What did young men do for fun before tv and the internet?
What did young men do for fun before tv and the internet?
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Musical instruments, fucking, and innovating
Not the bad kind of socializing, mind you.
Drink all day and chain smoke
Real, human, things.
Also GhostPolitics is a scumbag.
I pray for his death.
Going out and beating each other up. Often in neighborhood gangs. Atleasts thats how it worked in finland.
Reading, writing, socializing, drinking, working
Conquer countries, get pussy, win wars. Basically everything you do in a video game but in real life.
Work, alcohol, sex, dying from tuberculosis
Pretty much this. Also lots of drinking.
They still had wanking
My grandfather was injecting cow shit into fruits and giving them as a present to old ladies in the village.
Sex, drugs
sports, music, sex with 3D women
Don't waste their life falling on debt.
fuck ur mum
notice how many are typing drinking
"all authority on heaven and earth belongs to me"
what happened?
did your grandfather also use anti-freeze on wine?
What the fuck
Give em the ol' stinky fruit.
get laid