Well well well, Sup Forums. You wanted a motive? You got one.
Buy bitcoin
>Trump supporter shooting other Trump supporters when there's plenty of Hillary supporters to shoot
Are you doubting BASED Ed Krassenstein?
Fuck off. Israel did Vegas. KYS FAGGOT
Where's the proof
They talk like bizarro Sup Forums. It's uncanny.
Really makes me think both sides are being agitated against each other, only they deny the corporate media is on their side.
right here buddy all the proof you need: twitter.com
>trump supporter
>shooting conservative country music fans
u wot?
Why can't liberals understand percentages?
50% of America is white
What's the surprise if half of the terror attacks are white?
Wow, this really roasted my chestnuts
That's not proof you stupid faggot, he didn't even post a link to the supposed Newsweek article proving the killer was a Trump supporter and all the stupid lefties are eating it up
Kill yourself
Really activates those almonds
Its really weird how much these people hate christians. I got over my edgy phase of atheist after like 1 year, and i was a teenager. Be glad you got your autism out of your system at younger ages Sup Forums the itnernet has allowed us on average to experience far more than boomers int the short time weve been here already
almost makes you think leftists are all brain dead mongoloids who are completely incapable of critical thought
here's the proof btw newsweek.com
Drumpfers btfo
>be happy because the US is prospering
>get labeled a Trump supporter
imagine being this retarded
>Fuck off. Israel did Vegas. KYS FAGGOT
EXACTLY what is the motive here?
i thought he had a non-voting record? wasnt that pulled up like literally the day his name was released?
>Paddock, a millionaire who reportedly would gamble up to $1 million a night in casinos, was attracted to the president's politics because of the boost the stock market has enjoyed since Trump took office, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo told KLAS, a local CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, during a two-hour interview.
How did this sheriff know this, exactly? Can anyone get the video to load? How was the sheriff familiar with Paddock?
>Article claims he lost most of his money since 2015
>Liked Trump because market doing well in 2017 when he has no money. Hmm.....
>Owns multiple Houses 2 new cars
>Sent 100k which he had liquid and available to his girlfriend overseas.
All while being broke and living in a 5k a night suite in Las Vegas.
>Finally this Trump supporter fact is from some stupid hearsay interview from the LVPD
>(((Jewsweek))) confirms something the FBI/CIA/ATF couldnt figure out for months
Talking to yourself?
who the flying fuck knows. if it's a guess, then literally anyone with a 401k, brokerage account, or any number of iras is a trump supporter
It didn’t even say he was a Trump supporter. It said that he was happy with his stocks going up since Trump got in office. Nothing about him supporting Trump during the campaign.
Right wing terrorists like Paddock need to be stopped
It's almost hard to believe someone would release this article.
This guy gets things.
>Trump supporter shooting up a country concert attended by 99.99% white people
>all trump supporters are white supremacists
pick one, antifa
im so glad the stock market has gone up so i can kill all these people in an operation that doesnt need to cost more than 2,000
this board gets shilled endlessly. Only shills pretend it isn't happening
He probably liked burgers as well
>"I bet he was a far left terrorist! I heard they found antifa literature in his room!"
>He was a rural Drumpf supporting retard the whole time
so disappointed Sup Forums I thought you were high IQ
Trump supporter targeted Country music festival where Trump supporters would be?
BS, ISIS took credit for a reason. The guy converted to Islam
You already got caught samefagging, just leave in shame already
>Paddock, a millionaire who reportedly would gamble up to $1 million a night in casinos, was attracted to the president's politics because of the boost the stock market has enjoyed since Trump took office, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo told KLAS, a local CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, during a two-hour interview
This is the evidence they provide
A deep state controlled sheriff said the shooter was a Trump supporter...
Based on the fact that he was a mysterious millionaire who was obviously happy with the stock market... therefore hardcore Trump supporter who shot up a country concert
>I like the stock market rising, thanks trump
>Trump supporter
uhh no. Who did he vote for?
how did you confirm it?
can we see?
Apparently anyone with money in the stock market is a Trump supporter
liberals looooove Trumps stock market!!!
>he was happy the stock markets were doing well
>this means he was a trump supporter
lmao literally grasping at straws here
>You wanted a motive? You got one.
So he kills 58 white people at a country concert?
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas was also a Trump supporter.
You heard it hear first.
Drumpflestiltskins are perpetually enraged by Drumpf's hateful rhetoric, they need to take it out using any means possible
Great riots guys. Job well done. Impeccable reporting. Paddock was a Trump supporter. Mind blown. I'm bluepilled.
I think I found something here guys
If he supported Trump that prove his attack on Trump supporters was not terrorism, which by definition is POLITICAL.
>so glad the stock market is up
>rolling in money
>now is the time to murder everyone and kill myself
This just makes it look like more of a cover up. Is this really supposed to be a motive?
Have we confirmed Hitler wss a Trump supporter yet? I bet he wouldve liked the stock market
Report earlier this week said his gambling losses since 2015 may have caused him to turn rogue. Said brain will be studied