Sup Forums
from the grave
Sup Forums
And thats why he's dead....
Illuminati killed him.
>musicians being lefty
more news at 11
He just wanted to fuck kathleen hanna. He was a pussy baby
beat me to it.
A lifestyle of drugs, nihilism and promiscuous sex did him in and now they think he's martyr.
And now he's dead! Score 1 for Sup Forums!
Mumbles doesn't like dissenting opinions.
Dude should suck start a shotgun.
>Don't come to our shows
lol ur ded
>Don't buy our records
Your music is ass
Done and done. Ezpz
That's the chick who wrote KURT SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT on his house?
yea she was singer in Bikini Kill.
That was more than 20 years ago you nigger.
The political climate has changed.
Back then being a lefty was the edgy thing, even Kurt said he sometimes wished he was gay cause he knew that would piss the normies off.
Now being right wing is the edgy thing. I bet he'd be browsing this board if he was born mid/late 90's.
He even has blonde hair and blue eyes.
>literal cuck
>sucked a big black boomstick to death
wow really makes me think
Man who made mediocre music was so mentally weak that he blew his brains out. Why should anyone care about what he said let alone anything he did in life.
I wonder what sort of happy, fulfilled life this mindset leads to - oh...
I don't want his shitty records, if he wasn't so ashamed to be white maybe he wouldn't have killed himself like a faggot
No. Being a nhilist progressive caused him to kill himself. Pathetic really. Could have been real cool
The guy was a closet fairy. His opinion is irrelevant.
did the wife murder him and make it look like a suicide? Any truth to those rumors?
I can't wait for God's fury to descend upon the Jews.
Pol hates nirvana. How they btfo?
Nirvana is shit tbqh
>tfw you thought the title of your biggest hit was deep but it was actually an advertisement for a girl's deodorant so you blow your brains out
Don't care, still love his music and admire him as a musician.
My favorite songs from him.
away from conspiracy theories, the most popular reason he killed himself was that he realised what a massive fucking sellout piece of shit he had become with the MTV generation begging to catch a glimpse of him.
You only have yourselves to blame for him being dead
See, this here is the exemplar fairytale American dream, happy ending and all!
Yes, absolute shit.
Nirvana was a shitty Pixies cover band
Well I don't necessarily hate homosexuals. I don't care that they exist. I just wish they'd shut the fuck up ow because most people in western countries accept them now. They aren't getting any more "acceptance" than what anyone else is subject to.
I don't hate people of different color. That was always just a stupid leftshit meme. I am a person "of color" and what frequenting places like Stormfront and Sup Forums has taught me is that racist has little, if anything to do with color, and has everything to do with behavior.
I don't hate women either. I hate femicommies.
But Kurt, you've been dead since I was 2 and I torrented all your albums when I was 14
I don't think so. The guy was a conflicted looney. His sucess didn't made him any favors as he was constantly seen as an hipocrite.
Whiney grunge rock fucking sucks
>Ancestors of pol do the exact opposite of what he says.
>Cobain gets depressed by his message drowning in the corporate populism of his music.
>literally kills himself
Sorry friendo! Leftists get BTFO all throughout history.
>kathleen hanna
Ever wonder what happened to her?
Man, Jewish women age like shit.
The virgin Nirvana vs. the chad Alice in Chains
She looks fine for an older lady.
>literal cuck
>Man who made mediocre
>Nirvana was a shitty Pixies cover band
Never went to any of their shows or bought one of their albums, so I'm good.
courtney love is acutally a pretty good singer
people who say shes not are youngsters who just follow the news
but shes too lazy to kill anyone
my guess is she was cucking him with billy corgen (a 6"3 giant) and kurt was a manlet
Poor guy seemed to only be attracted to feminist whores who would cuck and exploit him.
*blocks your path*
Pixies were shit too.
*subverts your music genre*
jokes on him
i torrented that shit
the smackie would be btfo if he hadnt done it himself already
shes married to Ad Rock from beastie boys
Basically the epitome of everything wrong with men today. Effeminate, self-centered, drug addict, weak. His music sucks ass too.
I'm glad he killed himself. I bet the devil is raping him in the ass in hell right now.
Nothing he did was anything beyond rudimentary.
When the industry at the time was all gay ass hair metal and shitty power ballads, than simple Rock with decent vocals can do a lot.
