the Americucks how it's done.
Don't worry, I'm not trying to, but I might have to learn Spanish soon
>weeeeeeeee valsts zog no mana maka!!!!111!!
>izsaimniekošana aaaaaa Šķēle nāc atpakaļ, zobus izdauzīšu reeeeeeee!
>valsts mūs nīdē ārā aaaa visi deputāti ir netīri zagļi
Tu esi neironiski atpalicis, izdari pašnāvību.
We are using live ammo
A smaller one will be on the 11th as well
okay dude, live your life, wish you best
There once was a man from Latvia. He was sitting at home with his children and wife at the dinner table. He told his son that on his birthday next month he'd be able to eat his first ever potato. There was a knock at the door and the Latvian man answered the door and it was the grim reaper. He kills the Latvian man and the Latvian man goes down to hell. A short bit later the Latvian man is greeted by the devil. The devil says Latvian man you seem happy... since of that I'm going to make Hell as Hot as can be. The Latvian man gets super excited and jumps around. The devil is confused and says to the Latvian man... Why are you so happy Latvian man? The Latvian man states that his home is freezing cold and it is nice to feel toasty warm. So the devil freezes Hell over and the Latvian man gets even happier. This confuses the devil further and the devil asks the Latvian man, Why are you so happy? The Latvian man says this freezing weather reminds me of home!
While back in Latvia it is his sons birthday and the son goes to his fathers grave to close his eyes to pray to find the potato his father would have given too him. He opens his eyes and right in front of him is a potato! The boy picks it up and eats it whole. God looks down upon the Latvian boy and laughs, "Silly boy there are no potatoes in Latvia that was just a rock!"
Have you bullied a numale today? If not, why not? Make Latvia Great Again
It's okay to be Balt.
>said the jew whilst rubbing his hands
Fuck off, big long nosed kike. As if it isn't enough with how of a non existent industry we already have and even that little niggers like you want to sell off for EU gibs.
multicultural paradise without hate
hottest girls % Wise of any nation easy. been there. it's amazing. hardly any fatties at all.
>what is 1934-1940
We will make them give back our past
>non existent industry
Izvelc galvu ārā no dirsas, mazais centra rīdziniek. Mums ir liela industrija un ražošana. Aizveries ar savām 2004 gada cukurfabrikas un padomju fabriku mēmēm tu dauni
I was in Riga for a week on business, the food was pretty good, the people were nice. There were some cute girls there too.
top kek. traiterous whores trying this desperade
Zajebal, ka gaudo "ko, lai dara, valsts tāda"
Celies kājās un cīnies. Neviens tavā vietā to nedarīs.