Looks like Sup Forums has been exposed. How do you respond?
Looks like Sup Forums has been exposed. How do you respond?
>muh gobmunsichsm
its jews you monkey
>cultural marxism isn't real
>who is gramsci
>who is foucault
>who is wilhelm reich
>Property is the only thing they care about
>le 'seize the means of production'
>cultural marxism is a false flag
These fools don't even know their own subversion process. Probably explains why they are commies in the first place desu
national socialism is the way. communism does not fix the shit we care about. most communists ARE anti-white and think race is a spook.
tl;dr op is a fag.
this is reatarded. its fascism that is a response to communism, and communism is an ideological trojan horse. His premise is wrong, would guess so since he is doing the 'muh good communism' routine.
You can be antifascist by refusing communism. He cant do that.
>small peen soyboy with stockholm syndrome tries to deny he's a sheep to socialcritical theory that is literally a jewish conspiracy to destroy the white race
Also, national SOCIALISM is indeed the solution to the scourge of capitalism.
>communism is not anti-white
>every commie in america hates the white working class for being racis trump voters
fooling no one , communism is a KIKE ideology for KIKES AND cuckolds
What's the point of appealing to whiteness when your ideology doesn't work?
Did the idiot just say cultural marxism is a meme and that they don't dislike white people
So much damage control from these commies!
Sup Forums is a Christian board.
>peruse 10,000 years of pondering on spiritual greatness
>a materialist ideologue whose infant philosophy is barely a century old tells me I only care about property
What a Jewish OP
Fuck you if you're either a Nazi or a Communist supporter. Go live in 1930s retards.
The ‘free market’ is a driving force behind the invasions of our homelands by nonwhites. It’s seen as cheap labour by the (((business interests))) and the ability for these people to create monopolies and influence politics only furthers this. That is literally the only thing I somewhat have in common with ‘socialists’. But im pretty sure that’s what fascists belived also.
>You are just not smart
there's a reason that every leftist contention with the far right boils down to either being stupid, mean, or experience any combination of three emotions, and it's pic related
when your deepest exploration into the psyche of another is schoolyard shitflinging it's time to ask yourself what trained your to adopt the mental habits of the infantile
>cultural marxism is a false flag
Objectively not true.
>we are more white than you
A red claiming to be white, oh the irony.
>the only true solution to everything you consider bad is communism
Oh, so the solution to (((internationalism))) is communism. Good to know.
>You are just not smart
I'm a genius.
>that's what angers me
Go back to daily dilation.
to claim that everyone should work for a greater good without so much as a reward is fucking retarded. to claim that people should not be allowed to own anything because "sharing is caring" is asinine. to claim that divisions within the human race shouldnt exist, that there should be no distinction between man and woman, black or white, is fucking stupid. i think its stupid that most commies think that you can just erase class without literally destroying the people under that system. and the worst bit is there are people in various places of power within the government that choose to adopt this line of thinking, that claim that race is a social construct, that Syrians refugees are just perfect to place within a christian country, that man, god, and country are things that can be ignored.
culture means a lot to me, i love the history of the ancient Egyptians. i love reading about the various dynasties in japan, or the oft neglected tribes of Papua new guinea. i love it all, but i would never wish for any of those cultures to be replaced, let alone for the sake of making money or making the natives destitute to further some grand plan. and its for that very reason im against globalism, against the creation of the 'Eurasian negroid' that marx wanted to birth, against the mixing of people and culture, because once everything is the same nothing is special any more. while im not in favor of big government either, im finding myself more and more in favor of a facist government just to suppress you fuckers because of the damage you done. personal liberties be damned if the end result is the preservation of my way of life and the end of you.
Kill yourself commie.