Grunge paved the way for alternative Rock to become mainstream, all thanks to Nirvana. Instead of flashy glam, in came thoughtful lyrics and more grounded Rock similar to R&R.
>Man, women age like shit.
He was using reverse psychology.
>"Don't come to our shows"
You will see us in concert
>"Don't buy our records"
You will buy our albums
A nice marketing strategy, Mr. Cobain.
Billy Corgan was much more important, and he's semi-redpilled
He's not a racist raging shitlord like some of us but still he woke
Most of the grunge guys still looked like Chads compared to their faggy hair metal predecessors.
aka Adam Keefe (((Horovitz)))
>Taking advice from someone who blew their brains out.....
Hmmm Really makes me think.
never bought a single one of his albums but I did see Nirvana live once just before they hit. not impressed.
potheads loved this dude
Ah those were the days...the days when I listened to rap music.
Hip hop and rap was peaking about this time, now this was before the crunk shit started happening. That was bad.
Giving a fuck about what some dirty heroin junkie thinks... KYS memeflagger
hair metal and glam isn't gay you fucking fag
its still cool
>Billy Corgan was much more important
He was a literal who until
>le world is a vampirah
>degenerate drug addicts are degenerate drug addicts; more at 10:59
>don't come to our shows and don't buy our records.
I think Nirvana is pretty shit desu.
Gooble gobble
alright, let's take Zappa off the list at least. He was pretty right-wing, workaholic, anti-drugs, and only people he hated more than christcucks were hippies.
Kurt would be an average /pol / poster pissing his parents and teachers with his anti semitism
Nigga what? Siamese Dream got huge right off the bat and Today and Disarm were both massive chart hits.
He died the way he lived, worthless.
I never bought your shit records to begin with. Every music that I listen to I pirate. Yours I pirate, listen to for 10 minutes, and then throw into the trash because i realize how shallow it is.
Being a depressed asshole that kills himself regardless of a family that he has may have been hot shit back in the 90s, but it sure as hell isn't so now.
If only you were alive right now. In that way I could tell you to kill yourself all over again.
>If you're a massive cuck, please shoot yourself in the face.
not gonna lie, around time toxicity from SOAD was released was peak nolstagia. Just days before 9/11. I still have soft spot for SOAD, rest can go to hell.
Nirvana sucks, and darwinism took care of that retard
I can't possibly stress this enough. You had/have a fucking daughter.
You egocentric arrogant asshole.
Kurt Cobain was good at blowing people the fuck out. He even blew himself the fuck out once.
I don't understand, how anyone can be this brainwashed? What the fuck is wrong with people?
I simply can not imagine the state of mind I would have to be in to get upset that people dislike homosexuals (mentally ill perverts who act strange), people of color (niggers) or had any negative opinions towards women.
What the fuck is their problem?
Having a daughter doesn't automatically stop chemicals from going into your brain, or your wife killing you. Whatever people believe.
>i realize how shallow it is.
kys metal cuck
That's because SOAD wasn't nu-metal and they were actually talented.
>what is their problem?
Who cares? They kill themselves. If anything, regarding problems, they sure as hell aren't yours.
They're literally solving the problem for you, one bullet, or 20 pellets, at the time.
Yup, he was a weakass "depression lol" faggot, the very definition of an untersmench.
No problem, Kurt. Your music was shit and you were an angsty faggot. I stopped listening to Nirvana when I was 15.
Literally who?
Advice from an alcoholic heroin addicted spoiled white boy who blew his brains out and didn't own up the the responsibility of raising his daughter.
>If you think Nirvana is a shallow minded shit band it means you're a metal loving cockfag
Walk to hell 5 times over for all I care. Nirvana is only popular because the lead singer killed himself. There's no other reason.
>Believing his wife killed him
Yes because people néver kill themselves...
Shut the fuck up, leaf.
There's this thing called "duty", maybe you should look what it means, you goddamn dogfucker.
Oh, shit....
Not an argument.
if you want to lower the age of consent. do it proper.
>be SJW
>be depressed and addicted to drugs
>blow your head off with a shotgun
Being a lefty was uncool back then. Once it became cool, he killed himself. If Cobain were alive today he'd probably be an alt-righter and be close to offing himself since it is almost popular.