How cucked is Bochum Germany?
How cucked is Bochum Germany?
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*breathes in*
Maybe they bred them with all their cousins to get a good hit on inbreeding.
I'm Algerian and i've raped 5 german girls during my stay here
germans are betas
I love ISIS now.
Nothing outstanding
ISIS has a strange taste, guy doesn't even look like a trap.
Post the archive hermano
>isn't intelligent enough to know he's in France even though he has a French flag
Top kek
I saw the guy giving an interview once. He is a psycho and is now just trying to pull a Kevin Spacey trying to get the LGBT community behind him.
hee hee, squeal like a goat
I live near there. It's turkey 2.0. NRW is the worst fucking state. I think here are more turks than germans
I'm planning to go america to rape some amerimutts too
It's from a satirical site, i can't found the archive.
Shit, I'm going to stay a Quartal there next year.
I'm not lying. It's pretty dangerous when you go out alone after dark. Avoid refugee centers!
Probably can't even find America on a map lol, wonder where you're going to end up this time. Probably in Armenia lolololol
Thanks for the advice
FUCKING LOL, Imagine some shitsskin jizzing on his big old butter tits in the middle of Syria,
I can get only this hard
Kek. This.
ive been there, it looks like a poor slavic village smells like shit and is filled with muslims
Get some pepper spray. It is almost in every local super market. Also almost all cities look like garbage after WW2. So don't expect anything "german" in Bochum. It is really ugly and filled with turks and illegal migrants.
I just want you to know Hans, I have absolutely zero respect for native germans. Abso-fucking-lutely ZERO. No respect for your pride, your intellect, your achievements, nothing. You might as well genocide yourselves...
>oh wait.
ok tyrone, we will follow your example and stay a gloriouse white nation
>It's from a satirical site, i can't found the archive.
Yea, it's fake. That guy was being interviewed and he actually promised that ISIS would invade Rome.
Everyone in this thread was a kiddo when ISIS invaded in 2014. So I don't blame you for not remembering.
that fat guy is living the life he could have never lived in germany
i feel happy for him
>t. pot v kettle