Why aren't you married yet Sup Forums?
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girls don't talk to me.
I want to gather enough resources before I marry and have children, so that I can support my family.
i'm having trouble finding a girl who will go out with me.
Also with more resources I can attract a higher quality mate. I want to finish my engineering degree first and get a high paying job or maybe start my own company.
Take away women's rights and I will get married in a heartbeat
>Also with more resources I can attract a higher quality mate.
More ambitious gold digger
I have no desire to become "more attached to the labor force," working my ass off to support some dizzy bitch who is under no legal obligation to provide me anything in return. Life's too short to live it as a slave, whether to an employer or to a woman
I love sucking dick too much to marry a woman
Buy bitcoin
I'm divorced now. Turns out my ex wife didn't love me, but rather my money.
So in a way, I was used and I was oblivious to it.
I've never felt romantic attraction before in my entire life. I've never understood kissing. It's never aroused me and I've never wanted to kiss anyone before in my life.
All women are biologically programmed to be more attracted to men with resources/status. It's just how the world works. Women are hypergamous - it's their nature. If she earns more than you she will probably leave you. Keep that in mind.
checks out
>I want to plan for my family
You will never have one. Go rawdog swedish whores if you want to save your race.
When women are ovulating they are more likely to seek artistic or rebellious types.
Women partner up with rich guys and fuck bad boys.
>married men more likely to be submissive cucks
>implying becoming more attached to the labour force is a good thing
To work is to lose. If you work but don't get concrete control like then you are a cuck.
>tfw no gf
im gonna kill myself lads
I tend to hold people at arms length and have a wall around me. It makes it difficult for people to form emotional attachments to me and vise versa. I've been disillusioned by women's playful and flirty behavior to the point where any sort of advances are seen as merely friendly banter. I don't hesitate to tell women that Im interested, but the ones I am interested in don't seem to be interested in me. I also don't indulge in casual sex as that is a sin against myself and my future spouse.
I haven't a clue how to look for a wife.
I love the idea of marriage, but I don't think I could ever trust a woman enough to marry her, even a "conservative" woman such as a Christian or those brought up in more traditional countries such as the Far East.
indoor dog vs outdoor dog
Why would anyone marry a western whore in this day and age? You can just rent or use them for fucking free and toss em as soon as they get bitchy.
I’m single, never married, I get paid really well and only work 4 days a week. I’m by no means a company lapdog, I get the shit done and enjoy my free time spending my earnings. I own 2 cars and a motorcycle, next week I’m closing on a house with pool.
I fail to see how being married could’ve improved me as a person. If anything her “wanting to travel the world” would’ve put me into debt. Fuck that
story of my life
Correlation is not causation. It could be they're married because they are more attached to the labor force and don't abuse substances more often, etc
>unwilling to raise another man's children
>prefer to control my own money
>prefer to control my own future
>have no particular interest in having children
>fox maid marian is not real (yet)
enough reasons?
i dont need to marry. I'll always be desirable because im male, attractive and have money. Women are basically worthless right now
saving up for a fucking ring
can't wait to be a dad though
because I'm an alcoholic with profound social anxiety and therefore shitty social skills. I do nothing but drink, watch movies, play video games and browse Sup Forums and reddit. this limits the scope of my conversational ability to shit most women don't want to talk about
I'm a bit jealous of women, but I don't hate them or anything. to do so would be stupid - what are they supposed to do? break down my door and drag me back to their cave? it's my fault I am lonely. I am unwilling to leave my comfort zone
This was one of the VHS tapes I watched 100 times when I was 4 but it didn't make me a furry.
no marriage until the 88 precepts are achieved
there's nothing to talk about
4/5 men lose their children at no fault of their own.
you're fucking crazy.
fell for the arts meme after highschool and pursued it for six years, am currently working on a different path so that i can earn steady enough to support a family
The you you seek is a worthless I individual typing in Jesus
Getting married at the end of June.
Only a few more months to go.
>get married
>more than 50% change to lose half of everything you own or be sent to jail
when they come off the assembly line I'll purchase a waifubot. you can't rush good tech to market.
these statistics are misleading. Married men are usually older than unmarried men, which implies that they have generally a higher social status.
you talk to them user, that is how it works
I don't want to lose half my shit
>women are more likely to marry men that have jobs
>women are more likely to marry men that aren't druggies
>women are more likely to marry men that don't commit crimes
>women are more likely to marry men who take care of themselves
Why are people so bad at interpreting statistics?
Waste of money
Just watch free pov porn and jerk off
Only if you live in North America
She was a pro abortion zealot and didn't want kids.
Talk about what?
Marry? HAHAHAHAHAHA nice try roastbeef. Hurry up and rot in the ground while I continue to play my vidya. I've never cared about women and I'm not going to start now.
unless you are a literal monster confidence and taking care of your self and surroundings is literaly the only thing you need also a promice of stable money (you dont need money now, just make it look that you will have them in the future)
>marriages that are going well go well
>marriages that go poorly end in divorce
Whole west is cucked
Your not even allowed to do DNA test for parenthood in france
how about cindy?
Because I'm a socially awkward retard
Almost married a lesbo one time.
It usually works the opposite way.
A family gives you stability at home, and motivation to move forward.
Don't start a family while you're in debt, or have a serious illness you need to recover from, but too much planning is inefficient, and just results in you having less kids.
Marrying under today's circumstances is suicide. Easy for Peterson to not speak I'll of marriage when he married his childhood qt decades ago.
Don't feel bad user, women aren't capable of love.
In the UK, judges automatically throw out any prenups, they are not legally binding here.
