IF YOU ARE BROWSING THIS RICHARD SPENCER, OR ANYONE ELSE FROM THE ALT RIGHT- FUCK OFF, ill say it again FUCK OFF. We don't want you, we don't need you, and you're going to fucking ruin everything we've been working towards with this IOTBW campaign, anyone that's actually a retard in the alt right please for the love of god KILL YOURSELVES
Richard Spencer is a fucking loser.
>not here
of course they are here
How do we blue-pill this beaner?
Nah, I'll stay.
Please kill yourself, you cunts are going to crash everything we've accomplished with no survivors
What have "you" accomplished that we will crash?
Richard Spencer is CIA
Don't talk about Sup Forums on twitter Spencer you fucking retard.
Of all the things you're sperging about, it's the alt-right
And yet Sup Forums is with you 100%
Really gets me pondering
>ill say it again FUCK OFF.
>We don't want you,
>we don't need you,
This made me chuckle.
How many people do you have under your banner? Is it enough able bodied people to build and run all the infrastructure? Enough smart people to maintain a rule of law?
Hell no.
Unless you wanna starve to death on a fucking hippie commune you need everyone else.
Fucking retard.
>and you're going to fucking ruin everything we've been working towards with this IOTBW campaign,
If anything you fucking faggots did it to yourself by ignoring what folks wanted and pushing this shit with copious amounts of racism and sexism.
You killed your good will and are acting like tyrants and blaming us and labeling us as tyrants.
Go fuck yourselves.
>anyone that's actually a retard in the alt right please for the love of god KILL YOURSELVES
And miss seeing your breakdown?
Richard Spencer is a fag and CIA plant
He is the son of a CIA only neighboorhood. After the 3. generation they start looking like incest.
read it
it's all so tiresome
There is no clear "leader" of the alt-right you dolt, and there's definitely no hierarchical structure. Spencer is a guy with a popular blog who does speeches sometimes.
Did Canada even put flyers up?
ok richard calm down you didnt think of it because your backed by jews, we know.
You're still getting replaced honey.
Im going to take a gander as to what OP is.
a have a little wants more
Fuxk right off.
I will chose my own thoughts.
We dont need OP 5o tell us how to think.
Fuck right off bud.
I bet OP didnt put uo a simgle poster.
Absolutely contributes nothing to the future of mankind.
Yes. But OP did not help. At all
Kys moron.
Aaand hes gone.
You know if we complain enough about spencer then we will end up with antifa types in the streets advocating white identity to try and trigger us
I identify as me.
Ideological far right
But alt right is easier and already has brand recognition.
Alt right independants
NYC protest march stream
we have to disavow richard spencer. he isnt welcome in even poland. we need to get rid of him so he doesnt have a leg to stand on anymore.
What's wrong, pindick white boys? Mad that your plan has failed? LMAO
His message is fine.
Yeah we need more nice people in the movement that the globalists like, or people who are so insignificant and harmless that they don't care.
The real problem is that old guy who cant help but publicly kiss up to Jews.
Cant remember his name since he is cancer.
why do you even want to keep him? why are people here so obsessed with wanting a physical representative? it makes no sense considering this is an anonymous imageboard.
His forehead lowkey not even long .
well that's why they're here for.
don't you notice how efficient we were when normies couldn't put a "face" on our actions.
Shill just got these retards out of the mud and made them pass off as the spokepersons of our ideology so they had a ground to attack us on.
I dont care either way. You guys eho kick and scream whenever you here his name dont help either.
Divide and conquer shills is what I consider you guys.
Jared is fine. He's working with people who are openly Jew conscious and he doesn't speak about them unless pressed. He's not hurting anything.
Why are you against people having websites and doing speeches? The alt-right has no official representative. He's not the boss of me.
Finally a lead that isnt an asshat. I hate faggots and the left and everything the left stands for.
You are the cunt crashing our society into the ground!
Thats retarded. Did you make that up yourself?
Oh thats his name. No he is controll3d opposition from when the boomers were young. A relic from the past. CIA niggers glowed in the dark then too.
>Sup Forums
Pick one you fucking redditfag or go back
Proof of corruption
Also research obama uranium deal biggest treason in us history
Also ignore divisive kikes
>Why are you against people having websites and doing speeches?
i have nothing against that but there is no such thing as an alt-right. he claims to have coined the term and pretends to be its de facto leader. creating a term such as the alt-right and getting people to identify as such creates an attack surface and a movement that can be infiltrated but you do you.
>Divide and conquer shills is what I consider you guys.
we are not a movement here, everyone has their own thoughts here. fuck this hivemind bullshit.
moot grew up and became richard spencer
In his own words. He is /theirguy/
That's right, as fascist but foremost as an anonymous imageboard user I demand my political beliefs manifest only online and I can't see any reason to attempt to take power in the real world. Anyone who gets involved in the actual machinery of politics is almost without doubt a federal agent who is trying to destroy the movement and kill me.
Thats exactly what I here when people attack the name richard spencer but cant attack the message since its pretty consistant.
"Alt Right" morons can neck themseleves, we don't want or support this label being applied to us.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums, nothing more, nothing less.
This isn't reddit you don't need to space out every fucking sentence.
This is true.
We should meme a fatwa on Richard spencer, redub some jihadi propaganada and memri and have some fun with it because Sup Forums is a board of peace
i never said richard spencer was an infiltrator or something like that. i dont have evidence of that so i wouldnt make statements i cant back up. anyway to assume the FBI has no informers or infiltrators in both antifa and right wing movements in the USA is simply stupid.
