I dub this phenomenon "user's Law of Universal Epithets." Where's my Nobel Prize?
Carson Lee
self bump
Nicholas Gonzalez
Leaf nigger
Samuel Walker
>Bagpipe nigger Ok, that's pretty funny.
Evan Butler
get thee gone syrupnigger
Matthew Wright
>syrupnigger fantastic get. Saged.
Colton Jackson
Keep in mind that any word that is used to describe sub-saharan africans and their descendants will eventually become a slur, so user's law is actually, any ethnic stereotype can become a racial slur simply by adding the current racial slur for black people to the end.
Camden Long
nigger means black in latin
Anthony Gonzalez
greek nigger
Cooper Ross
Spaghetti Nigger is by far my favorite.
Nathaniel Edwards
It's actually spelt "Niger." Pronounced the same tho.
Noah Russell
>causing division against whites
Saged. Fucking Jewish shill.
Parker Howard
Where is ours?
Mason Morgan
Evan Moore
Cabbage Nigger, I thought it was pretty clever.
Nolan Richardson
>didn't include snow, teepee, syrup or igloo nigger
Jaxon Campbell
U wuz kangz n sheet?
Colton Fisher
O rly?
Wyatt Jones
Connor Gonzalez
Jeremiah Wilson
we are debt niggers
Joshua Lopez
Sausage wog
Nathan Powell
brit nigger
Nolan Nguyen
limey nigger
Isaiah Price
>taco nigger Cutting it kind of close to the end there, user. I was afraid you'd leave us out.
Justin Parker
Jace Brooks
the eternal leaf sage
Julian King
Mustamaakara nigger
Salmiakki nigger
Lihapiirakka nigger
Koskenkorva-swilling puukko-stabby nigger
Maybe it works better with Indo-European words.
Easton Miller
All founded by Achaean sea people, who were said to be large and fair in contradistinction to the local pockmarked leather skinned dark complected runts native to the area.
Owen Walker
chad nigger
Carter Long
Isaac Rivera
>self I don't buy it
Juan Thomas
>only 3 years have passed and we already use PoC as a slur Fucking truth here.