Have you seen quality of UK women?
I'm 42, a millionaire, and never married.
Life is gud m8.
When it turns into Mad Max/Uganda here I will flee with my shekels to somewhere else.
>just get married bro
>do it for the White race!
>think about your legacy!
I am getting married though
having armour around your soul is healthy, but dont forget that when you are wearing it you are expected to fight in it (life is war user, enjoy it)
>marry a roastie
>lost half your shit
finding a woman is a good start
no one would sign a lease for a car with the kind of legal and financial risks marriage does.
hasnt worked for shit in 6000 years and is the reason for the banishment and Christ's first coming. no need to do it now. with a woman anyways. i'd like to not be defiled by pussy and get into the 144,000 thank you very much. also i have nothing in common with women and you always divorce? you can claim you enjoy them and are in common with them? what are you a tranny? enjoy the shoe shopping and alimony
>just put your head in the sand and get married bro
>who care if you have to share your wife and take a marriage license test every 5 years as a straight white male
>muh white race
Sup Forums in a dystopic future
childeren are the source of your immortality, make some and raise them well and feel the joy of having them
That's sexual harassment user.
Finding a wife and finding a woman are two different things.
I'm fuck ugly, what's your excuse op?
yeah well women tend to like that
one comes after the other, find a good woman and make her a good wife
Who wants to permanently attach themselves to constant bitching?
And seriously, does this thread belong on /pol?
1. Women just arn't approachable - Always get a bad attitude with them. They are lazy and can't even be bothered to say hi. Say Hi back in the incorrect way? You're in the dog house. This is southern women in the UK though i'm talking about, northern slags seem to be a bit different.
2. Marriage laws - If i told a woman that when we get married, i will be able to take half her shit, her kids, shack up with whoever and kick her out of the family home. Do you honestly think she would still be for marriage? State has fucked marriage up royally. The Muslims of course don't have this problem, because the state has no power over Islamic marriage due to most of them not being recognized by the state (Muslims don't sign marriage registration form).
3. Telegony - This plays on my mind, why was virgins so highly prized? If it gets exposed that women carry the DNA of previous fuckbuddies, and this then passes on to their children, who in their right mind would want a kid with anyone other than a virgin? I think women know this is true, hence their bullshit in court about fatherhood about 'being there for the kid' and that 'biology doesn't mean anything anyway'. They know that the Russians, Poles, or Chinks would expose this shit in a heartbeat and kill western 'culture' stone dead. It's also why Shitskins ignore the age of consent laws, and why they want to bus whites with niggers and sent young women to collage to 'find themselves'. Feminism is dead if Telegony gets proved.
4. Town bike - I'm not shacking up with someone who has been around the block and a bit, i would want my 'fun' also. Truth is i only wanted one. But i kept getting led on for attention. Christ what a fucking mug i was, now i've wizened up, i don't let women waste my time. If she doesn't know if she likes me or wants to attempt to make a move within the first 10 minutes, i'm off.
This disapproves everything in the tweet
Get your test levels checked my man
use it as a weapon, ugly guys tend to be scarier witch is good for protecting a child and what the woman needs, now you just need to not be a pussy and be able to provide
I started taking more drugs since I got married. Explain that mr smartass-
>meth addicts suffer fewer number of health problems than non-users (because they fucking die quickly from the meth)
Better start using meth, user.
1. I can't court girls without them getting paranoid that I'm "taking advantage of them" when I fuck them because they're brainwashed by feminist cults to hate male sexuality
2. When I do marry there's a huge risk of getting fucked over by corrupted family courts and not being able to see my kids
In other words, women tend to marry men who have steady jobs, are not depressed, not alcoholics or drug addicts, and take care of their health. WOW, who expected THAT? Next, they'll discover that rich people are usually wealthy.
How about you fulfill your biological imperative instead of being a good consumerist goy
>Touch woman
>Claim harassment/rape
>Others are degenerates ruined by society
I'll stay single.
i don't like
> coalburners
> tattooed
> piercings
> dyed hair
> single mom
> non virgin
> niggers
> spic
> blondes
so why even bother
I am married though.
until they're taken away by your wife, and taught to hate you.
Let me lay this out for you real slow my friend
He's pointing out that the left is trying to destroy marriage
He's pointing out the good things men get from traditional marriage
He's not saying men need to marry in today's climate
>having a family magically prevents you from being a victim of crime
Sometomes Peterson has some retarded fucking ideas.
If they get paranoid when you court them it's because you're a creep. They want dick, user, be the dick they want
>I don't hesitate to tell women that Im interested
This could either be alpha or autistic
I'm gonna go with the latter
It's a nice misleading sample because you get to automatically purge all the divorced men because they're no longer married.
This is flawed thinking. You should get married and help each other build a life together. Not build a life and bring a random whore into it.
Not if you're just an average guy. If you don't already make them weak in the knees they'll just hate you for interacting with them at all, you fucking peasant. Then the cops show up and put you in a cage for being a bad person.
well since you know what you dont want, the frame of the girls you do want is smaller and thus it is esier to eliminate the shit from the cream and zhe cram will be that much sweeter
>find a brunete christian waifu is what im saying
The amount of stormfag virgin trolling itt is unbearable. Of course you should try to find a decent woman and marry her. Having a family improves quality of life. This is true and this is what oppost was reminding us of. You don't need a lot of stability or investment to have a wife. You just need a mindset that you need a women by your side.
Great, so when can we expect Peterson and the rest of the tradcons to hop onboard the 'take away womens rights' train?
The ONLY WAY you are going to save the western world is taking away womens rights.