hate on this shithole here
Daily germany hate thread
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Give back the car you stole from me and clean my toilet!
Give back all art, gold and children you stole and pay reparations.
Bavarian here, am I excluded ?
Losers of wars don't get reparations. And you lost in the very first week.
Naah we only lost after Russia joined, since as we all know you never won war with us 1vs1 since you were, are and will be too weak for that.
Daily reminder that USA is better than all of you fags combined.
Ok cool
Is it safe to say that Poland is the nigger of Europe ? Not to mentions 70% of their women sleep with pajeets in England ...
Best country that ever was
Not that good now
But will recover after EU falls
Why didn't you annex us why
Truth be told I dont care about Germany more then about Nigeria. They are african tier shithole doomed to die.
>If you werent at war with the allies we could have totally beaten you
Am i missing some logic in here?
On what grounds are we hating on them? For their past actions, or what they've become?
>w-we are not the niggers of europe, I swear
niggers of Europe are gypsies though
>t.inferiority complex Pole
Germans are autistic pieces of shit and I hope we will nuke them soon.
If Poland gets reparations, we want our bicycles back.
I stopped hanging with my friend because he has the most soulless fucking german wench I've ever seen. Bitch is completely retarded and got into the election mix as well. Bitch, don't tell me who to vote for if you're a fuckin immigrant cuck wench from Europe.
slavs are 1 nanomilimeter from gypsies on the nigger scale though
Please do.
Both happened because germs are cucks
fuck off you butthurt poorfag
true enough
Every time some news about how cucked Germany is, instead of acknowledging it, those sad excuses of men instead defend the actions of their traitorous government out to exterminate them. It's like krautcuck try hard to be hated. They went from fierce soldiers to limp-wristed, low testosterone nu-male faggots. When arabs take over it will not be missed.
to be fair, at least with central european ones, it's really not that bad, unlike with southern ones.
pic related
>A Shithole calling out another shithole
>A pun made to point out a daily thread made by one faggot with same pastas posted everyday causes a huge amount of butthurt.
Nice one Wojciech.
>german hate thread:300 replies
>russia hate thread:300 replies
>american hated thread: thread has been deleted
ameri mongrels are so pathetic butthurt mongrels kek
Didn't you lose too?