And people say there’s no war against men

And people say there’s no war against men.

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Man should just boicot the labor force so this fucking sweet hearts will shut the fuck up once and for all

He's a Jew, so who cares?

>youre now realizing that for every bitter male virgin on Sup Forums theres a female one

Because it doesn’t just happen to Jews, you idiot.

Is it obligatory to hire women?

What happens if you make a company with only men?

That's not a man, it's a jew.

Wish women had enough get up and go to actually start pushing for a boycott of boys. Literal boycott.

From the comments

ah hahahahaha
they're such autistic children

Except he's right. Why would women go to all the trouble?

You be sexist n' shit

>leftists and jews feel emasculated in their daily lives - mainly because they're submale soyboys
>need to control other people sexually because that's the only time they feel in power and masculine
Feminists were right. There is a rape culture among the weak and effeminate left.

Yes, why do would a woman go to all the trouble to marry a man just to divorce him later?
Why would a woman want to get an EVIL WHITE MAN FIRED because the company does not recognize her EMOTIONAL LABOR!!

Just replace all men based on a woman’s word!

the one thing they all want all the time

Is ok to be a bitter cunt expressing your every desire to castrate all none Chad looking man.

If you're a man you better man up

lol @ "rad qualified" women.

I don't know, Spacey seems like the only goy so far. Polanski and Piven are the names that stick out.

fuck off jew

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

We’re not just talking about Hollywood

It only happens in Hollywood, dumbass. No one falsely accuses people outside of it.

>Fire all men
>Men start up parallel economy
>After a year all women are bankrupt and everyone is red pilled
Sounds like something worth sacrificing a few years of technological development for.
Give that fat cow some respect, she's working for us.

How can someone be this delusional?

>beginning your thought with "I mean"
>my statement has no substance better fluff it with buzzwords
>i mean, thats lowkey savage af

In decades past, the losers and fat theater girls would hook up and pair off. They were both 5/10, but nice enough, so most were happy.

Now they are in war against each other on tumblr and Sup Forums.

Millennial entitlement and social media has turned the useful ugly people apart, and the nation suffers because of it.


Hurry up ladies.

multiple people also accused obama of being a muslim

and we've passed the point of no return. Or rather, desirable return. We have to push through until, just like this bitch says, everyone has lost their jobs and the entirety of hollywood and the media collapses.

>redistributed to the hard working, amazing people who have maintained society with their blood, sweat and tears

So, just give it back to white men?

>roasties sell their busted cunts to fat jew for movie roles
>trade takes place, Jew lays pipe, roastie gets into movie
>years later roastie gets sour grapes and decides she was raped.

So did I get all that right? Also I like how in OP's pic people are unironically considering firing over accusations alone

I mean....

>one tweet by some random fuck means there is a "war against men"

cry me a river

Fuck off. This is the sentiment the entire god damn internet holds.

university campuses
highest levels of business
inside political circles

wherever stabbing someone in the back can give you petty social cred or open up a space for your own advancement, you see women employing a time tested and effective tactic

Nope. Stop lying.

>cry me a river

No it isn't you goddamned crybaby. I'm glad I don't need to be a walking persecution complex to get through life like you people do.

>weinstein is just a guy, stop slandering him goyim

>let's fire every guy that gets accused of anything
>women never lie

Fuck this on every level, bootlickers and simpletons


Elizabeth Sampat once not only touched me inappropriately at a gamejam, but she also stole the last piece of pizza directly from my mouth while doing so.

I'm sure others saw it and will verify the authenticity of my story.

Where there's smoke, there's fire, and all that.

thats the kind of thought all lefty women hold

disgusting pedosatanic jews aren't men.

no you're not.

You know, you’re right. Everyone hasn’t been calling for his head since he was accused. No one thought the duke lacrosse team was guilty when they weren’t, either. People sure don’t jump to conclusions based solely on a woman’s word.

You deserve nothing less than death.

>only Jews are accused of rape

Way to miss the point, bud.

Hes right.

>user, you can't generalize about Muslims due to the actions of a few of them.
>user, don't you know that all men are to blame for rape culture?

The absolute state of woman logic.

just look up the casting stories for magic mike.

>say the lines
>take off your shirt
>take off your pants
>take off your underwear
>say your lines

>goyim you betting stop outing us cant you see this affects #allmen
fuck right off kikeroaches

sympathy, money, attention, everything women crave

>war against men

lurk more mgtow reetard

It's overwhelmingly a Jewish and Negro problem because rape inclination is much more common in subhumans.

This is all sideshow. Stop the jews = save the world. Simple as that.

If men were the issue why have so many women not come forward about these organized pedophile networks
Why are so many times women are the traffickers and children. To and from clients
Why do they remain silent
This isn't about the sexes
They are trying to make this a shot against men
We must go after the organized pedophile networks we must show the world how we as being lead

>What is due process?

Fact | removing criminals will you have the fat girls thinking they're entitled to us Chads.

Pro tip: don't sexually harass anyone

Listen and believe!!!!!!!!!!!


Pro tip: stop broadening the definition of sexual harassment

>duck face

Why is anyone paying attention to this garbage?

>it's not jews, goyim, it's MEN
>it's not homosexual pedophiles, goyim, it's MEN
>child rape didn't turn the victims gay, goyim, gay children were just more likely to be raped

>Jews pushing an argument against ~50% of Jews

Bold strategy.

I really don't want to hate women but jeez do they make it hard.

>this is how women would govern a society where they had institutional power
>they can't believe we don't let them run shit
female judges are such a good idea too I can't think of 30 times in the last year where a woman judge fucked up with woman logic in national news either




>firing every man accused
>with no evidence
this is the state of roasties

But that’s incredibly rare!!!! Think of the 1 in4!

You get sued for discrimination, forced to hire them or get shut down by the government.

Your only hope is that women don't notice your company.

nice try CIA.

With 63k likes...

We're bitter for valid reasons. She's bitter because nobody wants to fuck her gaping, rancid hole in between her legs.

Eesearch obama uranium deal

>meme flag
>meme idea

>Why would women go to all the trouble?
Depends on the case. A dejected woman can lie to punish a man for rejecting her, or using her as a fuckpuppet then dumping her.