What snacks, drinks, food etc.. do you have for today?
Hopeful Happenings >Nov 4 Antifa Riots - 1pm EST (commies like to sleep in) >Solar Flare Drill - Nov 4 - 6 >Potential Martial Law Shenanigans see "Calm Before the Storm" Larp Threads
Ok some protesting but its not antifa tier people (no riots yet.) We await the cover of darkness.
The shills are still saying we've been trolled but cant explain the people protesting against trump/pence? I don't know how shilling works.
U.S. states they are protesting in and full page Ad they put in the NYT to come.
Rumours and news >Nov 4th is the 100 year anniversary of the Bolsheviks Revolution. >President trump is out of the country this weekend. >Berkeley sky banner during protests saying "it's ok to be white" happening at 1:00-1:20pm >Rumoured 2600 black block German antifa have made their way over to the USA for the protests. >Rumoured antifa in germany in consultation with ISIS refugees have now trained with ISIS in the middle-east. >Rumoured antifa are gunning for a South Korea style impeachment of trump. >was the nambla antifa banner a false flag?
COMMUNISM WILL RULE THE EARTH y'all cumskins better run and hide
Nicholas Harris
theres like 50 people, already dispersing
Austin Peterson
>tfw there's been so many false alarms this week honestly, every time there's gunshots now an "active shooter" is reported and we all freak out for it to be nothing.
Thomas Russell
How about we organize a protest at chili's.
Kevin King
Lee Ann McAdoo-- Pretty much the definition of wifey material.
David Jones
Theyre asking for money, if youre broke, 5 bucks please! if youre rich 5000, no plan on how to spend it. Fucking gullible.
Zachary Martinez
States they are holding protests.
Remember a lot of protests to be held at 4pm.
Adam Smith
fuck why am I almost falling asleep at 9 pm. I slept like 12 hours
Lol montana.. As a Coloradan, they deserve it. lol
Camden Kelly
Is Gines Puerto Rican or Italian?
Grayson Brown
reminder to filter the words nothingburger and larp
James Sullivan
Probably because so far it's been fucking bland. That being said, it's unreasonable to expect Antifa to do anything before 1pm
Wyatt Hall
>fascists should fear us
>it's a weak, frail, and sickly midget of a woman
Nicholas Jenkins
Xavier Nguyen
I can't speak for Sup Forums, but I believed it would be a failure and I guessed right. And if it's a "confirmed fake russian event," what does that say about the few dozen lefties that showed up?
Andrew Morgan
>I thought they had guns. Anyone that fights back(even if they are attacked) will be slandered as a fed. The left eat their own after all.
>ok there a bucket going round, you really need to dig deep >ok you see those guys in orange hats, they are marshals, you need to follow them >there are some staff going round with coloured cards, these are contact cards, it's really important we get your contact details so we can reach you at home >ok remember we need money, if you can go to refusefacism.org/donate it's really important >now you need to go to revcom.us for the revolutionary communist party >you all look a bit old we need to get young people
my god this is awesome they are raping the boomers who turned up to protest and everyone is uncomfortable
Thomas Diaz
that's a mexican tranny user
Noah Kelly
rand paul assaulted! is this how it begins?
Jason Powell
Just a reminder many other city protests are supposed to start in half an hour.
Have faith brothers places like baltimore and chicago will save us.
Cameron Jackson
Montana > Colorado At least > Denver, which has gotten so shitty since Obama was elected I want to cry. >t. native of Denver, lived here my whole life
Isaac Lewis
i have a feeling things will take a different turn after dark
Should I go get beer now or will this never get exciting?
Matthew Carter
I used to work Papa Johns
If you're bagging on Montana you're clearly some transplant faggot from the coasts
Parker Price
Reminder that today is the last stand of the left. With all the crimes of the left coming to light and trumps power growing more secure by the day, it's now or never for them. If there's nothing big today then expect the left to die slowly and pathetically
Andrew Nelson
>Damage controlling before the event is even over.
Connor Anderson
this is our best bet
Angel Fisher
trips says the CIA will try some shit.
Carter Sanchez
She is the very definition of average.
Josiah Bell
Brody Bennett
tonight maybe
Evan Wood
1 more speech in new york then they'd hit the streets they said
Justin Johnson
Checking your own digits renders them null, newfag
Easton Stewart
Jeremiah Fisher
NEW CHANT >We, we are, we are the thousands
Gavin Edwards
hmm... go on
Caleb Gomez
haahahaha this chant
Ian Sanders
I agree, soybean oil is so much better. Estrogen! YUM YUM
Austin Harris
open society foundation is soros, what the fuck
Oliver Ramirez
I like average smug girls
Jeremiah Murphy
Thomas Bell
they've gone too far now
Adam Torres
Can we please start getting fashy now? These people would get crushed effortlessly under fascism.
Jaxson Bailey
It's that long neck professor that was on FOX News
Jace Gomez
Truly the best pizza money can buy! Bring home to the kids playing in the pool (sorry I'm a little wired right now) and play dominoes on some tasty papa johns!
Connor Edwards
>no birthing hips :( disappointing
Logan Anderson
If I hear that fucking chant one more time...
Logan Rivera
you might as well go user, I'm going to take a dump meanwhile too
Grayson Hernandez
Daniel Lewis
If real, I would love a high def version of this, just so the message is loud and clear,