Black people

>Black people

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What's going on in this picture? I'm confused

Looks like they're throwing someone into a sewer


Pick one

Ask your wife's boyfriend

They dig up dead bodies and dance with/parade them through the street every year.

I highly doubt they have a sewer.

Which resulted in the return of the plague.

So it goes

I'm not sure what I expected


Digging up bodies actually takes some work. I find this very strange considering that niggers pretty much never want to work. They would actually starve to death rather than till some fucking soil. But here they are digging up dead bodies from the dead nigger storage and dancing around with them spreading the pneumatic plague. How have any niggers survived this long?


>Watching Louder With Crowder
My nigga


Thanks for the audio landscape tunes, friend. I needed that.

Fits the situation.
I don't like how people can pretend to be happy all the time and the fact that they need to push it onto others.

and you're welcome, nice rare

Indeed it does. You and me both. Cheers, m8.