Do you like black people Sup Forums? Why or why not?
Do you like black people Sup Forums? Why or why not?
Fuck off reddit, no one likes niggers and you already know that
I don't have a problem with black people. I have a problem with their culture.
You see criminals and thugs, I see a future doctor, lawyer, engineer, physician, President.
Only the ones I have redpilled.
FPBP. Blacks aren't human.
I have a problem with them being in my country. They can be themselves in Africa.
Only racists that can't compete with these scholars have a problem with this image.
Slavery is literally the actually objectively best thing to happen to the Black Race. If acknowledging facts using logic to come to that conclusion means I'm a Nazi, then I guess everyone who ever used their Brain was a Nazi.
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Who the fuck puts a google docs link on Sup Forums? Oh right, people who think we're dumb enough to click it and hand over our normie google account names.
Well, guess what? I ain't clicking that shit nigger.
Somalis are the cockroachs' cockroach.
"race is the root, culture is the flower"
Fucking niggers straight from africa are the worst. They are like frickin monkeys, closer to the animal than to the human. GAS EM
>Argentina is not whi-
Yeah that makes perfect sense because I make so much money off of blacks and am not taxed heavily because of them and DER PROGRAMZ.
Fuck off kike.
United States Niggers are just overglorified subhuman niggers.
lol shlomo
white people treat black people better than they ever treated themselves
Blacks sold blacks into slavery
Whites ended slavery
Youre ancestors owned the slave ships that profited from their misery
>their culture.
So black people, then. Their 'culture' is the product of their brains.
I despise black "culture" and ghetto rap music. Does that mean I hate black people? Im not sure.
>black people
>implying niggers are people
Link doesn't work, anyone have?
+1, not sure who would fall for that but I am sure someone has.