That little Spencer article talked about Sup Forums like he was selling a car
i tell ya friend get Sup Forums in the action youll be gassing kikes faster than any old guard skinhead rally guarnteed. You dont just put a leash on the itnernet and say sick em.
YES! You ruined Pepe and now you are trying to discredit this brilliant effort. KYS Spencer. You are actively working to destroy all that you claim to support. Furthermore you are bringing undue and negative attention to pol. FOAD
stream went offline at 4:17 est
nvm just a temporary shoah
>tfw people actually believed he wasn't a planted operative
Just dont consider him the leader and everything is fine. Fuck, he has no power over us. And never will. Stop believing that people actually listen to MSM.
Absolute fucking crrringe
>12 comments in 8 years
Okay :)
You guys dogpile threads with your vitriol. This makes you look like shills on an agenda.
Never fails. Someone says richard Spencer and instantly you get 15 fags I the thread calling everyone names and spreading division and hatred.
Kek fuck right off bud.
If you guys would attempt to not look like a shill raid then maybe I would have still considered spencer as bad news.
I'm talking about altright.com
You're a fucking shill
sage goes in options
>spreading division
what the fuck do you think this site is man? this is an anonymous image board there is no such thing as unity, thus there can be no division. everybody is their own man here on this site. if you want to do things like trolling shia lebouf and his HWNDU bullshit and IOTBW then thats fine but why do you have to say we are spreading division when we are simply expressing our own thoughts on here?
Spencer is like that try hard retard kid in school who tries too hard to fit in with the cool kids.
this is what a boat feels like when it has barnacles attached to its hull.
See. Just like I said divide and conquer with zero subsrance to their claims..
Why though? The name Spencer draws you guys out of the woodwork and you dogpile threads. Just like shareblue does. I would love to believe you guys are sincere but I have my doubt the past month or two
How is Richard Spencer going to ruin this?
That must be why he keeps smoking cigars and getting crappy haircuts. He's larping as an intellectual.
The same way he ruins everything else?
Spencer is a fucking retard. Holy shit. Just let Jared Taylor or someone smarter handle it you complete fucking ignoramous.
>If anything you fucking faggots did it to yourself by ignoring what folks wanted and pushing this shit with copious amounts of racism and sexism.
Racism stems from knowledge of the reality of genetics. Nigger countries suck mostly because they are full of niggers. We don't want that here and it really is the most important issue. Tone policing and social stigmatization of acknowledging this reality, is a Jewish trick you brainlet.
>How is Richard Spencer going to ruin this?
HE IS A HONEYPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your fine. You didnt put out claims that were unable to be verified. I have my own feelings on spencer. And yes we should not rally behind a leader until we find the right one. And even then I wont consider him my leader.
Believe it asshole. Everyday I make sure and sage every Spencer shilll thread I see.
Do I sense a cumskin schism? While you fight with other cumskin men, Tyrone is stretching your cumskin women out with his pringles can sized peepee
Luther might well be turning into his own grave now, op
>cuck posting
Fuck off degenerate.
we hate niggers and white women equally.
I still dont feel any sincerity in your posts.
Very vague and sage goes in options is default for me. Sage everything except gore threads
>you cunts are going to crash everything we've accomplished with no survivors
was admitting that you're CIA part of your plan?
Go back to islammarch
>alt right
All you people do is make podcasts. Podcasts to the alt-right is what mix-tapes are to black people.
You larp as Natsoc while trying to push "American Nationalism"
ANYONE in your movement who criticizes some things that happened in the alt-right are dismissed and called either "cuck" or are told to "not punch right".
You have literally accomplished nothing other than getting MORE normies to hate you for giving white nationalism a bad name. You all do not kick out obvious false-flaggers and fat boomer white nat 1.0s who show up to your rallies.
Nathan Dimego was literally the only good alt-right leader. Now he is gone. Spencer does not even have a plan. The movement pretty much died after you people thought it was a good idea to yell memes in front of normies in Cville. "gas the kikes" "race war now". All of that is funny, but absolutely stupid to shout when in a serious political movement.
59% of white America believes they are being discriminated against. Only 9% views the alt-right as favorable. This tells you all you need to know. We have to try something new because this stupid shit is clearly not working.
I don't understand why we don't copy Jewish tactics of infiltration into government with basic bitch issues that most normies will agree on. Like America first for example. Win local elections not larping as a fucking idiot yelling stormer memes, but disguised as a normie politicians on basic right-wing beliefs. THEN when political power is achieved you can actually implement more extreme measures.
Trump already proved you can do this shit. He won based on immigration policy alone.
Your mother has been BROWNED by a humongous pierced Maori cock
Just popped in to say that richard spencer and david duke are fucking cancer to everything they touch.
Sup Forums needs to remove all e-celeb faggots.
Tyrone is too busy shooting Jamal in the chest over 20 dollars.
>obsessed with cuckoldry
Absolutely degenerate.
Cville was the biggest win for anything right of stupid until iotbw
Now I know your a shill.
Concern troll
Yelling jews are bad at everyone you see will not get people to join. Let them in the room and they will wonder what is behind the curtain. They will eventually look for themselves.
Keep throwing up those roman salutes, bro. i'm sure the normies will come around and embrace Hitler one of these days.
>Cville was the biggest win
I don't understand what world you could be living in to think this.
People have all forgot. Except they didnt forget the feeling they felt when they found out a group of right wingers literally got a communist killed.
wrong, normies believe the cville narrative